Now what could distract people who love vidya

Now what could distract people who love vidya

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Vidya vidya vidya

Loli threads!

what's the point of the show? I saw the first few episode recently but all I could get from it is some deformed humanoid creature goes off on random tangents about life while fucking up the area around him trying to find the answer



There was no point or message. It just makes fun of philosophy faggots who think they are 2deep4u.

You described it perfectly.

watch this

60 fps

>some deformed humanoid creature goes off on random tangents about life while fucking up the area around him trying to find the answer

Sounds to me like you understood it.

you got a license to sell used games chicoman?

You basically got it. The wordplay is gold too.

No it doesn't you retard. You're looking too deep into it.

how can you look too deep into something when it's a mirror?

>all those replies
thank christ, i thought i was missing something but i guess not

you some kinda ooga booga chinaman

>I hope ya'll can play it 3 feet up your ass.
>Dunno. But I'd sure like to try.

How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

I'm glad that I could be of cervix

Whose else was a fan before the virgin meme?

I Don't Know, Why Don't You Go Check Your Eyes To See If They Are Real By Looking At Them In The Mirror?

so basically the same as humans and the earth, huh really deep stuff.

I thought this show was just a dream I had.

I just remember watching it in high school and enjoying it

I saw the video of him arguing with himself and the first episode before it got popular, but never watched the whole series. I did like it though, not sure why I never finished it.


What operating system is she running? DOS Ex Machina?




Anyone else here a /survivor/?

>lady's first
*16 hours later*
>Fine! I'll blow first

This is an innervention.
You like subtle distinctions?

We're a dying breed

My parents died before you could scream "murder by arson".

holy shit hahaha

I'm a feminist! I'll make sexism my bitch! Sexism will be all, "Ooh, Xavier! Kissy kissy! You can hit me, I like it!"


How is it possible to write something like this?

If you eat bacon and smoke cigarettes fast enough, you can go back in time.

Xavier has Vivio eyes


ooga booga, how long you stand there freak?
you some kind of ooga booga chinamen?

Is this /ourshow/?

Why am I seeing this show referenced so often now, after so many years of nobody caring about it?


Youtube algorithms got weird and suggested it to a ton of people.

Someone made a virgin walk meme out of it and it just started exploding


Long story short, Rick and Morty made a joke about God not being real and it triggered the fuck out of Sup Forums so they went on a contrarian manhunt against the entire series and substituted X:RA as their iconic [adult swim] show while branding R&M as Reddit's show.

It's a gem plebs will never appreciate.

>Rick and Morty made a joke about God not being real
Did they? I thought they made a joke about an egotistical genius being too insecure to admit he believes in God, so he overcompensates by spewing atheist rhetoric and building up a God complex.

>i think both sides are wrong please pay attention to me
The show.

It's weird to see an pretty unsuccessful show from almost 10 years ago suddenly become a meme. Thanks for the info.

It doesn't matter what they really meant, on the surface it came off as an atheist joke which automatically triggers Sup Forums into another dimension because Sup Forums associates anything moderately atheist with the far left wing/SJWs/Jews/etc.

Most cult classics take off well beyond when they were made.

>thinking Sup Forums having a hard-on for this show came from something worse being popular
XRA was a Sup Forums cult classic before Rick and Morty premiered, and for good reason. It's legitimately a really good show; even if you ignore everything "deep" you can learn from it, it's really funny, with humor smarter than "WUBALUBADUBDUUUBB!"
you're like the OW fanboys saying Sup Forums only started to like TF2 after OW came out

> didn't get "If I ever see your ugly mug in my line of sight, I swear to Chekov I'll cock your clock off" first time around
>watching again, learn about chekovs gun
>days later, the reference clicks
>start laughing out loud from nothing
I bought the DVD

The problem is that Rick and Morty is yet to commit to a theme.

On the one hand it wants to be edgy and nihilistic and prove Rick right, and on the other hand it wants to subvert Rick and make a point about universal human rights or that morality actually exists or some other idea that would normally be written off as "naive" and "idealistic".

Like in the Avengers parody ep where Morty says something like "Rick says good and evil don't exist," and the guy replies "I get the feeling Rick needs to believe that." That's good. That's an actual theme. A proper deconstruction of nihilism ala Nietzsche could really elevate the show to be more than an M-rated Futurama. But it won't commit. It refuses to commit.

And even worse, it won't even commit to nihilism either. It keeps trying to dodge its seemingly Stirner-esque bent with remarks like the above.

Sure it's always been around here, but at most you would see one or two threads about it per month. Since Rick and Morty really took off around this time last year, there has been a consistent X:RA thread every single day.