I-i think i'm in love..
I-i think i'm in love
Other urls found in this thread:
Back off. She's mine, slave.
First time in my life I wanna play Street Fighter.
Menat's warm soles on my face!
>make a white woman
>paint her brown
Why are brown women so superior?
Swiftly end yourself.
She's 14
I love black girls though!
stop being degenerate
Swiftly get hit with a 50 caliber
she's a bunch of polygons with a texture over them
how do you get a nazi flag on pol?
That black person's a man, baby
black girls
By posting racist stuff. Like, REALLY racist stuff.
Why did you make her african-american?
>make a Germanic girl
>make her brown
>voice by Futaba's VA in both languages
>has Futaba colours
Is she /ourmain/?
I'm tired of dark women with blue or light eyes.
I'm enjoy light ryona, but the throwing up is weird to me.
>i love black girls
>posts blacks that have 90% white facial features
at least post some african niggers if you think that niggers are superior.
Or someone at capcom loves that character but won't come out about it
I think i've become...
One of the others...
I saw an user in an earlier thread say her bob cut sucked and I didn't get a chance to call them gay.
>White facial features.
They just have small negro facial features
Usually small facial features look more femenine
I think it's more of a tribute to Persona 5, with all of the team approving on it. Other wise it wouldn't have happened.
Go back to your shithole of a normalfag board and stay there, newfag.
This kid is the definition of a stormfront goon
>all black girls have strong african features
just shut the fuck up
I just want those thighs wrapped around my face.
Eastern Africans and Western Africans generally tend to look pretty different. Eastern African can easily look like . Western Africans are the ones with the more "African": features you may be thinking of.
She's not a nigger, you faggot
i dont know
>Street Fighters girls have real modeled buttholes
It's time to stop.
>Fighting game
>Make pretty girl fighter dlc
>Every lewd faggot shills it Ironically and Unirioncally
Thank god I'm not this much of a tool
> want to learn menat
> end up learning and playing ed
Is edboi a honest character
>she will never step on my dick
i'm gonna go masturbate
>tfw this is my fetish
What is with game devs modeling girls buttholes?
Shit like this pisses me the fuck off I swear to god I'll stop playing this fucking game cause dumb retarded faggots like this will get the game censored even further.
Fuck these people, legit I hope the writer of that dies, family included.
Buttholes are probably easy to model.
Take a * scale it to 150% there done, a butthole.
Wait... WHAT?!?!?
>Updated to the models recently.
What's with this meme that brown girls are these godesses of beauty and fertility?
Casca is acceptable though
>Some modeler at Capcom was explicitly told to go back and add buttholes to the female characters
>Somewhere in Capcom offices, on a time sheet or excel task list, are the words: "Model Cammy's butthole" written in Japanese.
>Karin's shirt is shorter in the data-mining than it is in game
I want to learn how to extract the models and tinker with them.
I've seen this gif everywhere but never figured out the source. What's going on to make the old guy freak out like that so quickly?
Are all Menat threads destined to become Sup Forums shitpost threads?
What would you do if this was on your face and she farted?
Me too, OP
but with the right girl
>Has only done this with Cammy
>No one will ever swap it with Chun or Juri
Same shit with the Laura intro too, why is it always Cammy?
>implying Menat doesnt have a very loose (0)
>being the only faggot in the thread bringing this shit up
Just leave.
Get the fuck out, please.
Suck the fart out directly from her poophole.
>modeled buttholes
For what purpose?
>Pictures that don't contain buttholes
>Fake news article
>All these you's
No wonder that "Overwatch comp losers watch porn after losses" kept popping up. You guys are retarded
It was a charity dinner where Trump and Hillary were supposed to make fun of each other. Trump went full roast mode and all the executives got fanny flustered.
Are you literally blind to the first picture of cammy in that tumblr post? thats clearly an asshole.
>being the only faggot in the thread bringing this shit up
People are literally talking about Trump and Shillary in this very thread, user.
If you want butthole just fist yourself, it works
OP here
I mained Mika all the way to ultra bronze (bought the game past week) but i don't wanna play exclusively a single character
I've been playing Menat and my rank took a nosedive, but i really don't want to be stuck with a single character..
Why not? The future is here user, embrace it.
nah i just hate niggers.
post a chick that is literally from africa that looks like those two girls posted, you delusional nigger.
>there is a whole generation of white kids who unironically think "small" facial features are exclusively white
Where did the education system go so wrong?
>Karin's skirt is shorter
>Juri's bodysuit is gone
>you can remove certain clothing items and there are lewder options hidden underneath
>Mentat's crown has cat ears
She also has a fully modeled midriff.
Black women are shit
Actual brown women are liked because they're easier than white women
jesus christ I can feel the steam heat from her undercarriage
>black people have thin faces, lips, and noses and are just as beautiful as white devil
Yeah, nope.
Fuck off back to neo-gaf you fucking loser, you don't belong here.
when's season 3 I'm sick of these literally whos
This pleases me greatly
Is making a character 'egyptian' a creative license to make a nog that doesn't look like an ape? Cause nobody would buy Menat as american.
>Data mining has shown they had actual modeled nipples, buttholes and such under their clothes
Subete Wa F Ni Naru or some shit like that. Murder mystery anime that's supposed to be good, I got bored a few eps in sadly.
An additional porn mode in Street Fighter 5?