Second half of the game is clearly rushed and unfinished

>second half of the game is clearly rushed and unfinished

>first half of the game is clearly rushed and unfinished
>second half isn't


Name 300 games that have done this.

>developers still clearly tried to do what they could with what they had, but couldn't quite execute everything properly

Is there any game that does this more fucking obvious than Xenogears was?

>First half of the game is going on cool adventures and shit across a big, beautiful world
>Second half is everyone sitting around a table talking about shit while literal concept art is shown in the background, and occasionally you are warped into dungeons where you have to grind for a little bit because you pretty much don't have any kind of overworld or free travel anymore

>First game ends in a cliffhanger
>Sequel is supposed to wrap everything up
>throws in another completely unrelated mystery and ends up in a cliffhanger too

>second half is best half

Only true patricians will agree with this

>Dark Souls
>Bravely Default
>now DQ11

Kill me.

You got le lynched xd

>60 hours in with giant ass maps
>think the game is almost over
>game isnt even half way done and drops you off in another giant ass map

my man


>First half was an illusion
>Second half is where the real game begins

Mankind Divided

>Second half has no story because they let the Romancing Saga devs work on your game

Thanks Square

I wanna hopuko on topuko

Sonic Mania thread?

Wait, is this a Sonic 3 thread?

almost sounds like what Chrono Cross is to Chrono Trigger

>Surely there's a secret second part because of how the playtime was
>Game actually ends and that was all

>game ending is exactly the same as the demo released years ago

Half Life 2

>what is witcher 3


>that was a neat game
>oh shit it's not the end
>alright that was a really good game
>we're not done yet
I love Okami so fucking much.

I remember the first time I played Far Cry 2 and it moves you to the second map. I damn near shat my brain out of my ass.

>Kill the last stage boss
>There is an extra dungeon with the REAL final boss
>Every enemy on the extra dungeon is a buffed version of the mini bosses from past dungeons
>Final boss can one hit your entire party

>first couple zones of the game have half of the content


>first couple zones of the game are repeatedly reused with slight modification


>Beat final boss 60 hours into the game
>Get a nice cutscene and all, everything got solved
>Turns out it was just the midpoint and the boss survived

Fucking Tales of the Abyss.

>sequels try to be more balanced, nerf things that were too good
>Game becomes less fun

>First game was a fun surprise to everybody as it's a spin-off with an expanded universe
>Sequel goes even further, expanding the lore while also playing better than the first game
>End on a cliffhanger where the main character is stuck on the moon
>Still waiting for the third game

6 years ago

Better yet
>Reuse the same assets for EVERY GAME in the series

nep nep

I loved Dante's Inferno... But they really did run out of ideas for the second half.


>devs are still reusing shit they made for the PS2

grand theft auto IV fits this so hard

>cant decide whether to kill ray or phil
>ending cutscenes with roman/kate dying are fucking terrible and rushed to hell
>last mission fucking sucks and was obviously rushed

>second half of the game is DLC

where else would you shit things out of?


My feelings when playing MGSV. First area was cool, graphics were sharp. Africa has shit textures and feels even emptier than the retrospectively empty Afghanistan.
Didn't finish it because Africa was so gay.

neither did the developers, to be fair

>DA 2
>Keep waiting for the next area
>The entire fucking thing is in one city

I had no idea how much lower bioware would get after that.

Time Travelers for sure. I bought a Vita to play this a few days early and I was enjoying myself, but then the plot suddenly collapsed on itself and I found myself playing the climax. Disappointment of the year 2012. Still wondering what the fuck happened there, I guess they ran out of budget and Hino forced them to release it that way? I haven't bought a Level-5 title ever since.

lol good point

[screaming intensifies]

>Resistance 3
>everything after the prison part feels rushed and phoned-in, like Insomniac just stopped caring and was waiting for their Sony contract to end
>last fight of the game is literally just shooting glowing tubes
>the world being saved and life going back to normal is revealed throught shitty drawings during the end credits

Years ago one of my friends played up to the festival after the first orochi fight, he let me borrow it thinking that the game was alright but a little too short. I had no fucking idea he only beat a fourth of the game. Ended up playing through it a few times.

At one point he got to see me play though the whole game and was pretty fucking baffled seeing how much shit he missed out on.

I wanna play okami again but i dont have a ps2, wii or a ps3 for the hd version

Paper Mario 64

Maybe not rushed, but after Shyguy's Toybox, the game takes a considerable and noticeable nosedive quality wise. Seriously.

