Why the FUCK do my teammates have to be special ed? I've played Overwatch for about 6 hours today, and out of all my games, I've won about 2. I've come across everything you can think of. How the fuck do I get out of gold hell as a support main?
Why the FUCK do my teammates have to be special ed? I've played Overwatch for about 6 hours today...
Play better games
Actually make friends to play with
Realize that you're the only constant across all your matches so if your average is losing across a high number of games, it's actually your fault
Team "competitive" games were a mistake
Play dps, every mouthbreather can heal or tank but these casual moba babbies can't aim for shit.
Alternatively stop playing a team based multiplayer game with randoms you stupid fuck.
>Team "competitive" games were a mistake
mainly this. but it works both ways. most people dont like fighting games, cause when you lose, you cant just blame your teammates or bad rng.
I played DPS all of the previous seasons, but I wanted to try something new because of how often DPS gets nerfed. I usually got 3 gold (damage, elims, and obj kills) and actually landed mid diamond. Playing support is a nightmare due to how much you rely on your teammates. You can be the best healer in the world with 100k healing and still lose because your tanks run in by themselves.
Quit now user. Nothing good comes from this game.
t. was top 500 in S2 and S3. This game is hell on earth.
>playing winston
>team gets wiped so i back up to spawn to regroup
>"our winston is throwing gg" - mercy main btw
>"hes just sitting outside of spawn"
>proceed to feed into the other team for the rest of the match out of spite
>we lose
still enjoyed the match though
The exact same thing has happened to me many times. What the fuck is wrong with the people who play this game?
>I've played Overwatch for about 6 hours today
>get called out by a Mercy main
>instead of verbally abusing them (they are weak willed and easy to put into place) you begin feeding intentionally so there is absolutely no chance of winning
Yeah man those shitters are really keeping you down
>t. Mercy main
>Somehow don't die in a lost fight as winston in a low elo game
>Get called out for being a little bitch (as your presumably are seeing as you must have bailed early to live)
>Int proving the arguable claim to be correct
Why I no gud?
Overwatch has the worst english speaking community iv ever seen.
Its can be worse than any moba at times.
Ana main actually
>Garry's Mod
But they said if I paid it would be fun!
>every loss game is a complete shit stomp
>every win is hard fought
>always performing top of my team
Is it me?
>don't play enough games to average out the significance of individual games
No, that's the reason
As someone with a full time job, I imagine a lot of people who complain are like me and can only play "real" casually.
I'm someone who didn't get to level 30 in LoL until 2016 years ago, and I started in 2012.
If others are like me, that's likely why the bad teams are so annoying
Cause I only play Hanzo with -15% accuracy... and will forever be stuck in platinum.
daily reminder that if you are consistently losing more than you win over a reasonable sample size, you are the problem. There is no such thing as rating hell. If the people at your rating are shitters, then both teams have shitters on them. If you can't compensate for shitters, then you are a shitter.
who says i didnt shit talk?
only rank 3300 on that acc. and ill do anything to piss off a mercy main
>i know that felling all too well
Just got out of gold yesterday after playing 4 hours to gain 100sr. I end up carrying most of the games as junkrat. I still don't know how in the living fuck do this people get the rank they have even though they play like shit.
There's your problem, Ana is literally like having one less player.
>play whatever
>Ana healer
>low health but I'm not complaining, I assume they are busy healing others
>watch healing darts just fly past hitting walls around me
>if I want healing I have to find them and stand still in front of their face
I was top 500 you fucking mongoloid. Kill yourself.
Foxy Grandpa reporting in, Flanking the enemy behind a Reinhardt or Orisa shield is the best feeling. Especially if a widowmaker trys to snipe you and you rush right and bash them with your gun.
Stop playing
The game is going to shit anyways, and it doesn't get better once your out of gold. Infact it gets worse.
Sure you were buddy. Just know you're ruining the game for your team.
I assumed you were too afraid to talk shit since you got booty bothered by a Mercy main.
>going to shit
Are you still in 2016?
>Consider friending OP to help him out
>Retard in gold
Lol even my Diamond smurf can't group with you. Git gud OP. Stop healing people and start climbing.
this. every asshole in diamond or above thinks theyre hot shit at dps. except for all the one trick mercy and lucios
Learn to main Hanzo then you always "win".
Do you realise how powerful Ana was when she first came out?
