Is this the best looking Joy-con set yet? What is your favorite combination?
Is this the best looking Joy-con set yet? What is your favorite combination?
i play docked
also gray is aesthetic
I drove two hours to finally get one of these buggers today.
I mainly just bought it for MH XX. How's Splatoon if I plan to really only play the co-op mode?
There's no co-op in Splatoon
a healthy dose of fun
Salmon run? You have to invite people ahead of time if you want to play with friends, and then wait forever for a random to join if you don't have a team of four.
It's fun and pretty much the only mode I play regularly, but the limited play times are a pain.
Is there black Joy Cons yet or like what?
the black developer joycons are the best
Inferior to white.
most things are
damn those are sexy
when those are actually made by nintendo then those will be the best
Clear ones are.
They have the color white in the firmware. I just bought a cheap kit and installed it, since I don't feel like waiting.
I heard the right joycons are kinda hard to fit in these cases, is that true?
I didn't have a problem fitting them into the cases, but the screws are really fucky. If you aren't putting enough pressure you will fuck up the outside Y shaped screws, and several of the outside screws on my joycon can't be easily removed now.
Switch owners have nothing better to do than spend money on coloured controllers since no GAEMS
>people are chopping up their joycons and voiding their warranties to do this
Literally all you need to do is unscrew and unplug shit, you aren't chopping anything up. And you can keep your old parts to re-attach anyway. I already had my joycons fixed so I don't need warranty on them.
I would buy orange joycons
>friend and I looking for switches, find a best buy with them in stock
>both agree before we get there that if they only had the neon one we'd pass on it
>fast forward to today, I wish I have one colored pair of joycons instead of the two gray ones
I don't get why people hate colors, I only went with grey because I couldn't find Neon
>Bought the neon switch because I'm a huge fag and wanted "rem and ram" controllers
>Can't find the opposite pair in stock ANYWHERE to have one blue set and one red set
>Can't even find fucking black
>Refuse to pay more than retail price for them so I'm just fucked in the meantime
I like the Splatoon themed ones best. Then again, I'm a massive Splatoon whore, so I'm biased.
>implying the people who do this haven't done hardware mods before
Keep looking, my friend
jokes on you i dont have a warranty
They better sell them outside dev kit bundles
Double anything but Neon Yellow, which would be nice if it was DK Banana/Pikachu yellow and not nasty highlighter yellow.
Highlighter yellow looks good desu
every nintendo console comes with a year warranty
Reminder to not buy too many sets of joycons. Nintendo will eventually announce different configuration joycons that you can get.
>stick with actual dpad
>right joycon with top placement and buttons on bottom
The idea that you can have multiplayer portable gaming anywhere seems core to the system. If they were going to do that, they'd probably make a switch with the controls built into the tablet too
Personally I'd just like a home-only system if it makes it $100 cheaper because I haven't cared about handhelds since I was a kid
Seeing as how the gimmick this time is "switching" between portable and home console, this is never going to happen. Just buy a pro controller and be done with it.
>this is never going to happen
Far stranger things have happened. I don't think it'll happen until next holiday season at the earliest, but it will happen. I'm 100% certain of it
All that pic says is 2DS games on switch, but it has only one screen so how would it work, black space around the screens?
GF got me mine as a present, cons are pink and blue. I hate the colour but would never say that to her. I would rather just the plain grey ones desu
Uh, what?
I'm saying there will be a home-only Switch. It'll come with a Pro controller and a little console box, just like the Nvidia Shield. Because that's what it is.
And it'll be $149 or cheaper even. Hell I could see it being $99 a few years down the line. The PS4 and Xbone can't compete with that price point, and the budget market is being sorely unrepresented right now. They'd be absolute idiots not to capitalize on it
>tfw I found conductive foam in a CycloDS case and used it to fix my wonky launch JoyCon
Now I'm tempted to get custom shells
And I'm saying why would they just abandon their main marketing point to sell these things when they have already seen there is a HUGE demand for them early on?
They would not be abandoning anything. It would be sold in addition to the regular Switch, and probably different variations too
If there's enough buzz about it Nintendo will probably catch on. The 2DS is contrary to the 3DS's gimmick, but they went ahead and made that. It was a good move on their part.
The only Nintendo devices that haven't had significant redesigns are the VB and Wii U, and that's because they weren't popular enough to warrant one. They had a hard enough time selling the base units
The only way there won't be tons of Switch variants is if it becomes a failure
They made the 2DS because it wasn't recommended for really young kids to use the 3D feature in the first place, plus no hinge so it was a lot more durable.
There are reasons to make a home only Switch too. It's probably the most logical thing they could ever do. I think the only reason there wasn't one available at launch is because they didn't want to confuse their marketing message with the base model. But that won't be a problem in the upcoming years once Switch as a presence is already established
The PSTV is far less logical and didn't even support every game. A SwitchTV makes loads more sense and what games require the touch screen?
The 2 screens on the DS is still the main gimmick of those things though, hell the 2DS even folds now.
What console had redesigns that went against the original completely? Sup Forums uses the NES and SNES to justify it but they didn't change anything, just made the case slightly different, otherwise it's the same. Wii getting rid of gamecube support is all I can think of.
