Did this series die? Shouldnt a new one be out by now
Just leave. Dont say anything to anyone, and dont touch anything on your way out.
>inb4 leddit boogeyman
what the fuck is going on with this series?
I try not to think about fnaf anymore after the 3rd game, thanks for the reminder faggot
who cares you autist
Phone guy was the purple guy originally, that was the retcon
fuck off
>Retconning "lore" for a YouTube horror bait game
pretty obvious the retcon was the purple guy being the killer to the purple guy being the son of the killer.
everything else is the same.
the misconception of fnaf4 is probably what year the bite happens as is alluded in SL's secret room.
t. long time theorist who escaped the shit fandom/series and happened to see this thread
Announcing sages is against the rules you know. Also it makes you look like an underage newfag who just came here from reddit who has no idea what sage actually does
How much did he make shit up as he went along do you think?
>bumping a thread you don't like
What was Sup Forums's reaction to fnaf when it came out?
so i take it that lasagna man is still confirmed for canon lore?
>pretty obvious the retcon was the purple guy being the killer to the purple guy being the son of the killer.
what? so it wasn't that security guard? who's his dad?
Is that suppose to be a skeleton?
Literally said sage newfag
everyone was all over it until the youtubers got hold of it. slowly died down and by the 3rd game every thread was shitposting
Probably. Springtrap has a dead guy in him.
His Dad is William Afton, the Creator of the animatronics, and I guess the killer? Purple guy is William aftons son who got gutted/skinned by an amalgamation of the sister location and worn like a disguise. They wore his skin until it turned purple with decay and then got vomited out. Through some magic or something his soul reanimated his empty flesh sack and he started wearing the springtrap suit.
It's a clusterfuck.
but what about that scene in 3 with the suit pushing out the guy's organs?
Scott makes up his bullshit story as he goes along. The chest should have been the biggest clue that he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing with his stupid ass story
What said is basically right
That last Five Nights game was so fucking trash
is it inevitable for a franchises lore to eventually being ruined?
Any examples of lore that survived?
Sister Location, right?
I think the story is creepier but that's about it.
Any game that explains the lore clearly doesn't have it's lore ruined
The series would be so much better if it didn't appeal to those Gay Theory faggots
The half life franchise.
Cave story.
One thing these have in common? They came out before mass social media.
sage in every field
Legacy of Kain.
What did you not like about it user?
It was a easy linear boring piece of shit
its actually a mummified corpse
Pronounce "sage", faggot.
>it's a "Scott forgets what makes the original scary and just goes over the top with gore and messy imagery" episode
I still want my Desolate Abandon. Where is it Scott?
dude five freddy XD
Animatronics kill people at night. That should be the end of it as far as story goes. Fuck lorefags for ruining the premise.
>Five Nights at Freddy's
>Five Nights at Freddy's 2
>Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location
Only Freddy's related media worth any shits. And they're all nothing worth playing more than once. Something to experience once around Halloween for fun, a reason to say "Haha man, that was creepy" and then move on with your life. Average mildly enjoyable couple of games that the community managed to entirely shit on. That first week of discussion on Sup Forums when the first game dropped was pretty fun, you have to admit it.
>what makes the original scary
Cheap jump scares?
>it's a people don't remember what made the original FNAF great, and how much people here loved it episode
Each Souls game seems to have it's own internal lore, and the quality is pretty consistent. Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne were particular highlights.
Uncanny valley and atmosphere made the original scary. Unique setting and premise added to it as well. Never really should have gone beyond that first game.
The first game wasn't the best thing in the world, but at least it was able to tap into that creepy animatronic imagery you see in toy places. It was a refresher from zombie games and COD shooters in dark hallways. furthermore, what made the jumpscares work was that they were a penalty for losing, not just something you randomly see to spook the player. If you were good at the game, you could play it without ever having seen a jumpscare.
The anticipation and the way the game builds up to the jump scare.
Dammit I hate how people are using revisionist history and saying this entire franchise was always shit. The first game was outstanding for what it was.
>muscle car sounds from the hallways
Cave story also only had one game
>first game has a really cool concept and is actually pretty scary, all of the backstory is hidden in the background but there's only just enough to form a guess as to why the robots are crazy
>second game elaborates a little more on the story and turns the gameplay up to eleven, feels like a great sequel (prequel?)
>third game is a lot simpler in gameplay but finally reveals everything you'd need to know to fully understand the series and feels like a satisfying ending
he really should have ended it there, the last two games have raised way more questions than answers and haven't really advanced things much in a gameplay way either. they both feel completely pointless and all the "revelations" in 4 and SL feel like someone's fanfiction of the series because they didn't want it to be over after 3
>tfw you see foxy running down the fucking hallway on one of the cameras
I guess this is a good example, Souls lore never gets ruined because it never really gets excessively expanded upon
I'm still mad about the stupid snake dog statue
Sup Forums was at the frontlines of the theoryposting, this board is just full of hipsters that will drop anything once it gets mainstream.