You're some low ELO scrub who knows nothing about the game. End yourself.
Forced 50% win ratio
>Dva becoming a DPS
>Widow changes
>Mercy changes
They are catering to the children who play. The vocal minority are crying about problems that dont exist when actual problems are ignored. I'm not going to bother getting into an argument about this because the same shit happens every time. Yelling and >implying until 404
Find/make friends to queue with that you can count on, whether they be good DPS players or tanks or whatever.
In solo queue the only person you can rely on is yourself and that sucks.
>playing a multiplayer game with randos
There's your problem. You're a moron playing with morons.
individual skill means jack shit in this game
Shit getting shittier is still shit.
I mean I guess, at least the game was fun pre-Ana.
This game is a skinner box
Ever woundered why you dont get to determine your maps, or pick your prefered roles, or avoid players you dont want in your games.
Well its all about the negative reinforcer.
You keep eating shit over and over untill you get that map you like with a decent team, after that its just rinse and repeat.
Coming from someone who plays CS, solo queing is a very big gamble. You can end up with the best possible teammates on the planet, or you'll much often end up with literal idiots who dick around in comp on purpose. The fact that you play Overwatch makes it much worse since individual and team skill is near nonexistent in it.
What makes you say that?
t.top 10 hanzo on overbuff
>paying for a skinner box
what? I shoot arrows
>Realize that you're the only constant
The only constant is the match making. As a support main you can get huge problems getting out of gold. Even top 500 players who make a "bronze to top 500" challenge stopping playing Mercy in gold until they reach high Masters and mostly only using Zen or Lucio, because if you can make damage, the match making will fuck your ass big time.
No need to be mad, healslut, it's not your fault they thank Mercy and not you.
Hanzo never needs to thank someone for healing he gets 50 hp per headshot just get good at aiming
Play TF2 and gib some gibus scouts
You'll feel better
>playing fun game to distract from shit one
How does this work?
He's not saying the game was going to shit in 2016 because now it's better, but rather the game is already shit.
Why am I having trouble reading this
The game has had long enough to calibrate everyone's MMR correctly. You are at the rank you deserve, there's no trick to it, if you want to have a better rank you need to improve. There's no fucking conspiracy keeping your rank down, everyone's rated the same way.
The quickest way for most people to improve is to use coms. If your teammates aren't on coms ask them to get on in chat. If they won't join then just play as well as you can and try again next game, the more games you can convince people to use coms the more you will win.
Because it's poorly written
You've been staring at a screen for too long, and it's wrecked your vision.
Your issue is "main". "Maining" something in a team based shooter where you are supposed to change characters depending of the situation is the issue. People don't really play the objective in Overwatch, they are generally very very passive and they insist on using Genji, Hanzo, Ana, Widowmaker shitter combo even all of these characters at once in lot of matches. You shouldn't play Quickplay at all because it's a sure way to get pissed off and frustrated. Only option is to play Competitive and you need to be able to communicate with people and change your fucking character. Don't say you "main" because it gives you away as a shitter.
nou its cuz my teammates r bad
Daily remember that if you claim to "main" a character, you have autism. If you can't counter pick, that's why you're in silver.
That does not invalidate what he said.
If the reason you aren't climbing in rank is because you insist on playing a character that is low impact or bad then you need to start changing characters. The game is not forcing you to main the heal slut, there are some games where she is appropriate and some where she isn't. If you are making bad decisions then you deserve to go down in rank.YOU ARE THE ONLY CONSTANT.
It seems to be your first season in which you have to do the rank grind and you're making a typical mistake: If you are good never play support until you're in diamond or higher.
In the low tiers the players do not teamwork, which is the main reason they are in the low tier to begin with, and a support hero without a team playing around it is a wasted slot. With a bit of skill you will be able to take down 2-3 enemies by yourself should you play a tank or dps hero and this usually helps to carry your team to victory. Healing a bad player who then dies without getting a few kills in return is a waste of time and healing more of them doesn't fix the issue at hand - they are bad and don't know how to capitalize on their HP advantage.
>only one healer
>switch to hanzo
Why does it feel so good throwing in this game bros?
cause the players are such manchildren
How's the community in that game still? Alive? I really miss playing it sometimes.
