How powerful is the Switch really?
How powerful is the Switch really?
not at all, purchase a sony playstation 4 instead, goyim
When it struggles to run at even 20 fps on a Nintendo title, there's a serious issue.
Powerful enough to get the devs of the new FF to look at it and say "No."
Powerful enough to take your games on the go
Nice non statement
I think it has an undercooked Nvidia Tegra X1
Powerful enough to be a good replacement for the 3DS. Now they just need to let that shitty handheld die so that developers will move on to the superior handheld.
As powerful as a ps3 about, and graphics are a not better, still has great games though.
It's the binned chips.
If you want power, get a fucking pc. You won't be finding that with this system. Just exclusives and and portable mode.
It's kind of a middle-ground between PS3/360 and PS4/XB1. Not impressive for a home console, but remarkable for handheld standards.
Weaker than my smartphone and I can't use it for essential functions such as browsing porn.
that's wrong it's a little stronger than 360 which is a little stronger than ps3
Just as powerful as the Wii U
How is what you're saying disagreeing with anything he's saying
because if it's the middle ground between ps3-360 and ps4-xb1 that would mean its way more powerful than ps3 360
but it's much stronger than a 360/ps3. It's far ahead of the Wii U which was far ahead of the ps3 and 360 at least in terms of GPU. The CPU was ass but the Switch on paper is way better across the board, we just need a game to come around that can serve as a good benchmark like MGSV.
Always funny seeing the same two or three people (probably the same person, they always show up at the same time I can't help but notice) who come to threads like this to act like the Switch, a portable system, is doomed because it can't keep up with the Xbox One and PS4 in terms of visuals.
Can't imagine how much time is wasted trying to convince people they care about things they don't actually care about. Who upset do you have to be with whatever system you purchased or had purchased for you that you're only course of action is to constantly, and with multiple accounts, post all kinds of hate and other stupidity.
Even if this game skipped the Switch entirely I doubt it would have that much of an impact on sales because Nintendo is providing so much other content, much of which you can play anywhere else. When they've got two games looking like they will be strong contenders for GOTY 2017 it's kind of hard to act like Nintendo isn't bringing the content.
Personally I'm loving all the haters because the more they hate the better Nintendo is doing. We all see it week after week. The strong sales, the announced titles, more developers bringing support over, and for some reason they just keep on hating like it will somehow change anything.
>we just need a game to come around that can serve as a good benchmark like MGSV.
You're not getting that on a console with no natural AA, for starters.
powerful enough to be the best current console
Jesus christ nin-toddler calm down
I think you're missing the point. I'm just saying we need a game that ran the same build on both the ps3, 360, ps4, and bone to be somewhat well optimized for the switch so we can see where it really lies.
botw ran 20 fps on switch for about a month and a few days
That's just a lie though. If you were in a really dense forest and it was raining it would be choppy but to say that it was just a 20fps game isn't truthful.
>so we can see where it really lies.
Is that even going to be possible. I guess Knights of Azure 2 on the switch
>Trailer comes out 4 months ago touting 60 FPS HD, it's just cutscenes
>footage comes out showing gameplay and it's laggy as fuck
Maybe not Knights of Azure 2
I don't understand why people expect big AAA titles to come on the switch when it is under powered compared to the PS4/XB1. I mean, do you just want them to tone down the graphics? I imagine it could work for some games, but wouldn't work for others that are beyond the switch in not just gpu but also cpu.
Skyrim looks like a somewhat good benchmark. Stable 720p 30fps in handheld mode on what looks like some mashup of SE and Vanilla. How it performs docked when it releases will be interesting. But sadly it's neither the PS4 or XBO version of SE or Vanilla so it's not a very accurate measuring stick.
in some areas sorry i didn't specify ill stop now
I own the Switch.
I'll say its underpowered if I want to, because I can.
exactly as powerful as pic related says you literal retard
>these are my toys if I say my Batman is stronger than my Black ranger it's becase these are mine
Damn, flashback
Powerful enough to play Sonic mania anywhere without Wifi
batman is stronger than the black power ranger
Not powerful enough for big third party titles.
This is a ditch Nintendo has been digging for itself for a long long time. All the way back with the 64 and hit its apex with the gamecube.
