ITT: post truly awful, ugly character designs
ITT: post truly awful, ugly character designs
I want to fuck her though, so how can it be an awful design?
this looks so funny who came up with this
Flurrie is great. Cmon, son.
Flurrie is T H I C C and she has almost no porn because fags want to jerk it to Goombella or Bow.
Literally every fucking rubber tranny in Overwatch
This one is so bad it makes me mad. I can't believe the last Xenoblade threads I entered, there was always some fag defending it, claiming Shulk looked just as bad. Nope
>almost no porn
>the next result in Google autocomplete after "paper mario flurrie" is "paper mario flurrie fart"
Fuck you, Flurrie is hot. As a kid I always thought she was a cloud or a big sack of air, so I would fetishise that if you ate her your body will morph into hers to match her air DNA.
no u
This is fucking terrible. Jesus.
the infamous inverted inverted triangle body shape
>T H I C C
Stopped reading right there
she's honestly alright
I appreciate Flurrie
More like everything from Xenoblade 2.
How the fuck do you go from Shulk to this shit?
>vivian was one of the first things i ever masturbated too
>remember being one of the first things i tried to find rule 34 of
>due to the rumour that she's male in the japanese version, all porn of her she makes her futa
I'm glad futafags get their fun, but to this day i'm still somewhat disapointed
N. Gin is suppose to be ugly though. He has the whole Two Face thing going on, considering he has a missile lodged in him.
i know that's his whole thing (and they did a good job on that desu) and i have no problem with that. hell i like N.Gin as a character. i only posted him because he looks ugly.
why is missile-face a black haired goth
She pissed me off so much. I switched her out immediately after having to use her. Even in fights I would literally never use her or upgrade her.
>implying you weren't using it until it got popular
You faggots are worse than thiccfags
I'm sure there's SOME straight female Vivian porn out there.
Though yeah, it's going to be eclipsed by the male/futa porn of her.
So I feel ya.