My nigga, been throwing every season from master till bronze, gotta love when they see the diamond icon in their team, they get so happy ... then they lose, holy shit this gets me rock hard every time
if you cantt get out of gold you are literally just not good
It's as alive as it has been for years. If the Pyro update ever happens, it'll be doing pretty well. Community servers aren't as big anymore, but you can always find plenty of matches.
kill yourself, this is the stupidest argument ever
The update for that game is coming on October, Halloween period. It's going to be fine.
Did they announce that?
TF2 players xDD
Can't you fucking virgin faggot betas learn that Overwatch is the superior game?
Like fucking seriously, how the fuck do you still play that outdated shit xD! That shit failed ever since Overwatch came out and it cant keep up kid.
Go outside for once in your life and you will see that everyone talks about Overwatch and no one talks about TF2!
>valve isn't afraid to release current player numbers
>blizzard is
How do they get away with it?
>6 hours straight of OW
Good lord, just stop.
Hm.... you're a fucking faggot xD
Like seriously like fucking blizzard has like 3 million registered players you stupid nerd xD for real
Valve cant even maintain a quarter of that for TF2 like how ignorant can you be faggot?
>3 million
Get with the picture, man! They just bundled it with ink cartridges in Mexico, they're up to 25 million "players" now!
I started playing overwatch because of the anniversary free weekend. I got placed in gold and climbed to diamond. If you're stuck in gold it's your own fault. Especially since you're a support main, and climbing as support is way easier since nobody wants to play it.
Play symmetra. Mine the salt, have a 70%+ winrate.
Because you'll still get a card as torb just for throwing armor at yourself.
Ahahaha nice bait virgin faggot ;^)
Stay mad that your garbage game is dead
You are very delusional if you think that climbing as a support is easier than climbing as a tank or DPS. You can't really kill the enemy team consistently as a support unless you play Zen. If you get shit teammates who can't kill, you're healing people who can't kill. They may live longer, but in the end they're not going to kill anyone which means you lose.
Ana is so fucking shit now, it makes me sad. Don't plat Ana in gold because retards won't protect you if you get dived/will chill in Winston's bubble even though they should know you can't heal through barriers.
Unfortunately out of all the supports I like playing Ana and Zen the most. It's tough being an Anafag.
>I've played Overwatch for about 6 hours today, and out of all my games, I've won about 2.
The only constant is you, bud.
if you are good at the game play something else with solo carry potential like soldier 76, mccree or zarya, i was gold, so i start playing zarya and i got into diamond fast. in gold para has a lot of solo carry potential, no one has aim , so phara can easily stomp the other team, and when they try to counter you they usually fail.
Too bad nobody wants to actually play support, so you have decent players with a brain who end up maining the job.
play more bastion
>top 500 players are the same as your bronzie brethren
I climbed to diamond with Lucio and Mercy as my most played characters.
I didn't intend it that way, I just picked heroes based on what I thought would give the team the highest possibility of wining based on what other people picked.
Again, if you're stuck it's your own fault.
Take a break from Overwatch and play some Paladins for a bit, you'll be glad you did.
Pick Mcree or any meme character if your team doesn't want to play seriously and just dick around.
Bruh just play with no mic.
I was diamond first couple seasons back when I had friends to play with.
They stopped playing and I did solo queue which brought me down and kept me in gold.
Simply, if the team isn't willing to work together you'll just have a hard time. The only way to rank up consistently in solo q is to just hard carry with some form of DPS because getting kills is about all people on your team will understand.
Just start playing tracer. She's really fucking easy and even if you fuck up her ult you'll get it back in a minute.
i got a bit bored with the game a bit before doomfist and since coming back i have only done 5 or so comp placement matches so far but whats with junkrat being so popular all of a sudden? hes been picked by both teams every match so far and i dont know if i should be happy or angry about it
i know they gave him a second mine and faster tire but was that all it took to make him a high tier character?
mostly played junk/zen/sym at high plat before i originally stopped
I think people are just excited that a character they like isn't as trash anymore, not that he's suddenly a must-pick for people who had no interest to begin with. I expect the number of people picking him will fall off over time.
enjoy your permaban you stupid fuck
>team doesn't have Orisa
I played Overwatch for the first time at my cousin's house. I was using D. Va and winning a great deal of matches, as well as getting many kills. Am I just a scrub and she's broken? Or did I find the perfect character for me to play as?
accept you're bad, it's the first step to solving your problem
Not an argument.
With the level of retardation of Sup Forums these days, I'm not sure if this is ironic shitposting or just shitposting