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Sup Forums - Home Furnishings




I honestly don't know what to say. It looks comfortable at least.

would be perfect if wasn't so fucking low to the ground

I guess that's why they call it fort brag

This is where I play video games

I have a 2'x3' space underneath for my legs, and I am not fat.

Not yours but a post on reddit.

If my apartment had more floorspace, I'd love something like this though.

what the fuck
is this real
also is this the guy that avatarfags with those characters in the top left

literally buy $50 worth of pillows from kohls and throw a sheet over them.

wow naisu
I wish I had also a big collection of physical games like that but I would always sell stuff

Does that laptop part swing around so it can be infront of the person lying down or do you have to break your neck to use it?

Why is there a sort of couch thing on the side of the bed, when that's what the bed is for?

The safe and storage space is cool. But the bookshelf is weird, I feel like my elbows would hit them anytime I turn over. Also it seems to high up to be able to use the bedside table that's near it. You also can't put a glass of water on the fabric shit, that'll just fall right off.

Also how the fuck do you clean all that? Putting a fitted sheet on that would be a nightmare.

Shit nigger were you actually an airborne infantryman?

I like ur little man that holds ur headset


I always loved having a bunch of games that i played around. It's nice to look at.

Most were bough for cheap, i would scope out games until they were less then $20


why the fuck does Sup Forums turn the image sideways

golem get ye gone

If your photo has exif data Sup Forums deletes it then rotates the image.

I want it bad. Since it's Chinese, I wonder if it's cheap overpriced trash that'll fall apart?


R5 1600 @ 3.9ghz & GTX 1060 6GB, 2DS

just settled in to a new school apartment.

Damn, a chair with an actual cushion. That's a luxury in a dorm.

Not infrantry, also still in.


Jesus this is a dorm? Hell my army barracks room is more homey than this as cramped as it seems. This looks like a prison. Hard bricked walls are unacceptable to have in such a living space when your paying tuition.

>exif data



I really like this one. You stream on twitch or something? Really good setup for a casual streamer. I dig the game collection as well.

Dude for a dorm room that one's actually pretty nice. As a student you learn to lower your expectations real quick.

It was 1200
GTX 1070
16gb Ram
128gb Solid State + 1TB
I7-7700 HP Processor

Pretty much top of the line for a good price as far as gaming laptops go. I was out at walmart/best buy just the other day and saw the same Alienware (Except GTX1060 vs my 1070) going for $1700.

Thats just sad, my own country never fails to disappoint me.

Sup Forumscross shitpost

Thats a big ass rig. Also you'd be one of the first I've seen in a long time with a Steam Controller.

I've come so culminated to Laptop keyboards that I don't think that I would ever want a mechanical one again. Still nice setup though.

Thats comfy as fuck. But man do I hate though long monitors. What are they good for in all honesty? Would you say you do your browsing on that side and gaming on the main?

Basically when you take a photo with your phone or whatever there will be some info embedded in the photo like camera specs, gps location, time the photo was taken etc.

can weirdo's actually pin point the location easily though?

monitor stand?

yes, its easy as fuck.

always clear exif data before you post any pics anywhere.

How do you clear it?

>see all these battlestation threads
>only have a labtop
>it's an Omen but I usually play it on my lap like a phone
One day, I will get a good job and be able to afford a nice desk with a multi-screen computer.
I just have to try.

can't wait for people to come to kill me now

>right click photo
>remove properties and personal information *at the bottom
>remove all

Thank you

It's around $600 Chinese shit but literally made for Chinese seeing as how its only like 5ft in length.

Yeah, I realise that now, I'm looking into trying to make one myself.

main is a 27", secondary is a 24". would look weird if they were both landscape. i use the second one for discord/spotify/notes
PG279Q, S2415H
loctek dual arm


Wallpaper please


Thank you very much.

Too fat to get off the ground?

Console Battlestation, with retro CRT station next to it.

PC station next to projector

titanfall 2 my dude

>that panty and stocking poster
god tier taste user

I'm just starting, don't care to share my stuff at this point.

Projector is cool


Getting a give soon what do you recommend?

Well there's alot of great stuff.

I don't know if job simulator still comes with it.

Raw data
Rec room
Raw data
Chair in a room
Selfie tennis VR
Rick and morty

I also like dead hungry, but it's just a food prep game.

Bump, not sinking past page 6

I have to ask, am I the only one who uses a 6' folding table?

Pic related

Have some respect for our fellow soldiers.

Posting for first time. There isn't a doona cover on the bed since my older brother is coming back home for his birthday and staying in this room (it was his room before he moved)

and if anyone asks here's the shelf

What desk is this? Moving into a new house soon and I could use a nice big desk like this.

>tower sitting right on the carpet
$5 at Home Depot, man

Tower was only on the carpet for a short while. I have it on a mini table I made. I just haven't been assed to take a shot.

Trust me, I know about the whole "muh dust" thing. I have been posting in these threads a long time.

those are very handy for lan parties

An old picture before I started to clutter it up with my shit but the layout hasn't changed since. I did get a lava lamp though, it's on the drawers next to the desk so I have some low lighting during nighttime.

Nobody called you fat though, I mean why wouldn't a wide table like that have lots of leg room? Something like that is independent of your body weight.

>even the good looking desks
>never without some amount of toys

I honestly don't get what it is with you guys and toys

Hey OP. What branch of the military are you in? Are there a lot of other Sup Forumsirgins sharing a barrack with you?

Universities get to treat their students like shit despite the fact that they're paying out the ass for these amenities because the same students are too busy either trying to get a degree or are complaining about the wrong things.

lol, no "university" dorm looks like that. that's either in mexico or something, or some shitty local "college"

You could really do with a change in furniture, maybe get a tv stand with lots of shelves on it.

Built it myself from home depot

Many anons ask me if I even have leg room. I don't know why, the desk is 7 foot long and 40 inches deep. Of course I have leg room.


Have you done any recent updates

From poor to well going

Panty and stocking is actually shit though.
It's just really, awful jokes for the entire thing. And they're not even tasteful, it's just middle-school innuendo.


It's more style over substance like everything Trigger.
The visuals and presentation are more important than the writing

love the framed pokemon

pretty comfy; bigger TV would make more sense.

and the retro room that seems to piss certain people off for some reason.

>that fucking bong


Just a poor college student living by myself.
Not much has changed in this photo.
I got myself a counter top dishwasher and water dispenser. Also recently purchased a Buttkicker LFE that is under my couch and a Behringer iNUKE nu3000dsp amp to power it.
It's pretty cool to have your couch shake when explosions go off in movies/games.

the mystery of the headphone holder is unraveled.

>poor college student

Are you ever going to stop saying that? It's been years literally.


