What game comes out on the 5th?
This 5.
A masterclass in PvE and PvP FPS content and storytelling does, you silly goose :P
No this 5
I actually enjoyed the first one on PS3 but have no interest in this game. Looks to be more of the same, which I grew tired of.
Oh, i see.
I enjoyed the first one but I work 15 hours a day, 7 days a week and simply don't have time for it.
I'd love to play it though.
24th oct on pee see
The calm before the storm before /dg/ autists ruin this thread.
haha get a better job and play it, silly!!!
inb4 it's like 15 hours of content, and after that all you do is repeat the same instance like 50 times.
>105 hours a week
I was gonna hold out for the PC version but I'm impatient and don't want to wait 2 months. What finally got me to break is the fact that there's a PS4 exclusive strike and PvP stage
another shooty shooty and looty
i am literally out of breath
can't wait
for the fun
not playing an fps on a console, sorry
never played the first one and the beta was underwhelming as fuck, I don't really mind waiting, or not playing at all actually
>not waiting for to buy it when the first expansion is out and everything has been ironed out and there's actual content.
it's gonna be a real hoot! lol :P
Honestly I need to ask, why would anyone other than the retards who have been trapped due to the time they already put into the first one even care about this game? Its made so they can sucker the most out of you with minimum content and its Beta did nothing to make it seem anything other than bland. There are other games out there, some free mind you, that will scratch the same itch and probably have more content than this game will in its entire lifespan.
Plus remember PC and Xbox players, you guys are fucked by paying the same price but losing out on content, regardless if you think its significant strikes or not, that are locked out till Sony says so. I mean Destiny 1 is going to get all that content for Xbox/PC when Destiny 2 launches, when its irrelevant as hell, are you guys willing to get cucked out of content?
Because we aren't falling for the same shit again.
Pic related
The leaks destroyed any bit of hype i had left.
It's literally vanilla D1 with a coherent story that you'll play only once.
Wrong pic.
Because It doesn't come out until the 24th
did u guys see that live action commercial with nathan fillion?? SO EPIC!!!! FOR THE PUPPIES!!! lol :P
I like it because it's a game I can pick up for 30 minutes, run a strike, then put down and go about my day. I don't have to put a shit ton of time into it so the lack of content doesn't bother me. I think the gunplay is great and I like loot games.
Because I barely played the first one which I got a few months ago on PS4 because I'm too shy
Also the PC version releases later and people on consoles were already using PC+keyboard, so why bother with the console version?
What other shoot and loots are there except for Borderlands?
how could I be excited when true real goty comes out on the 14th
it comes out late October
destiny 1 was the same shit though, this is nothing new. They were spouting 2006 era ROFL so randumb winrar internets! shit and playing bad music ever since the first trailers of the first game
PCfag here, paying less in the long term because I don't need to pay to use my internet
now check my 6
Cause the best edition comes out on the 24th of October.
I can't wait to shoot things all over again!
It's my destiny!
Because the real version is coming out in 2 months and the game doesn't look amazing
I'm not trying to be a dick I'm just telling you if you fell for the Destimeme the first time don't fall for it again and if you think this is a good time to jump in just don't it's garbage.
No PC version no fucks given.
A console game? What am I twelve?
And the remaining hours you spend shit posting on Sup Forums?
I read at work and get moist for gaming at home.
Then go pick up another game, most people recommend Warframe cause its essentially the same shit. Go in for a few missions, craft your weapons and done. Your money can be used for something else.
Fair enough but you're still losing out on content till Sony lets go of it
You act like one, so yes?
I can't even put my finger on it, but a mix of the polished presentation and large amount of hidden areas and events kept me playing it.
And the rewards were essentially Exotic Weapons. They should have spread them across the game earlier because they were the best bits.
Taken King was good because the dreadnaught was chocker-block with nooks. Shit like doors making a buzz when certain criteria occur, figuring out a puzzle to make them open and crap.
Because they got disappointed from the first one and expect this one to be the same DESPITE every expansion fixing quality of live issues and making the game better.
I'm hyped for it user, don't worry, but this is my first time on Sup Forums because I'm not a negative Nancy.
But I do care. I pre-order the deluxe edition and have it pre-loaded.
fuck of shill
PS4 is gonna get more timed exclusive content by the way. Weapons included. I was thinking of going for PC too, but the massive playerbase and content for PS4 is too much. I can't imagine how buttblasted Xboxbros were when they found out they would have to wait a whope fucking year to use Hawkmoon.