What would a modern Sega console need for you to buy one?
What would a modern Sega console need for you to buy one?
All of their unported arcade games.
Worthwhile exclusives, same as any other console.
good games, free internet
>on one side nintendo switch with mario, arms, splatoon, botw, and mk
>on the other the DC 2 with nights 3, sonic mania 2, shenmue 3, and shinobi
never :(
cartridge format :^)
to be a PC
Good exclusives, no paid online services, decent servers. It's most likely not a plan for the near future, however. I do wonder if Sammy actually thinks they can increase their sales by 133 billion yen within the next 3 years or if it was just investor speak.
I'd buy it no matter what. I was a Sega kid the Genesis days.
They can't, it'd be awkward.
There's three routes they can take:
Generic Consoles that try to be powerful and are just shit PCs (see ps4 and xbox one etc)
- Absolutely no one wants this.
Creative consoles, there's just simply no room for two of these. - You'll get one or the other and people are so hardcore for Nintendo that they won't switch.
Finally Handheld, they just can't win not with the 3DS, Nintendo owns that market.
SEGA's 2018 CONSOLE needs to have:
>Upon registering an account, you would get instant access to free downloads for at least 30 games from the SG-1000 and Mark II...
>At least 30 games from Master System
>At least 30 games from Genesis/Mega Drive+bullshit add-ons
>At least 30 games from Game Gear
>At least 20 games from Saturn
>At least 10 games from Dreamcast
>At least 10 games from PS2 and onwards
>Able to play Sega CD, Saturn, and Dreamcast games from their retail CDs/DVDs (backwards compatibility for cartridges from before that would be hard and unfeasible, so no need)
>Revive old forgotten IPs from pic related
Sega can't stock a console with enough exclusives to be of any value.
Doubtful it'll ever happen, but if MS left the console business to be replaced by Sega, I'd be a happy man.
>all their titles ported and available on some online service
>totally free online play though I don't mind it if they have a PSN+ model like the PS3 had
>exclusive HD collections of their top franchises like Sonic, Yakuza, etc with extra content over previous versions for more current games
>no gimmicky bullshit, keep the console itself cheap
>a controller with the 360/Wii U Pro shape
You and I both know there's no way those old Japanese businessmen are gonna give you all those games for free. They do plan to "revive dormant IPs" in the future supposedly, if that means anything to you.
>its another Sup Forums thinks exclusives are why people buy consoles
no you dickheads, its because its easier than a PC and children get given them as presents
The tiny percentage of you that buy them for exclusives are not enough sales to justify a new entry into hardware
Pull your fucking heads in and think for once
Launch games
Mandatory Sonic games.
>Sonic Adventure 3
>Sonic Mania MAX: Maniac's Cut
>Sonic Generations DX
>Sonic 1, 2, CD by Taxman on SEGA Digital Store
>Mario and Sonic at the 2018 Olympic Games
>Sonic and SEGA: All Stars Racing 3
>Hatsune Miku ~10 Years~ Project DIVA Universe
>Jet Set Railgrind
>Yakuza Collection
>SEGA Smash Bros.
>Ristar 2: The Shooting Star Returns
>Shenmue 3
>Puyo Puyo Game
>PSO2 ENG translation
>Alex Kidd into Dreams (NiGHTS crossover)
>Project X Zone 3
>original IPs
>third party games
Would you buy it, Sup Forums?
I'm a huge sega fag so they could package a turd and I'd buy.
just give me resonance of fate 2
Only if Shenmue 4-6 are to follow eventually
What Sega should do is:
- take a cheap AMD64 laptop SOC around $50
- surround it with $50-$75 or so in other hardware
- target price $149
- put SteamOS on it (possibly with a custom skin)
-- instant library of thousands of games, including tons of good indie games that will run on low specs
- port all their stuff and put it on SteamOS
- work out a deal to put a fair bit of games on it by default out of the box and maybe some revenue sharing with Valve on sales made through the box.
Put it out on the holidays as something akin to a Dreamcast retro console and then people who buy it slowly realize that they've got something that is a lot more than just a Sega Dreamcast Mini.
>We will never get another TBS Shining game
Why live?
That pic needs Golden Axe, but otherwise pretty solid.
To exist?
I don't think you're factoring in arcade titles.