>Green and Purple
>aylmao 420 wiz keef
would have bought a yellow switch bundle, dont understand why they didnt do that.
It doesn't "go against the original" you fucking autist. It removes an option, and saves a lot of production cost in doing so. Just because it's the option you love the most doesn't mean everyone feels that way. I'm done. I know it's coming, and I'll be saying "told you so" when they announce it
I wasn't arguing about a home only switch, just pointing out that the 2DS had some pretty good reasoning behind it.
Thanks doc
It's called the SWITCH for god's sake, how would removing the ability to switch from home to handheld not go completely against it?
The Switch minus the potential of playing it as a handheld would just make it a Wii U and we all know nobody gave a shit about that console
I got grey ones with my console, and I'm not spending $90 on a controller.
>It's called the 3DS for god's sake, how would removing the ability to stereoscopic 3D not go completely against it?
There's good reasoning behind a SwitchTV too. If it was completely pointless, then sure, but they can lower the cost substantially and that alone is reason enough. That was also the primary factor behind the 2DS. 2DS was a budget model that made significant compromises to lower the price. SwitchTV would be exactly the same, and it's not even a significant compromise, especially for people who just don't care about handhelds.
>would just make it a Wii U
No, this would have a normal controller, and it would be much cheaper than the Wii U was. It would just be a normal Nintendo console, actually.
DS is a handheld with many revisions, it's not an argument for their home consoles
I have no idea why you're so against the idea. What if I told you you don't have to buy one?
Half of the Switch's problems and holdbacks come from it being portable though.
>Dock scratches the screen (I don't even take mine out and it's slightly scratched)
>Switch only has 32gb memory, a console could provide more than that
>Could have used a disc drive rather than shitty carts the Switch itself can't even support because they don't hold enough space
>Switch implements a touch screen not even Nintendo makes use of
>Being an actual console would mean Nintendo could sell it cheaper because a lot of its expense comes from being a handheld
>Or Nintendo could have sold something a bit more beefed up and not worry about it overheating as a handheld
A gimmick-less Nintendo console as well-advertised as the Switch is using the Pro Controller as the default controller would have been perfect.
Because me and the handful of others who bought what you want got shafted hard by Nintendo and you think I want it to happen again? You want a Wii-U mini when we've already seen it doesn't work.
>You want a Wii-U
I think you have brain damage if you're getting Wii U from anything I've described.
Replace the Nvidia Shield controller with the Switch Pro controller and it's basically this. It's the fucking anti-thesis of the Wii U.
Those switch controllers have to be one of the worst controllers ever made. Who at nintendo thought a controller that is smaller than a chocolate bar would be comfortable to use is beyond me.
>Is this the best looking Joy-con set yet?
grey tbqh
>Dock scratches the screen
>he didn't buy a screen protector for 2 dollars
I know this is something that people say about buying $200 of joycons, but jesus christ can you not even afford a two dollar screen protector off of aliexpress?
Are the procontrollers worth it?
I don't really like the joycon adaptey thingy and i need another controller anyway
Wii-U was able to use a pro controller for 99% of its library
What do you mean by " a cheap kit" ?
can't wait for niko to release some ridiculous joycon grip as large as the whole console
More like 80% Many games didn't support it or only supported it for 2nd+ player. And it didn't come with one. Most games tried to shoe horn in lousy touch controls where it wasn't intuitive
Switch TV would be the most console-like console that Nintendo has released since the Gamecube. It would come with a standard controller (the Switch Pro). It would come with a standard (albeit small) main console. And it would come with an HMDI cable and AC adapter. Everything you need right there. No LCD screen, no tablet, no battery, no shitty ultra thin HS/fan. And the experience would be identical to playing Switch games on TV. Just like the 2DS, games wouldn't need patches or anything, since the platform was already designed for this functionality.
You're just angry because you're an autist who loves handhelds and you can't fathom the idea that there are people out there that don't care about it.
People didn't hate the Wii U because it was a console. They hated it because it came with a retarded fisher price tablet controller that was forced for most games. This would have nothing to do with that
I do have a screen protector and it's scratched. That's what I meant. There are scratches on it and I don't even remove my Switch from the dock
I mostly play my switch docked, I'm arguing for the potential switch has by being able to come off it and move around. Couch co-op is insanely easy with this and you can get full lobbies of splatoon 2 without needing to drag TVs or cables with you. For someone who doesn't want this, just keep it docked, there's nothing stopping you from having the console you want except being a cheap bastard.
>For someone who doesn't want this, just keep it docked, there's nothing stopping you from having the console you want except being a cheap bastard.
If you weren't so hellbent on trying to sell me one, you might be able to pull your head out of your ass long enough to realize I'm just one person and I already own a Switch.
Being able to slash the price in half, potentially more, opens up an entirely different demographic of budget shoppers who just won't entertain the idea of a $300 console no matter how much you insult them. A "Home Switch" has the potential to outsell the base model, especially at an attractive price point with good marketing, because again, like I said, there just isn't a console in that price range right now. The last console that was in that price range was the Wii, and the Wii's affordability was a huge part of its success.