This will be dead on PC by the time the first expansion hits, right?

This will be dead on PC by the time the first expansion hits, right?

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yes. also aimbots and cheat engine.

As long as my friends are still playing I don't see a problem
Destiny 1 had aimbots too, what's the problem?

i don't think so

People got to play the beta and see how shit it is. Gonna be DoA.

>cheat engine
>being this retarded
here's your (you)

Doubt it, you're forgetting PC folk never have anything to play for very long periods of time.

I honestly only want to play this because we haven't had a Halo campaign on PC since Halo 2. I've been through so many shooters and nothing scratches that Halo itch. I really hope Destiny can do it.

it's shit.
played the beta, no fun to play this gam.
ennemies are sponge bob and fps is litterally halo and cod style.
this game can stay on console

i agree, it's also an mmo-lite without a huge commitment

I don't even want to play this trash but my cousin had me join his clan.
And 5 other randoms are in his clan that I don't even know.
Fuck me.

Are we getting expansions late? If so, yes. Community driven games shouldn't come out late for certain platforms.

what the fuck are you talking about you retard?

too spongy for me to enjoy it as an fps honestly

Well it's p2p which typically kills games on pc. It's also got a built in aimbot that can be abused. But hey it's on battlenet and runs on toasters so it's really anyone's guess

I wish this game never existed.
I have to waste my life playing it with my cousin.

Consoles win again (as usual; enjoy your dead communities and Denuvo on your 2000 bricks)


the game IS the expansion, but they're making you pay full price for it lul

>winning at anything ever

Is he twisting your arm and shoving it up your vagina

>when $60 cpu and $140 gpu can run this game at 1080/60 and consoles can't
I thought console games were supposed to be more optimized?

I'm trying to be a good family member.
Something a young loser wouldn't understand.

Must be nice to be straight crazy or retarded enough to delude yourself you didn't waste money

Destiny 2 is shit.

And the pc port will be even worse.

no you don't, you can do whatever the fuck you want. How can you be this much of a pushover.

You could argue about playing older games but eventually you get bored.

Like your virginity on promnite op. ;)

just play warframe it's literally the same game

Most people who played the beta enjoyed it including myself. Its not the greatest game ever no but it will be fun.

>How dare a game, let alone a beta, have bugs in it.

how do you know most people enjoyed it? just because you enjoyed it?

I played the beta with a neutral mindset towards Destiny and I fucking hated it, as well as my friends, some of which have been hyping this turd for weeks

>AMD poorfags blaming the game and not their hardware

The game was very easy to find a match in, meaning people enjoyed the beta enough to keep playing it.

Every streamer that played it said they loved the beta and will be getting it. In b4 lol ecelebs. They hold a lot of advertising power for normies.

It won't reach peak WoW numbers or anything like that, but saying it'll be DOA is just wrong.

Go on.

Depends if the PCfags are smart enough to avoid this game and avoid the disaster Consolefags had do deal with in D1.

Because he's my favorite cousin and I want to spend time with him.
Just happens to be a shit game.

>also aimbots
why would you bother installing one when you can just plug a controller in and get the console version's aggressive autoaim

Its going to be dead before it releases on PC, its absolute garbage that is releasing with even less content than vanilla destiny had. You would have to be a brain dead moron to fall for this meme again
>multiplayer game with p2p servers on PC
Directly into the trash it goes

>This will be dead

Yeah just like the first one died.

Is there a PC shooter with paid expansions that hasn't died out?

the first one was on PC?

Destiny 2 runs like dogshit on Ryzen. I'm guessing Intel paying devs to not optimize.

I'm excited for it. U mad?

i too am excited for it

>I'm going to waste my money on garbage
>U mad?

Sup Forums will have 300 replies telling you you're autistic and explaining how shit the game is.

I will be excited for it with you user, I dug the beta.

>bought and played Destiny 1 with some friends on 360
>hated it, felt like a more boring Borderlands
>Destiny 2 announced
>same friends talk me into getting it
>literally just looks like more of the same
god damn it
at least I'm playing it with friends

PCbro here. It will be less than half the playerbase of PS4 for sure by the first month. It's a console shooter. I think by the time expansion one drops, it will at best be around 15k, at the worst 10k. By the second one, I'll be impressed if it stays over 10k.

Game will have a good launch, some console peasants will eventually swap over to PC

Casuals and babies will stop playing by muh grind

Veterans and die hard fans will keep playing even though we'll fucking hate ourselves

Game will have a decent sized community for its lifespan and still be a solid 7-7.5/10 just like the first one

Is it worth playing Destiny 1 on PS4 in single player for the campaign before 2 comes out for PC? I ain't paying for PS+ to play a console shooter, but I'll blast through a story mode for $3.

I think it will be good for awhile and will attract a specific audience for sure and maybe bring some console players to pc or something. But there's some good looking fps games coming soon.

This. Destiny 2 and PUBG are all PC players will touch for the next couple years.

Just the fact its on Bnet will keep it going

Are you serious? They give you aim assist on PC if you just plug in a fucking controller?

Who cares. Even with aim assist helping it a mouse is still way, way better.

Yeah, a lot of PC games have this issue for whatever retarded reason. Titanfall 2 had it for quite a while but patched it out. Chances are it will be gone by the time the game releases on PC.

But its no different from using a KB+M adapter on console, really.

Problem being that if you emulate controller inputs with a mouse and keyboard you inherit both the precision and speed of a mouse in addition to the assist. At least in theory.


PC players will eat this game up like nothing else.

Probably pubg levels of popularity.

betas aren't actually betas for the game, they are server tests. the game is finished

no steam = no buy

looks like shit anyway

All the non Destiny streamers went back to PUBG less than 4 hours after they started the beta, and never went back to it, that I saw. They tired of it pretty quickly.