Why did all the husbandofags latch onto Springtrap? He looks really fucked up.
For the first week or so of release, there were threads every day praising how creepy the game was and theorizing the (at the time pretty barebones) lore. Later on, furfags and attention-whoring drawfags started to take dominance of the threads (this behavior still exists today in the /vg/ threads), and then Markiplier's popularity bump cemented the final nail in the coffin for a chance of FNAF threads ever being good again.
its a robot user
First two were pretty good I could live without knowing about the others
>that whole sentence on the "adult theory"
I still wish that was true. Baby and Ballora being sexbots would have been a pretty damn good twist on the usual FNaF scenario, though I bet that would have pissed off the younger and more immature side of the fanbase.
Now that I think about it I wouldn't mind a ballora sex doll...
Me Tattletail! Me love you!
Can't understand why some people want to fuck him, but he's the best-designed animatronic after the original four.
It did suffer from overexposure, let's not deny that.
What do you think? Sup Forums liked it until it was popular.
>how can we fuck up a simple design?
What's fucked up about them? They're all different characters in different settings with different themes for different stories.
The popularity did ruin it in this case. It could have stayed a niche thing to look back on, now it's getting a feature length film.
who would win in a fight a real bear or freddy
>it's only good when only a select few know about it and like it that will cause it to die but better to die than have anyone else like it
A movie could be fine and honestly the dev is a great guy who deserves the success. I don't give a fuck about youtube streamers, so I couldn't be happier for him.
>Phone guy was the purple guy originally
How """originally""" are you talking here?
In FNAF1 the "purple guy" didn't even exist as a concept there was just the murderer and there was no indication that it was phone guy. In FNAF2 it might have been possible but purple guy was abducting people outside of the original Fredbear venue rather than from within as an employee. And of course by the time FNAF3 comes around we know for sure phone guy isn't purple guy because phone guy dies before FNAF and the FNAF3 scene where purple guy dies clearly takes place after when the venue is completely boarded up and dripping and rotting.
>better to die a hero than to see yourself become a villain
Fair enough.
Depends, which Freddy are we talking about?
Freddy Fazbear, Toy Freddy, Phantom Freddy, Shadow Freddy, Funtime Freddy, Golden Freddy, Nightmare Freddy, Golden Nightmare Freddy, or The Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past From The Future Freddy?
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Freddy Fazbear Kaioken x10 vs Golden Grizzly Bear
>The Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past From The Future Freddy
FNAF World is an underrated gem.
It was only good for how it was used by Scott to complain about how deriding his fans are.
The use of the character designs is great, but was it really a decent game? I thought it was shit on so broadly that it was made to be free
That'd be a tough one, but ultimately I think that SSGSSFFKKx10 would defeat Gold Grizz. His Pizza-Pie Bomb is capable of destroying entire solar systems while GG's Kinkuma Hyakuretsu Ken has been shown to be only planetbuster-tier. They're equals in close combat and overall abilities but the power gap between their ultimate attacks is too great.
Did he ever bring it back to Steam? I can't seem to find it there anymore.
That's a pretty sick joke
Reddit shat all over it, and unfortunately Scott listens to them way too much. It's a fun RPG though a bit barebones and it can get really tough in the later part.
It was put up on Gamejolt, and get this; for free. That's how much of a mistake Scott thinks it to be.
>made a phone port of it that's buggy, crashes randomly, and is filled with vicious jabs and insults towards itself as well as random memes
Scott really needs to go see his psychiatrist.
I heard he had something of a breakdown recently, either during or after his "cancellation" of FNAF6. I think he needs to quit development until the movie gets finished a few years from now.
m8 it's the anticipation of the jumpscares. very easy for non-autists to comprehend.
Is Toy Bonnie still a cute little fuckboy?
OG four have best designs
Doom's very mixed. I see some people praise the way lore was handled with 2016, but others vilify it for being "boring" and bastardizing the series.
Then again, that's just a result of anything having a fanbase.
I've never played Freddy's games. Should I try them out if I don't like horror games with dumb jumpscares like White Day and such?
Half Life has terrible lore
this. i totally forgot about this meme youtuber garbage
In SL he's a puppet mounted on freddy's hand. You have to do puzzles, and freddy gets progressively more sure he sees you in the room. You have a remote that makes bonnie say lines in a cute voice, like, "There's nothing there!! Go back to sleeeeep~!" and so on. You have to balance use of that and solving the puzzle without letting freddy get pissed enough to check it out.
>just edge my shit up