Never played em before but I hear these games were pretty okay

Never played em before but I hear these games were pretty okay.

Which Clash of Ninja game is the best one?

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just play the Ultimate Ninja games

Clash of Ninja 2 is my favorite because it's the only one I played

Buy the collection that was just released.

4 is the best one
get the translation patch and play it on netplay

the 4th one that was jpn only on gamecube.

2 was great, pissed off my buddies so much by playing Akamaru

Anko gonna beat your ass

Clash of Ninja Revolution

anko has the greatest special move

>she got fat

The Jap-only GNT4. Works fine on modded Wiis. Guaranteed fun with friends.

Please tell me the new games have an option to activate blood and gore somehow.
There is literally no excuse for pic related, it looks like shit.

Remember when Anko was relevant?

>their hands are literally just colored black

You can thank Jap censoring laws. No blood allowed so it's either got to be black (like the manga) or usually white.

That was the last one I played. Good game.


is there a country where lewdness and violence isn't censored

>Jap censoring laws
>For blood

Why did they ruin top girl? Is it a cruel joke against waifu fags?

wtf went wrong Sup Forums

>top girl
But that's not Konan

Why did anime games like this start on Nintendo consoles and then slowly started not releasing on Nintendo consoles?


she looks better now

Mah niggas.

4 is the best, but OTK Naruto is overpowered as fuck, unfortunately. Game is relatively balanced otherwise.

cursed seal sasuke is also p broken.

Just get the one with the biggest roster.

is this Magi?

Post your general main throughout the games.
I purposely pick the already overused Noctis because I learned to play with him back in the Ultimate Ninja 3 on PS2 days.
Pretty easy to get your opponent stuck in a corner with light attacks when playing with >edgiest boy. Yes I'm that guy. At least I'm still unbeaten. Only times I meet my match is when some fag picks Minato or Boruto. Fuck Boruto in particular.

The Wii U losing 3rd party support.

The Wii had a good number of anime games.

>maining a uchiha fucking shit
>calling anyone else a fag

I'm pretty assmad about that too. But it's not like they didn't neuter and domesticate the majority of the Naruto generation ninjas in Boruto.

Lazy ninja a best.

I dropped off after that shitty save Garaa arc in Shippuden. Why is Orochimaru a good guy now?

Because Sasuke decided to be good and Orochimaru wanted to see what happens as a result.

It's dumb as fuck. Naruto is so trashy in the second half of Shippuden.

What? And he doesn't get executed or thrown into ninja prison? He fucking killed the 3rd hokage.

They have a big ninja zombie war as the final arc and I think he got pardoned for helping out in that.

Hell no, Him, Kabuto and Sasuke literally got away with everything.

When I want to humiliate someone I just pick young Ino instead. That fuckin do anything for you, disgusting Boruto player?

Come to think of it I don't think I've ever played with Shikamaru. If only I had my Storm 4 disc, I lent it to a friend.
I should just let him have it and buy Legacy instead.

Noctis "killed" Orochimaru but he brought him back to life from Anko's curse seal when the war shit was going down because he needed to Edo Tensei the past four Hokage, hermaphrodite snek stopped giving a fuck when he saw shit was hitting the fan and everybody just kind of accepted him back as a scientist.

Really we had like 5 or 6 different main antagonists in the last couple hundred episodes.

It's kind of stupid that they censored that but in Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 after the Itachi fight there is actual blood.

>implying I use that little cunt
I use Asuma.

I mean Kabuto literally HAD to become good or he would've just stayed trapped in Izanami, I guess that was enough for everyone else.

Actually what happened to him after the war?

Why didn't they uncensor it for the western release like No More Heroes and Berserk did?

>But it's not like they didn't neuter and domesticate the majority of the Naruto generation ninjas in Boruto

They didn't though. The Bort movie showed that most of the ninja from Naruto's generation were still highly active as shinobi. There's even a part in the manga where they show Chouji coming back from a mission where he had to go butterfly mode.

If I recall, he runs an orphanage.

Kabuto? He started working at an orphanage for war orphans like he once was.

Tsunade's breasts are too large

Anybody care to explain what the FUCK is this?
The world of Naruto was meant to be a mix between ancient Japan and early 2000's technology, that's what gave it its essence.
But a modern fucking city? In only 20 years? At this point what's stopping them from using guns and tanks when the 54th generation of Otsutsuki descendants attacks the """""village"""""?

>But a modern fucking city? In only 20 years?
Are you retarded?
like honestly, do you have no concept of how fast society progresses through shit?

I don't understand what you mean

>But a modern fucking city? In only 20 years?

The Rain Village already had modern looking buildings and skyscrapers. It seemed to be a stylistic choice that varied from village to village. And with the war over and a majority of the villages working together now it's not unlikely that design influences from other places would start to spread around more. Also, considering they can literally change the landscape and control elements with ninjutsu, is it that hard to believe they could progress so fast in 20 years?

>guns and tanks

this is the best naruto game.

Huh, you say something?

keep the lil ninja autists hidden in their village where they belong

They did. The movie really only showed the kages and Naruto/Sasuke in action but they jobbed. The other ninja were instructors (like Sai and Lee) and in Shino's case he's mostly joke material. The females are mostly housewives and haven't done squat. Sakura had her moment in that short Sarada arc but that was it.

it's all one hidden village, even the skyscrapers. naruto's got a fucking private airship he uses to oversee the whole thing

Rock Lee was OP as fuck in this one and Clash of Ninja 2

>activate super saiyan mode
>lose your health gradually
>but you are like 3 times faster than everyone else, deal like twice more damage and supers become basically insta kills

It was dope

Nigga I just might do that. For 3v3 I played Kabuto, Kisame, and Neji.