You're quite wrong on that son. However, let's play devils advocate and pretend you're right, the fact is you're mad a game has bugs when literally every game has them.

BTW Did you never enjoy trying to break levels in old games or try to escape the map? Its pretty fun dude.

>the game is finished
>when the game changed between the first and second beta
>it's impossible to fix a single bug in the next two months before the game releases digitally
Just because a few strawman comics were made about shit betas making shit games doesn't mean they're 100% the same every time.

the game is releasing in a few hours. Its done

I dont blame them, it was hardly anything unless they want to play COD with space magic multiplayer. Destiny 1 beta was expansive because it was the first third of the game in it's entirety.

Pre ordered it as well, i hope you get to enjoy the game user!

>Wanna preorder the deluxe edition and get all that DLC bullshit out of the way and have em straight from the start
>Don't have the money for it nor do I have a paypal so I have to buy a $100 Blizzbucks card

It's all suffering for me right now

>17 story missions
>5 strikes
>1 raid
>no dedicated servers
>having such a pathetic amount of content for a repetitive loot grinder
>the biggest complaint about D1 was lack of content
>D2 is going to release with even less content

>mfw shit eating consolebabbies will still buy it

I played the beta and never touched the first one. Overall how much actual time can I expect out of the PvE content? Just running through the stuff for the first time. No interest in really grinding for items. Shooting seemed fun at least.

>destiny being optimized on any system
the pc version will be a buggy nightmare even with it being delayed


Not much. You're going to run through the same content for items to craft weapons and armor and complete sidequests

>Playing DLCtiny instead of Warframe

Nah user.

thanks for letting us know you didn't play the pc beta

But it's not a buggy nightmare? The game ran great on crap hardware and gets 144+ on high end rigs with settings maxed.

It runs great on PC (assuming you're not an AMDoofus)

Game is still thoroughly mediocre and I won't be buying it.

>game will be dead because PCbros all have ADHD and have to jump games every week
>will abandon D2 to go back to their streamer bait pubg shit or WoW or LoL
>will whine about not able to finish content because they don't have any friends that will group with them
>meanwhile the PS4 and Xbox will have communities in the 100k+ range from D1's dedicated fanbase with tons of people to do content with

Being a PCbro must be suffering? How's that twitch stream going, faggot?

>Lose the reduced recoil mice get
>Lose 1-to-1 mouse movement
>Get controller-capped turn speed
>Get weird acceleration curves
>All to get some aim assist
Normal mouse plus keyboard is superior if you aren't fucking awful.

I got the standard game and expansion pass. Deluxe just had in-game items and emotes or some shit, waste of money.

I enjoyed the beta, the pvp was strategic and with balance patches and content the game will probably suck a lot of time out of my life.

I've always wanted something like Halo but on PC.

I'm seeing a lot of hipfire instead of ADS
is the game mostly hipfire like halo now?

>PCbros all have ADHD and have to jump games every week
>The platform known for having game communities well outlast their console counterparts

It's almost as if you're an ignorant console shill or something

>ennemies are sponge bob
this. i hate that bullet sponge shit. beta was all I needed to know it was something I can do without. I'll admit it ran smooth on my pc tho

>will whine about not able to finish content because they don't have any friends that will group with them
That's more than half of the console gamers of Destiny. You can check the stat on achievement/trophy earned for raid.

>game will be dead because PCbros all have ADHD and have to jump games every week
Why don't they feel the need to jump from WoW or LoL then?
Oh maybe because they're actually decent games unlike destishit

IDK, i never play halo, but is very comfortable shoot in hipfire

About 5 hours of actual content

its funny because the post below this has some ADHD kid crying about "bullet sponges"

will they have time to explain why they didn't have time to explain?

>its funny because the post below this has some ADHD kid crying about "bullet sponges"
I don't think you understand what ADHD is an acronym for. Make sure you stay in school.

>Haha! You're proved wrong because someone tried the beta and didn't like it!

How does that have anything to do with ADHD or game hopping? That user isn't even part of the Destiny 2 player-base if he's not going to be buying it.

Fuck off you retard. Maybe pay more attention in school to improve your reading comprehension.

This will be a game for PVP and PVE Raids. If you're getting it for the story or other reasons, its not really a game for you. It's more like WoW if anything.

in destiny 1 you couldn't hipfire because their programmers had no idea what they were doing. When you used the sights there was always a slight zoom even with no scope, and obviously a huge zoom with scopes.
when you looked through the sights the game calculated shots from your gun as coming from your perspective, not where your avatar was on the map.

let me explain better
if you had a gun with a 2x zoom scope on it when you were looking through the sights the game calculated as though you were 2x closer to your target
4x zoom, 4x closer, and so on.

because of this it made hipfire completely useless even in guns designed for it like side arms and shotguns because even a shotgun got a damage buff when you ADS due to the slight zoom.

I assume they rebuilt the engine so that wasn't the case anymore

No, it's going to be Destiny. Stop fucking shilling your volleybal weeb shit here fucking shillfucks.

lmao triggered PChildren. truly pathetic baka

>The console kiddie doesn't have an argument

"Color me surprised!"

>drop $3000 on a pc with hardware that will be obsolete in 6 months
>only plays emulators and casual moba trash
The PC gaming community, ladies and gentlemen XD

>consolefag starts argument
>gets BTFO
>y-your'e triggered PChildren
Don't hesitate to end yourself

>a carefully crafted beta designed purely to get pre-orders runs well
you don't say...

>replying to this obvious fucking bait
I wish you redditors would leave.

I topped the charts in every match in the beta with 15+ kills in the search and destroy mode using a xbone controller. I felt like I was cheating getting every kill or every kill but one every round.