Only 5 hours left till the reveal of the next nintendo direct, what are you guys hoping for?

only 5 hours left till the reveal of the next nintendo direct, what are you guys hoping for?

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This OP's not wrong.
Smash Bros Switch and Mario Odyssey's Extra Characters will be revealed. Stay tuned.

I believe you user

yeah we need a smodyssey direct immediately
in Japan there's no info on the amiibo or any pre-order bonuses or collector's editions or anything
and the game is out in about 7 weeks

>Caring about childrens games


Smash 5

not much honestly. I don't think they'll feature many indie games since the nindies video was not too long ago, which is a shame because I'm really looking forward to Stardew Valley and Hollow Knight on the switch

amiibos, indieshit, and shovelware. the usual.

It's not nice to lie on the internet

prove I'm lying

right? the absolute state of nu-Sup Forums.

Haha! When will the man-children learn?

How do you know this?

I'm an insider please don't screencap this thread


If you're lying, this will be in you bed in a few hours.

>Pokemon USUM news
>actual fucking details on the Kirby fighting game
>surprise localizations of shit I care about
>brand new game announcements

All things I want whenever the fuck another Direct happens.

What do you gain from making up a lie that will be disproven in a couple hours? Why not say it will be revealed in a couple days at least?

unfamiliar with the 5 hours meme i see

John Miyamoto here
I can confirm that the Direct will be revealed in a couple of days
stay tuned! #4theplayers!

>b-b-but sony!
Can you project any harder?


What fucking meme is this?

i really want some ess em' tea news

If it's Waluigi I'll buy a Switch. But I won't pay for online or buy amiibo.

Damn that kid is cool.

Are you kidding me user? You goddamn heretic it's Majora's Mask. It's the game you play to learn about true adulthood.