>children get given them as presents
these days they all play LoL, I'm completely serious
>PSO2 eng translation
I don't have an image for how hard I'm laughing
also no Valkyria Chronicles so it's still no
i wouldn't. Sega releases their games on Steam and i wouldn't buy a shitty console even if they stopped releasing on PC
Shitty launch games, would buy after the new Jet Set Radio
Power Stone.
What developers should they take under their wing? So far a lot of these recommended games are Sonic Team games. Hell, what developers does Sega own other than Sonic Team?
I played outrun once
it was actually nauseating
What if the console didn't have the gimmicks. No motion or touch control, no multimedia support, none of that shit. Just games. From your Steam library.
Atlus are basically autonomous, but they're owned by Sega/Sammy.
I just realized that Atlus is owned by Sega. Would all the Atlus games being ported and becoming exclusive sell you on this hypothetical console, Sup Forums?
Only if they make mainline SMT for it, as well as spinoffs.
>An exclusive JSR new game at launch.
>All the yakuzies on there.
>A persona 3 remake along with all the games.
Oh yeah and preferably just be a nintendo switch because I really like the portability gimmick
I'm not, at least you can get a Yakuza release annually I guess.
to look as good as the saturn and have a nice UI.
The only SEGA thing I engage with these days are European strategy games, so it would have to be a PC
I have a list of dead ips that I want them to revive.
I also want an arcade comeback first. Not some F1 game on UE4 bullshit. Their arcades were always at the top considering the hardware at the time.
ok now lets be realistic
sega to actually make games themselves that didn't suck
they kind of completely gave up on that some time after 2003
Sonic Adventure 3
Sonic Mania 2
Shenmue 3
Shenmue 1+2 HD
new Panzer Dragoon
Panzer Dragoon saga HD
Panzer Dragoon 1+2 HD
Segagaga english translation
new Jet Set Radio
new Samba De Amigo
Basically bring back all the good, dead IPs.
new ips
>What would a modern Sega console need for you to buy one?
Steam pre-installed.
Imagine this
>Sega makes a cheap console using cellphone hardware and whatever cheap 3D graphics chip they could get ahold of to keep costs down
>MSRP $50
They churn out fun original PS2/Dreamcast quality games for it and because the development costs are so low, they can be adventurous and boldly make games that could potentially flop and not care because the investment was so low.
Make it portable and we're golden.
could be inspired by the Switch as a handheld that also plugs into your monitor.
Godammit I looked at that pic like 5 times before I posted. I guess there is a reason I wear glasses.
>Be more powerful then the Xbone and PS4, and on par with at least the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro. They cannot underpower it like Nintendo does and get away with it.
>Bring back a lot of their IPs, have a solid launch.
>Have major partners on board from other companies to help support it.
>Priced respectably.
>Japanese and Western branches need to be on the same page and not have the fucking disconnect or infighting that has plagued Sega in the past (Something I don't think has changed much).
Honestly, Sega is barely staying afloat as-is and barely releases anything besides Yakuza and Sonic and anything Atlus makes. Yakuza is doing better but still has a niche audience, and Sonic is still not 100% recovered.
Only way I could see them coming back is if Microsoft drops out down the line, and even then I suspect that other, more financially stable companies would fill the void (Amazon, Apple, etc).
Why nobody cares about Virtua Fighter?
You know they are going to announce a new one soon?
Why did you even waste everyone's time with this post
>Why nobody cares about Virtua Fighter?
1.- It's been too long since 5
2.- It's the most complex 3D fighter and 3D fighters are more complex than 2D fighters by default
3.- No edgy story about demons and murder
4.- Not full of naked whores and kawaii school girls
5.- No flashy magic bullshit
>You know they are going to announce a new one soon?
Really? Source?
Forgot to link
this, chao too
Persona 6
Shin Megami Tensei 1 Remake / Reboot
Jet Set Radio 3
Bayonetta 3
Seaman 2
Trauma Center
somehow i cant imagine a amazon or apple console. Microsoft was still recognized in the computer industry which made sense for them to make a console but amazon and apple? granted apple is like microsoft but their hardware is shit and just sell you fancy plastic.
this. only reason why the xbone is not in my radar after all these years.
exclusives that are complete & bug-free with no needed patch and DLCs wouldn't hurt either