Why is no one talking about the Witcher 10yr anniversary video? Or did I miss the threads?

Why is no one talking about the Witcher 10yr anniversary video? Or did I miss the threads?


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>"Things are good, you know?"
Woah...*sniff* Gerald is happy now ;)
>"I wouldn't be here without you"
Woah wait....haha wait....is he talking to...me?
>"Here's to YOU"
OH MY GOD!!!!!! YESSSSS........
>"Now, tell us how you're doing"
*heart explodes*

howed you write out my reaction?

There were a few threads about it last night.

Pretty comfy to be honest, really makes me sad that it's the last we'll see of Geralt and probably the Witcher universe.

Hopefully Cyberpunk holds up to the hype, CD are the only devs I still have faith in.

Hilarious. No one gives a shit about this series enough to warrant caring about this anniversary/video at all, seriously.

They act like they've made fire or something.

Who's oldest and youngest among Eskel, Lambert, and Geralt?

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, newfriend.

I guess you missed the thread last night? Lurk moar.

Oh boy a whole night of posting threads. A WHOLE NIGHT?!

because the game series is incredibly overrated

I think its kind of cool. CDPR obviously care about the series quite a lot. The video is nice, and a little nod and thank you to people who bought the first game. Most devs don't really acknowledge a milestone like this, much less thank their audience while celebrating it.

>Why is no one talking about the Witcher 10yr anniversary video?

because 95%of witcher "fans" have only played the third game

Teared up a bit. I didn't need a reminder that there won't be any more adventures with Geralt.

Well what the fuck do you expect, its a vid. Not an announcement or a trailer, just a simple thanks you goof.

i legit teared up

i love you geralt please take me to be a badass monster hunter like you even tho im almost 30, instead of this shit life

The success of this series still baffles me.

I don't think the Witcher series was a bad series by any stretch of the imagination, but holy fuck the Witcher trilogy has sold more than 25 million copies and the Witcher 3 alone made more than $250 million in pure profit.

Shame they're trying so hard to push Gwent now instead of focusing all that money into making Cyberpunk something truly amazing. I genuinely have no idea how they are going to be able to top themselves with Cyberpunk, people are going to have sky high expectations after the Witcher 3 (and will undoubtedly be disappointed with whatever we end up with as a final product).

>mfw Cyberpunk crashes and burns because it isn't a carbon copy of Witcher 3

>time is fleeting; but memories are forever

I didn't want to feel this feel.

>CD are the only devs i still have faith in

News Flash: They're out for money, that's all. Cyberpunk is another un-original adaptation they'll be doing as well. Once they become big enough, eventually you'll be buying their microtransactions and Paid Mods in the future too, so shut the fuck up you brain dead little twerp.

Thanks for your cash and how we re-used 100% traditional slavic folk songs (but got away with it, cuz Americans are none the wiser) and also copied a book series that wasn't original in any way, shape or form.

Who hurt you?

CDPR seems like they actually give a shit about their fanbase though so I don't know why you'd say what you did. Do you just not like The Witcher?


I sincerely feel bad for you.

Is everything ok man?

They should reboot it and start with covering the books. I need more Witcher.

Man whoever did this bait had some dedication. I wish I hated this game that much.

>geralt just hanging out in his vineyard making good wine and throwing parties with all characters
why in the fuck was this not the real ending??? even master bolius would be proud

Got bored after a few hours of trying to playing the Witcher 2 and 3.

Worth giving it another go?

Thank you, CDPR, for making the game of the generation

>yuropoor valve makes shitty SFM video, more news at 11

Christ, I was like 17 when I got the first game. Now I'm 25

I will miss you Geralt Hope to see Ciri in Cyberpunk 2077


>every character together

oh, it hurts

>bloody baron still alive

Did you make the right choice, anons?

Who else doubts Cyberpunk 2077 will ever happen?

>Syanna alive


i think eskel mentioned in the first game how shocked he was when geralts hair turned white, so either they are same age or eskel is older.
Lambert is youngest.

Never played a Witcher game but is that seriously how the protag is voiced? shit sounds so amateur..


Just going to go ahead and remind everyone that the first Witcher had the best OST.

his voice is honestly perfect for Geralt my dude

Only one with a bad OST was 2

The Witcher 3 is game of the generation. I'll be eagerly awaiting 2077.

Anyone who thinks CDPR is going to stop making The Witcher games after the incredible success of Wild Hunt is a naive idiot. They made a card game for fuck's sake. They're going to milk this cow over the next 10+ years. I guarantee it.

Eskel and Geralt are roughly the same age. Lambert is a witcher-generation younger.

CD are going to turn in Bethesda aren't they?

We'll see what happens with Cyberpunk. CDPR are at a turning point, whether they can hold onto their integrity or not remains to be seen.

I don't like the Witcher series because I don't care for the source material much and the game had some bad design / mechanics that really grated me the wrong way. I get why its popular and it deserves to be. But it shouldn't really be lauded as this perfect game series because its not.

Witcher's going to continue to be milked, but at this point the two guys who've been writing the games (who I think are Marcin Blacha and Sebastian Stepien) have probably run dry regarding the Witcher-verse.

Witcher WILL continue to be milked, though, because Sapkowski is a businessman. IIRC there's a Netflix series on the way.

Geralt's hair turned white as a result of the mutations though...

Sapkowski has nothing to do with the games.