The only thing that's left now is NoA to do another #FE censorship butcher job, maybe with SMT VI and we can see an end of that system for even the most stalwart weebs.
>Stable 720p 30fps in handheld mode
So basically same as a console from 2005.
Very disappointing results. Mobile tech has jumped tremendously the past five years. Nintendo should've gone for a Tegra X2 the cheap fucks.
But tekken and RD2 are the only actual losses
Let's not get into this. I hate them. You hate them But bro-dudes are absolutely essential to a console surviving.
Well it's an upgraded and better looking version of Skyrim so there's that. If it can push 1080p 30fps when docked then that's nice. Probably will end up being 900p 30fps.
In addition, the Tegra X2 isn't even in any retail devices yet so if they were working on the Switch for a year or 2 prior the X2 probably wouldn't have even been in silicon yet until the Switch was already toward the end of development. I don't know if they really could have just taken the X1 out and slapped the X2 in right there but I imagine it wouldn't be that simple and they'd have to up the cost even more. But the dock and joycon prices are still turbo jew shit.
>thread criticizing Nintendo deleted in two seconds
>half the catalog is /lgbt/ dick spam
Doesn't take a genius to decipher the agenda of Sup Forums mods.
That's what happens when you let anonymous autists break the rules.
Half the the thread is criticism you fucking jew.
Judging from Lego City, MK8 and NEO's upgrades from 720p to 1080p, the Switch can push twice as many pixels as the Wii U. Fillrate's not everything, but right now there's no better way to quantify the Switch's strength.
You'd think they could've at least used the Pascal chip in this thing. If you're going to market a mobile device as a hybrid console at least use the fucking current-gen mobile technology.
Midway between wii u and xbone
>the Switch can push twice as many pixels as the Wii U
And yet nobody knows why some switches stagger when play Disgaea 5. And I don't think we ever will.
Poor optimization?
Those look awful
Shit port? not every game exists as an example of a consoles power, or even an indication of a consoles power.
It's like a vita. But larger. And with a bunch of problems like dead pixels and inaccurate battery life displays. I would forgive the size if it had ran better then a vita or had more storage space or even interesting games on it... But no.
True, but then there's shit like how BotW performs and how Bomberman (didn't) perform and it's just weird is all.
TL;DR : Prob a nin-toddler crying and being in denial about nintendo not being as good as they used to be. Tell me when they make a game on par with super mario galaxy and maybe i'll buy a switch.
BotW is a port too.
>BotW is a port too.
Ah good point.
a nintendo port
Reminder the /lgbt/ dick spam is still up as the Nintendo mods no doubt furiously expand their gay Link folders.
Well yeah, they're both trying to hit 1080p60 on the hottest tech of 2006.
I think the games will look current gen when the Switch is in its prime, it's still the early days.
BotW was a game built very specifically around the WiiU and it's significantly different hardware and the port was handled by an external Nintendo partner, apparently with a tight deadline too, a good indication of the ports "quality" is that the WiiU version updates could not improve performance, showing optimization was at it's limits, while the Switch received multiple updates that improved performance. Probably the best indicator of the Switch's power difference over the WiiU is Fast RMX, there is a difference greater than double from WiiU to docked Switch, there's a pretty good jump from even WiiU to undocked Switch, sub 720, to 720 with a more stable framerate and a few visual enhancements here and there.
Bomberman was published by KoNumi, it looks worse than than most 1080 @ 60 games on Switch docked, just a low effort release, even though apparently it was developed by a team of original Bomberman developers, also it runs in Unity so it's subject to what I call the Havok Effect.
Nooooooo it's a different artstyle user!!!!
Your not wrong. Did you know some mod got so mad that they added a filter to the word nin-toddler? Isn't there a rule against mods censoring people? I would understand if it was for racism but they are just filtering words that make them butt hurt.
I'm guessing Xenoblade 2 will be the first real showcase for the system.
Surely it's objectively more powerful than Wii U, since all the ports are getting significant enhancements.
I'm guessing that means it's overall more powerful than PS3/360. Consider how Wii U had the definitive version of Bayonetta before the PC port. Skyrim looks like it's running better than 7th gen console versions too.