The more I play and watch it over the years the more I realize it.

well you're in luck because it's coming to PS4 and Xbone too

Emulate the Wii version

>awesome game released on consoles
>direct sequel is for handhelds
This will never not piss me off.

DA2 is the one game I can't stand anyone liking. Literally if you like Mass Erect 3, H1Z1, other shitty games like that whatever more power to you everyone has opinions but to me DA2 is so objectively bad that I think if you like it your taste is just bad and you should rethink why you enjoy things

release when
I dont trust my pc well enough to emulate it

I have the Wii version with the fucking IGN watermark on the boxart, u jelly?

Early December is the rumor.

>game is literally unfinished and ends mid-story but was released anyway

Why was this allowed?

>game ends on a cliffhanger
>no sequel
or worse
>answers to first game are in spinoff

I really tried to like it, but there is just so much wrong with it, I think I can name the good shit on like 1 or 2 hands, and that's about it

>MGSV: The Topic

what is halo 2

>Answers to first game in DLC

>game ends
>devs starting on sequel
>game canceled and turned into a pachinko game

fucking Prince of Persia 2008

>beloved game series gets bought by conglomerate
>conglomerate allows them to put out fantastic games
>sales begin to wane
>reboot the series and copycat CoD-Battlefield
>it's shit
>try for a sequel
>it's even worse
>put the entire series on the back-burner due to poor sales and it being redundant due to conglomerate owning another series that's similar, no releases or even hints at re-releases in over 5 years
>conglomerate cannibalized it's own decades old series
Name the series Sup Forums

Man FFXV was such a joke though I would argue the first half only seemed more finished when compared to the absolute shitshow that was the second half of the game. The whole game was a mess and it's problems are rooted so deep that they can't possibly ever fix it with patches.

It's essentially an early access game where the underlying idea is rotten.

>chapter 2 ends
>"well that was lame, can't wait to see what happens in the next chapters though"
>that was it

i'm still mad

Medal of Honor? I thought EA always owned that.

correct, and they didn't, but they aquired them very shortly after it's creation, like it went MOH, MOH:U, full purchase by EA, Allied Assault

>game abandons hyped gameplay gimmick after the first 2 chapters
Any other games that did this?


MGS4 had such great mechanics and almost no situations the use them. It's like if miyamoto stopped giving a shit about super mario 64 after they got all the character controls down.

bayonetta did it too
>beat balder, whoops you have fallen into his trap
>time for the "epilogue", sounds and looks like a bad end
> oh wait it's a final stage
>beat jubileus, credits roll, this time it does looks like a sad/bittersweet ending
>nah not really, final verse starts
>final cutscene and everything's right, real credits starts rolling
>who the fuck told you to put the controller down? have three more verses
>final final credits starts rolling after that

>third game in the series released years after the other two
>ends on a cliffhanger that will never be resolved because the developers make sports games

>"there is much to be done, human"
>nothing gets done

after Dark Dawn I'm kind of glad the series is dead


If you thought Africa was the unfinished second half I'm glad you never made it to Chapter 2. Opens with a fucking amazing trailer and then you realize that trailer is literally every highlight jammed in between having to replay Chapter 1 missions with modifiers before it ends by replaying the entire hospital opening for a different cutscene at the end.


>when you swim right

>beat up the Elite 4 and the Champion

Not quite the same, but the translation for the first chapter of Fate GO was fucking awful, but the rest was great.

i fucking wish they reused assets from the ps3 first game

castlevania lords of shadow

>second half of the game is a different genre

>generic cliché story about saving the world
>you and every character believes it's finally over
>all of a sudden shit happens
>there is a second world and you realize you're the bad guys all along

This is why I work on the second half first

This seems like a good thread for game recommendations, give me a few

>playing furi
>finally escape the prison
>credits roll
>but wait there's more
>go to the tower
>what the fuck what is this spaceship
>decide to not destroy the earth like a rational person
>final hard as fuck boss fight
more games need to give you a false sense of being done then turn the difficulty up to insane

Dragon's Dogma?


the only part of KotOR 2 that's rushed is Malachor V

>Dragon's Dogma?

7th Dragon 2020

The entire game was rushed and is only good with the restored content mod.

I swear to god EVERY fucking Tales of game does this Except Xillia 2 where you destroy worlds just by breathing on them.

Even then it is still rushed

Thank god I only played the last good tales of game symphonia then. The series turns full weeb after that

> Surreal horror game
> It was all in your head

Fuck you Among the Sleep

Xenogears is the first game that cames to mind with this topic

I just downloaded a rom of 7th Dragon 2020.
What am in for?

>not weeb
Kratos is the quintessential older edgelord failed hero / mentor archetype