A console meniscus is when you've spent more money on games for a console than the console itself...

A console meniscus is when you've spent more money on games for a console than the console itself. Have you reached that for the Switch?

>Disgaea 5: Complete
>Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Splatoon 2
>Cave Story+
>Puyo Puyo Tetris
>Monster Hunter Double Cross
>The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+
>Super Bomberman R
>Sonic Mania
>a bunch of Japanese indies


> Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
> Splatoon 2
> Mario + Rabbids
> Sonic Mania
> Snipperclips
> Shovel Knight
> Tumbleseed (why did I buy this)
> Mario Odyssey preorder

>ARMS (probably return it when i get odyssey, although it is pretty fun when getting drunk with buds)
>Mario + Rabbids (actually fucking fun)
>Sonic Mania
>Shovel Knight
>Tumbleseed (eh)
>Blaster Master 0
>Mighty Gunvolt Burst
>I am Setsuna (mistake even on sale)

just for fun my PS4 list
>persona 5
>ni oh

: (

I'd say so. Then again, thanks to stocking up on Gamestop gift cards through surveys and Internet promotions, I only paid $125 for my Switch. It only took Mario Kart, Bomberman, and Street Fighter to surpass that sum.

have you tried Yakuza or Gravity Rush?

Like the majority of Sup Forums I do not own a Switch.

played GR1 on my vita (lel) and thought the idea was cool but i got pretty bored eventually. is the second one any better? yakuza looks pretty neat, been waiting for zero to drop a bit in price and i'll check it out then.

I'm at exactly $300 I think
Mario Kart
Puyo Puyo
Fast RMX
Sonic Mania

I thought GR2 was an improvement with the addition of the new gravity powers and the city but if you didn't really like the first one its probably not worth it

As a former Wii U owner I've gotta give it to Nintendo for having a great first year this time around. Don't know how many of you were here 5 years ago, but who else remembers when the ONLY game the system had was New Super Mario Bros U? People complain about ports and multiplats, but NSMBU was the only reason to have a Wii U for a long ass time

thanks for the tip : )
yeah i'm pretty impressed, the games may not be someones thing but you have to admit they cover a pretty wide swath of genres. curious to see what's in the next direct and how it looks after its second year.

>Splatoon 2
>Sonic Mania
>Mighty Gunnnvolt
>KoF 2000

around the same amount, maybe a little bit less. Anyway, i'm getting Odyssey and Pokken in the upcoming months, so that small cap will disappear eventually

Has ANYONE that has a PlayStation 4 and Xbox One reached this for Xbox? No reason to own that fucking piece of shit.

Splatoon 2
Puyo puyo tetris
Fast rmx
Sonic mania
Kof 98

Not yet

for my PS4
>Street Fighter 5
>MvC: I

is more or less the same amount of money I invested on the console since I friend of mine actually sold it to me.

>Splatoon 2
No, not yet. I really wanted MK8D but I couldn't justify buying it at full price when I still have it on Wii U.

>splatoon 2
>puyo puyo tetris
>sonc mania
>Shovel Knight
>Metal Slug 3
>Has Been Heroes
>KoF 98
>1 2 Switch
>Blaster Master 0
>Fast RMX
>Neo Turf Masters

I have

Switch yes. Plus splatoon pro controller. 500 canadian plus tax

Zelda 80
MK8D 80
Splatoon 80
Mario rabbids 60 (e3 discount)
So 300 this far however i have on pre order : nights of azure 2, rocket league, skyrim, metroid and mario odyssy.

Not a single regret what so ever and i was a wii u owner from launch.

Oh and i suppose i should add snipperclippers and overcooked as digital

I'm still holding out for a hardware revision and more Wii U ports until I drop the money on a Switch. Once Travis Strikes Back hits though I'm going to have no choice.

I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have bought half of the games I have if not for my prime discount, it's a blessing and a curse

i don't know who these sluts are but the one second from the right is best

Smart man, I wish I had your resolve

BotW + DLC = like ¥10k
MRKB + DLC = like £65

two games alone cost me over half the system's MSRP, games are expensive

I have the other usual shit too, so yeah I've probably spent like ¥40k on software

Mine is just a Splatoon/BotW machine right now. Was hoping Hollow Knight was going to be out by this point but I guess not.

On a side note I lost interest in the Switch

I already own/paid for:
>Cave Story+ GS LE
>Sonic Mania LE
>De Mambo (code)
>Kamiko (code)
>Monhun XX e-capcom ver.
>Touhou Kobuto V Burst Battle LE

I don't even have a Switch yet.


Did you order the sword too? Mine is actually getting here tomorrow. I paid for it back in January, then it went to tenso some time in May, then I had it SAL'd in July.

You stole my picture. Fuck you

Don't have one yet, won't have one until I can expect to achieve that
that or I'll cave and get it just for odyssey and splatoon

>Super Bomberman R
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Puyo Tetris
>Binding of Isaac
>Vroom in the Night Sky
>Splatoon 2
>Mighty Gunvolt Burst


I have probably spent more than $300 on games for my Switch, yes. All the big names of note and random shit in the eShop should make up the difference.

Yes, had it SAL'd at the end of June.
Got it separately with the postcards since they were sold out of it back then on the mynintendo store.

Is it worth getting the Switch versions of Gunvolt over the 3DS ones?

As far as having the games on the more relevant piece of hardware, yes. I'm a stickler for playing 2D games with a d-pad though and the Switch by far has the worst d-pad of any official Nintendo product, which is why I prefer playing those games on 3DS

Smooth 60fps on the big screen with superior audio.