I'm intrigued by the rumours of Switch versions for FFXV, Fallout 4, and Dark Souls
>Complaining about polygons showing in a level that's literally made to look polygonal
Come on user.
It can't pull a car and not even a motorbike
not as powerful as PS4 but likely more powerful than what 90% of people say is not
>attempting to make the best-looking kingdom look bad
Fuck you user
Why not both? PC for power, Switch for Ninty games and portability, don't even look towads inferior consoles.
A little more powerful than the xbox 360
That was the Wii U. The Switch is a lot more powerful.
Reposted from IGN comment section. ;) Thought you guys would enjoy that shit.
>"Read Dead Redemption 2 won't be coming to the Switch"
>someone actually asked someone at Rockstar about this
>someone actually made an article about it
fucks sake, last time Rockstar touched a Nintendo console was Chinatown Wars
They already kinda showed it off and it has celshaded looks and performs like shit.
>Someone went through the trouble to make this picture just to bait
Can someone just make a reverse of this? There's pretty much news of games coming to Switch every week.
>the devs of the new FF
So those talentless hacks ran their shitty custom made engine as is on a completely different system and it didn't run well? Wow, color me surprised.
That's the mobile version, a Switch version hasn't been announced yet. Not that I wouldn't put it past Square-Enix to port that version...
It wouldn't be the first time that's happened.
Too bad they are all indie multiplats no-one gives a fuck about with the occasional good exclusive every now and again.
>Isn't there a rule against mods censoring people?
This is a privately owned website. You have no free speech. They can censor you if they want.
How could you POSSIBLY make a kingdom run buy weird fork creatures look bad? It is just as good as that city level with all the humans that TOTALLY don't clash with mario's art style as bad as sonic 06.
>implying no one cares about FIFA, Mario+Rabbids, Stardew Valley etc. etc. etc. etc.
Really gets the noggin' joggin'
Did you watch when they were streaming live cause i heard when they posted just the xenoblade Chronicles 2 gameplay it's better.
City level looks like shit. I'm hoping the majority of the kingdoms look as stylized like the food kingdom.
Also, they noted that the Switch runs Unreal 4 just fine. The FFVII remake is made in Unreal 4.
I said occassional good exclusive, hopefully no-one around here carers about Fifa, or anything that EA makes, fuck Starjew Valley, I'd rather Story of Seasons Switch any day, even though we know nothing about it. Of course Sonic Mania is one of those few exceptions.
>FFVII remake
Just go back to play the original. The remake will be a whole different game with shittier gameplay and the shittiest story ever, for fucks sake.
In numbers, it’s a tablet.
When not getting fooled by the megahertz myth and acknowledging it’s modern architecture, in practice it can be regarded as scaled down Xbox One. Still in the same ballpark as it’s competitiors, unlike its last 2 predecessors.
>my subjective opinion is proof that no one cares about these games
I don't know what I expected..
Your opinion sucks anyway, I should just dismiss it.
I don't care.
no where near a xbox one
Well, a normal PS4 is around a VW Golf 8, a Scorpio is a Audi A7 and a pc can be everything. The Switch is a duck. Not a VW duck. An actual duck.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
>Chinatown Wars
God what I would do for a sequel or spiritual successor. Doesn't even have Chinatown wars, Ill take Japanese, Korean, whatever. Just bring back those little mini-game things for Molotov cocktails and breaking into and hot-wiring cars.
T. buttmad
Well it's either switch now while there's relatively few games or a 1992 Kawasaki
>Switch GPU: 307.2 MHz undocked, 768MHz docked
>Switch CPU: 1.02 GHz both
>Switch Memory: 4 GB LPDDR4
For comparison
>Wii U GPU: 550 MHz
>Wii U CPU: 1.243 GHz
>Wii U Memory: 2 GB DDR3
>PS3 GPU: 500 MHz
>PS3 GPU: 3.2 GHz
>PS3 Memory: 256 MB XDR DRAM system and 256 MB GDDR3 video
>Xbone GPU: 853 MHz
>Xbone CPU: 1.75 GHz
>Xbone Memory: 8 GB DDR3
This is of course ignoring the differences in architecture, but you can get a sense that it's in between Wii U and Xbone.