ITT: Games that overwhelmingly let you down.
>New Platinum TMNT with IDW artstyle turned out shit.
ITT: Games that overwhelmingly let you down.
>New Platinum TMNT with IDW artstyle turned out shit.
>not one (1) TMNT game has ever been good >surely this time shall be different!!
>What is Turtles in Time
>What is Hyperstone Heist
>What is TMNT 2007 on GBA
>What is TMNT The Manhattan Project
all shit
Nah. One of them is the best beat 'em up of all time in fact.
>forgetting this kino
>falling for the Platinum meme
Hon hon hon.
I still have no idea how this happened, why did they think cool down super moves were a good idea, why did they make it so you have to hold a button down to switch turtles risking wasting a super if you held it to long, why did they decide to make combo strings so small and enemy die to fast even on hard
beat 'em ups are literal walking simulators.
Spore absolutely broke me. After buying Spore on release, I would never again
-Be excited for a game before it is released
-Buy a game at full price.
I usually buy games cheap enough that I don't regret buying them or am let down by them. This changed though when I got Brutal Legend and then got stuck with Bayonetta and never went back to it.
How bad is TMNT OP? I was about to get it for $5
Those all sound like they were designed for children
Spore burnt me bad, but I just blamed it on EA. It took SC2 to break me, if Blizz had gone to shit too then what hope was there that any company would remain good.
I still got tricked by DS2
This game should have been good. It had everything needed to make it perfect. Every god damn thing.
Why the fuck did it fail.
Activision schedules. I have a friend who works at Acti, he wasn't on this project but from what he told me, people on this team had really strict schedules and things just didn't click well. The game should have had A LOT more Q/A and polish time.
Platinum went to shit for making this, transformers and the korra game.
they are pretty much a stripped down version of every other game they made.
Transformers had about the same development time and it turned out great
Transformers and Korra were fine. Nice, short, well put together.
Turtles was just a mess because it was rushed to release
Nigga, what the fuck.
because platinum only cares about cash cows and are horrible with release timelines. RIP scalebounds because they can only be bothered with licensed titles like korra and nier
>Game balanced around Witch Time and Umbran Climax
>Can't launch enemies without one of those two things
>Infinitely dodging bosses forcing you to use Witch Time
>Side scrolling bosses that remove any need for movement and reduce it to Witch Time -> Dodge
>Wicked Weaves nerfed
>Combo points reworked
Bayo 2 was pretty garbage.
>Q/A and polish time.
This was not the issue with TMNT. The game was just terrible design wise. Why is there cool down timers for moves in a fast paced brawler? Why is switching turtles obnoxious? Why are there stupid missions that require you to wait and hold down a button?
Korra and Transformers had a similar dev cycle and those games didn't suffer because they weren't horse shit.
Fuck you. Brutal Legend is fun as hell, and Bayonetta is far and away the best action game of all time.
They must have had a bunch of interns make this one or something.
This was more like a tech demo... Now 2nd runner, that was a damn good time!
>blaming anyone other than MS for Scalebound
>implying Nier was anything resembling a cashcow before Automata's release
Platinum's C-team just sucks, but I wouldn't expect a MS cocksucker to understand something like studios having more than one development team
>Bayonetta is far and away the best action game of all time.
Not even close.
I think the 20 minute RTS portions are what made me stop brutal legend. I was expecting the next psychonauts
>Im a faggot
you sure are user
of course studios can have more than one team, that's how platinum fags defend shitty games. and why banjo threeie is also in development currently. platinum tried to take advantage of the white man as they started and finished more games on MS's dime, so they cut the teat off
I'm a Platinumfag but even I know they've only made three good games.
>on MS dime
That's not it at all, because those other games were licensed AND funded by activision and devastation is an amazing game.
>platinum TMNT surely would be good
>nickelodeon bought TMNT
>no local co-op in 2017
that's why it was constantly delayed and the other games not, OK
>Why it was constantly delayed
That was a completely different problem that was already explained was a dickwaving contest
I don't know how or why you think clearly underfunded games that were licensed and paid by activision somehow were also made using funding from Microsoft. Out of all the insane things I've read, this one's pretty high up there
>Transformers and Korra were fine. Nice, short, well put together.
>Nice, short, well put together.
did we play the same fucking games?
Those games were a fucking mess mate
>transformers was a mess
Haha no. Korra was but devastation sure as shit wasn't. That game will probably be the best fan-service game that ever will be made and ever will exist. for that series.
I hope who ever gts the tmnt license since acti lost it gives platinum another chance this is the game people wanted since dmc3
Activision lost it? Thank fuck.
But really, who's left? THQ doesn't do licenses anymore.
The artstyle is garbage that references all recent (2007 onwards) TMNT in one ugly mess
They'll fuck it up by giving it to their B-Team again or coming up with another stupid gimmick.
The only gimmick TMNT needs is a solid combat system and a strong focus on multiplayer. That's it.
yep they said it themselves but I worry that no one will pick it up again because of all the flops
it also needs a good system for switch turtles in single player, heck out of the shadows had it so if you were only playing 2 player you could still switch turtles
Please no. Thats the worst timeline.
underfunded and they show it beyond what platinum was paid. its really that crazy to you to think that platinum took activision and MS money to work on other games?
>its really that crazy to you to think that platinum took activision and MS money to work on other games?
On top of how extremely illegal that is to do under contract you mean?
definitely doesn't exist in any industry ever. activision probably didn't sign up for the "c team"
Patches and updates have turned it into a decent game now but I preordered this and was there on the disastrous launch.
CA have redeemed themselves with Attila and Warhammer. Imperfect as they are I've enjoyed both a great deal, but I still remember this vividly. And maybe it's just me, but the fanbase has never really felt the same since, everyone feels a bit more cynical about Creative Assembly and the series.
it was too bad
it had the makings of a great game though
No it did not. Nothing about the game's design was good.
it had the right developer with the right ip, Its a well known fact that everyone wanted a devil may cry style turtles game since at least dmc3se just with multiplayer and switching turtles rather then weapons.
>inb4 platinum games play nothing like dmc3
its the concept they wanted not that specific play style
>it had the right developer with the right ip
That's all it had
The game itself had nothing good.
>Bayonetta 1 & 2
>Wonderful 101
>Metal Gear Rising
That's 5.