well Sup Forums what you will buy?
Well Sup Forums what you will buy?
How much for the apron?
>All your money
>Buy shitton of items
>1 gold left in my pouch
>Buy 26 atk sword
You kids need to step it up
Yea, can I buy a better fucking artist?
buy you some eyebrows
Let me buy the woman
I don't settle for second best, give me the price on that hammer.
Is there lewd art in this thread yet?
>Buy second sword
>Get it again in the dungeon
>Duel wield them
>buy expensive ass items
>progress in the game and those items become low tier as fuck
It feels weird
Nothing. Since I'm going to find the right sword in the next dungeon I'll just fight through it with whatever weapon I currently have.
A gun so I could shoot myself.
A gun.
Buy the first sword, then the second one for all of my money. make weird oblong sword scissors
by the chick's hammer then fuck her
How much for you to sit your sweaty ass on my face and let me sniff your butthole for as long as I want?
If I buy the second one, can you take off the apron?
>caring if people dual wield
could you shape me a mace with your thighs, swords are for fucking weebs
I'll buy it if you take off the apron, your move.
When I see pictures like this, I immediately think 'If you're this good, why not move to drawing actual porn and get better'?
>I've killed dragons with my bare thighs
Lucky for you, that's my fetish.
Neither because both will be obsolete by the time I reach the next town.
how do i learn to draw like this
K-kill me with your bare thighs please
Let me buy your thighs then. Seems like those are much better weapons
ur hammer
That will be 30 gold pieces, then.
or maybe they can draw better and just want to fuck around doing quick doodles with Sup Forums?
when i see posts like this, i immediately think the person who made them should neck themselves
template have fun
Never mind no eyebrows pls
Give me that fucking hammer, swords suck.
Why aren't you out saving the world then?
why would I pay you for a gift for you? Now you can wiggle your eyebrows and look angry better.
>He doesn't like thick eyebrows
Eyebrowlets get out
I will buy her or at least a night with her. I want her to teach me smithing all night long.
Let me buy a fart from your asshole, directly into my mouth, please.
Compliment an artist and be told to off self? Oh right, this is Sup Forums.
I asked how much for the apron, I don't have all day.
Disgusting. Pic related is superior choice
> buying gear at npc
>le lady boner
I'll have what he's having
how the fuck does that outfit work? i don't know much about smithing but having your entire toolset on a pocket that's right by your groin is ridiculous
>Will never be able to play this
I hate being poor as fuck.
Cute character, nomouthmustscream dialogue.
>spend your time better faggot
>a compliment
okay kiddo. oh right this is VIDEO GAMES
How? Makes getting shit convenient it's not like you'll be running and having it smack your junk every time
Made her better.
Any axes or hammers? The more options the better.
Can you reshape those swords into something better? A mace perhaps?
Is that minus8?
Anyway, what do you mean by "the sword you're gonna find in the next dungeon"? Why the hell would we buy something that we're going to get for basically free later on?
in the forge too long. she burned.
>autism detected
Axes, hammers and swords are for niggers
I keep the sword I have, going off the first sword, I assume my own has 24 attack, wasting gold for one extra attack and then throwing it away for one more point again in the next Dungeon is dumb
don't know user, but bending your body often would still make those things hit your junk every time
>this artist looks good enough to graduate straight to something tons of people would fap to and get even better
Taking offense at the wording of a compliment is silly.
It's ok guys I actually fixed her.
Forget the swords. Turn around and let me check out that Axe.
>anything resorting to something of black color
>scream we was what ever the person of said color is or doing
Is this really how the meme works?
It's can't be
Oh. We're going there.
Arguing with autists on Sup Forums is even sillier, user.
Well, after all, she is a blacksmith.
delet this right now
fix your english first niglet
>Get Thighjob
>Dick Will either be liquefied or be forged into the strongest in existence.
Would you?
Also where are your axes? I don't need no swords.
Neither, I'll just use what I've got and git gud.
Why has this man not been answered yet
But will you buy the weapons in that next town or hold off until the one after?
hello yes i would like to buy the ganguro upgrade
twisting your judgemental comment into a compliment is equally silly
> Big titties
>No bulge
>what are you gay?
I don't know, I don't play RPGs. I only play NBA and Madden. What would be the equivalent of this in those games?
I've been awake 28 hours and am already halfway up Salt Mountain for unrelated reasons, what other reason is there to be on Sup Forums EXCEPT to argue with autists?
Make one with a futa bulge please.
>Kinky Scrotum-Sucker
Umm, the politically correct term is African American smith
Remember the mummy thread? I had this cookin but the thread 404d
Rectal Meme Cruncher
Etrian Odyssey. You can make parties full of lolis and slay wild beasts in the Yggdrasil labyrinth. Atlus difficulty content with optional cartography.
kind of stopped buying gear unless I really wasn't doing enough damage to random enemies because I kept picking up the shit I'd have bought in dungeons
would pay for sex with that sexy blacksmith though
>But I gotcha back
Keep cookin my man. Even if you don't post it here, your effort wont be wasted.
thanks mein neger
Dangly DONG MASSACRE Botch ass white boo I was typing fast
>top ballsack fucker
How do I reroll?
>Nasty Asshole Massacre
Only time I ever did well on one of these name things.