>"Now tell us how you're doing"
>mom having psychotic episodes, neet because i have to watch her, no friends, no longer care, spent this morning shaking in bed trying to pretend i wasnt hearing the shit i was hearing, just want to disappear because even if all my problems suddenly went away, right this moment, im already dead
>"Now tell us how you're doing"

absolutely taken off guard, silly but fake video game friendship feels better than nothing at all
glad i got into this series

I never said that he did.

Given the context of the thread and your talking points, it is easy to see that you were implying he was.

i know. point was that eskel was there to witness it, meaning he must be as old as geralt or older.

How? I explicitly mentioned the guys who I recall as being the games writers, guys who are not Sapkowski.

>Now, tell us how you're doing

Oh uh I've been doing great too geralt. My old f-friend.

because they are genuinely good games

>probably the Witcher universe

you're delusional if you think there won't be another Witcher game eventually. It might not star Geralt, but Witcher 3 sold 11 million copies, they're not going to just let the franchise die.

That assumes Cyberpunk ever actually comes out.

You're dumb. He's mentioning Sapkowski-milking in the same breath as the games because the license was only given out for a bit of drinking money, Andzrej had zero confidence in the quality of the product and, in the way only a Pole can react, felt cheated because he wasn't given a residual on something he expected no residuals on.

It doesn't matter that he isn't the writer, you said the series will continue to be milked because he's a businessman. This thread is specifically about the series as a video game medium, and saying "Witcher will continue to be milked" without further context can easily be construed as you talking about the games. Mentioning Netflix doesn't help either, it could very easily be based on the stories told in the game series rather than based on the actual books.

>it could very easily be based on the stories told in the game series rather than based on the actual books

The Witcher is a good series, but it's sort of masturbatory to try to hype up its anniversary like anyone outside of GOG developers should care. I mean, did BioWare try to hold Dragon Age anniversary? Actually they might've at a con and run a sexplay party with fully gay trannies.

Making my text green doesn't change that fact. Do we know anything about the series other than that it exists?

Dragon Age has soured the vast majority of it's fans, and Bioware as a whole has not been very popular lately. Witcher has no bad blood anywhere, except with a few autists of Sup Forums, so this kind of anniversary celebration is not out of place.

It being based on the books instead of the games is pretty much ALL that we know

>Tomek Baginski
>director of Ambition
>starring Aiden Gillen

I'm just glad because it being based on the books means I'll get to see my bro Nivellen again, however briefly.

I hope they fix the combat for those games. They surely have to know that its shit right? Like, two worlds 2/Risen 3 tier of dogshit.

I felt exposed because i remembered all the sfm porn

I honestly feel nothing but pity for the people who can't appreciate The Witcher games. I too remember a time when I openly criticized TW2 but now it's my favourite of the series.

It was from CDPR themselves for laughs.


its from their blooper reel. pretty funny imo

I like CDPR because they released all 3 Witcher games physically with no DRM. I've never played them, but I bought all 3 out of appreciation for them releasing their games in the only proper format to sell a game.
I can't wait for Cyberpunk 2077 and I will be definitely buying the physical copy of that.
Shame about GOG though.

I just got the ending where radovid takes over the north, ciri becomes a witcher, emhyr gets stabbed by his own people and geralt lives with triss all rich in kovir. Best ending ever.

>not getting the restoration of Temeria ending

A super majority of all witcher fans haven't touched 2 let alone 1. They probably don't even know that it's a game series based off of books.

Witcher 1 is the best in the series, anyone who calls themselves a fan has played it senpai.

As someone who isn't a fan of the series I found this video to be a little cheesy but if Konami decided to do a video like this for MGS' 30th anniversary in the same style I'd probably tear up 2bh

Here's to you Witcher fags

I could see them making a more blank slate with a rookie witcher customizable character sort of thing. Only problem is witchers are almost extinct in 3 and no one knew how to make them until Yen uncursed uma

As someone who likes Witcher, I don't know why you expect me to give a shit about this.

How im doing Geralt?

I want to kill myself Geralt...


>playing witcher 3 on death march
>fighting royal wyvern is easier than fighting 6 level 10 drowners

I forcefully shoved dijkstra

you play as young Vesemir

or you play as Berengar on his troubled path to destruction

It was cheesy as hell but I liked it as a little bit of novelty. It also kind of confirms which endings are canon which is good for me as I fucking love this series.

>I want to kill myself
>but instead I'll just sit here on my computer, posting pictures of wojak on Sup Forums

You don't want to kill yourself, you fucking pussy. Get the fuck out of here.


Nice video, wish I could replay W3, but that game is fucking huuuuge.

Orphans get eaten by the crones confirmed as canon I spotted the baron

>You have to do all the content when you replay a game

Nobody cares about the Shitter. Shitter 3 doesn't have even half the players Skyrim - a much older game, has at this point.


faping to sex mods is not actually playing the game, user

Cyberpunk is their next stage. They saw Witcher III as a means to really establish themselves with a reputation for quality to a decent sized audience. Gwent is a side project, they're still hiring for Cyberpunk if you look on the website. They know Cyberpunk is to be something of a magnum opus. They know what they need to do. Pondsmith putting faith in them gives me confidence, let alone the quality of Witcher III.

10 years of the author being massively butthurt over the games being more popular than the books lol

>Meanwhile at Bethesda

Says the guy posting GoT.