Clash of Ninja Revolution 3 was also pretty damn good with characters having unique throws and the anbu characters.

How is being an instructor being domesticated? They still get to go out on missions and shit. In the latest chapter of the Bort manga they also showed that Sai is now part of the interrogation team along with that dude with all the scars on his head. I'll agree on Shino being made into a joke though.

The adults just don't get the focus anymore because one of the big themes in Naruto was passing stuff on to the new generation. Which is why they kept having Kakashi complain about being past his prime all the time.


The fact that it is possible in the real world doesn't mean you have to fuck up a perfectly good and functional concept in an animoo.


The only reason that's a theme is so that they can sell more manga to tweens. They need to be able to self-insert or else they'll stop reading.

That doesn't sound bad as long as you block.

>Just remembered that supers were unblockable

Damn. What an odd design choice but it kinda worked because they weren't invincible and were slow as fuck.

>not playing as Akamaru

The dog was OP as fuck.

those two were just proctoring the chunin exams. that's fine. even shikamaru did that even back in part 2. guess sai and lee wanted to be involved because their kids were in it

the only one out of naruto's generation to become an actual academy teacher was naruto, oddly enough

Wow, I didn't expect a Naruto thread to actually happen.

I beat Ultimate Ninja Storm 1 yesterday and got the plat, that game is so fucking bad at telling the story of Naurto part 1, I started playing Rise of a Ninja and The Broken Bond again.

Also Tenten is the best character in UNS1, her ninjutsu and ultimate are fucking amazing as well as her aerial combo

>top girl


check out the ruins of uzushiogakure, the home of naruto's clan after everyone dogpiled on it to exterminate them

whole thing was a modern city. i dunno what's up when people say stuff is changing when it's always been an anachronistic, schizoid mix of old and new. it's like the people complaining about the mountain-shattering powers when in the first chapter we learn the thing that can crush mountains with its tails is trapped in the main character and also apparently one guy on a frog managed to beat it up

>didn't expect a Naruto thread to actually happen
Well it's a fighting game too so mods kind of look past it. I wish Yugioh was like that though...

Neutered refers to the males who have adopted instructor roles and domesticated refers to all the female shinobi who became stay at home moms. As an instructor sure you can go on missions but we'll never see it. Yes their generation is past and at this rate it's just acceptance.

Pity that the new generation is fucking boring and pretty unlikable. Can't be arsed to give one fuck about them.

i'll accept it once bort and his preschool pals can do this sweet action, until then i want to see adult chouji killing guys with his fatness and butterfly wings

I actually find Bort, Salad, and Mitsuki to be genuinely interesting. They have a great dynamic and Bort isn't anywhere near of an obnoxious little shit as Naruto was at his age. All the other kids are boring as fuck though, I'll admit that. They're literally just clones of their parents whereas at least Bort and Salad have their own personalities.

Clash of Ninja 2 is the best one that was released stateside by a landslide, huge roster (for the time) with some weird choices put in and fun gameplay and good visuals.

Gekidou Ninja Taisen 4 is the pinnacle of the series though in terms of visuals and amount of playable characters.

>Also Tenten is the best character in UNS1, her ninjutsu and ultimate are fucking amazing as well as her aerial combo
I love when random shit tier in universe characters are the fucking meta stars in vidya

Gotta give it a few years before actual content gets written. As long as it doesn't go to shit like Naruto did.

What other examples are there like this?

>don't worry in 100 episodes this show will be good

So I notice nobody is bringing up Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 (I think it was a US original game in lieu of porting 4 like Revo 1 did with 3) and the Shippuden one.

Are those not as good?

Hopefully they'll actually establish the children characters as something other than a carbon copy of one of their parents, or at least as some sort of fusion of both their personalities.

so far ChoCho is the only one who feels remotely new or interesting, and Metal Lee gets a pass because he's from the based Might Guy lineage so he has to be a carbon copy.

This guy gets it

People don't really like motion controls and the whole original character thing detracted from some of the really obscure shit they pulled like Anko and Mizuki.

Krillin kicked hard ass in a DB game or two
Yamcha in Attack of the Saiyans was really good

Pretty sure you can use gamecube and classic controllers with those games tho

>$100 bucks
>2 units left
MOTHERFUCKER. I don't even know if I have enough for it... I may have just the right amount but I'd be out of cash for like 20 days.
Got plenty of food for this month though, should I...?

I'm not saying it will be good. It could be ass. Manga tend to be set and forget anyway. The big issue is Boruto is monthly so it feels like it takes longer to get anywhere.

i just replayed these

no it is not worth being broke for a month

Le lazy genius just like me :DDDD

Bardock in Budokai 3
PIccolo in Raging Blast

Was Bardock really that good?

Politoed was the most used Pokemon back in Gen 5 iirc

If you have the option it's slated for a PC release as well.

Highest damage in short of time due to HP
I googled it

wellshit now I feel dumb for being a Cooler and Vegeta main

>Become PCfat
>Hey dude look at my game collection!
Yeah no thanks