>Corrin leads the entire Nohrian army into Hoshido, killing hundreds, causing Ryoma and Takumi to die, all so his evil dad could sit on Mikado's magic chair
>"lol all water under the bridge"
Corrin leads the entire Nohrian army into Hoshido, killing hundreds, causing Ryoma and Takumi to die...
Other urls found in this thread:
fates was a mistake
some of those conquest maps were excellent but boy howdy there's a lotta issues in the game outside of em
Nobody is going to pretend this games story wasn't a steaming power of trope filled anime garbage.
>Anyone dying
Think you got it backwards, user. Corrin specifically works it out, and in the end only Ryoma and Takumi die. Scarlet does too but she's Nohrian, as I recall, and that was a Nohrian village in rebellion to boot.
Birthright is the one where Corrin goes full on slaughter mode.
Just ignore the story.
you ever get tired of beating that dead horse OP?
While we are complaining, I don't like Shadows of Valencia and usually don't mind weird NES era sequels. Zelda II might be my favorite NES game and Castlevania II is great if you play it with some Nintendo Power help like nearly every game needed back then. I feel bad.
I enjoy these cheesy Valentines things.
Valentia just has some really bad maps that are completely the same as the original. It's one of the few cases that I wish they had changed up the game more.
I wonder how they fix this for Genealogy. That games gimmick is big empty maps meant to represent the world map. It's better than SoV big empty maps that only made grinding take longer but still not very "modern".
Why didn't they just let you be an outright antihero in CQ? The story would have made a lot more sense if it were presented that way.
>games ages up Elise to be technically an adult
>lets you marry and impregnate a clearly underage child
Is there a way to emulate the fan translation for the Japanese version on PC yet?
>fan translation
You can act cheeky all you want, but anyone that played the game knows that if it wasn't for the stupidity of the main characters then a lot less innocent people would have died.
Sorry that I don't want to suffer through cringy reddit memes.
>playing Awakening and I've had Donnel for the past 6 chapters
>haven't leveled him a bit
How do you actually level up garbage characters? I've read he becomes a badass later but I'm about at the point where Gangrel kills Chrom's sister and the mother fucker hasn't been of use in the slightest just taking up space.
self-insert MCs that everyone likes because they are nice are never allowed to be so cool. Robin was actually pretty cool though.
Oboro, Hinata, Saizo, and Kagero having unique death quotes in their final chapter sort of imply they were "supposed" to die.
It's already too late unless you want to grind (which is cheating, so don't), use a better character.
You already failed. Villager characters have to be babied a bit right after you first obtain them.
Just make him fuck Sully or Tharja and bench him.
Is Gaius any good? The first time I played Awakening I didn't know he was recruitable and killed his ass. Trying to level up Virion and I prefer Ricken to thw other mage bitch.
>Asking Japan to not have fuckable underage girls after the precedent they set in Awakening with Nowi
Don't even waste time with the 1,000 years old thing.
>playing Conquest
>chapter 11 has one floor filled with archers, all of whom have Counter, and Setsuna with a unique 1-2 range bow
Am I supposed to just ignore that room completely or what? Even with Haitaka's Rally and a +Defense Pair Up, Nyx can't do shit to the archers even with weapon triangle advantage, and gets killed quickly.
when fire emblem has a bad story it is BAD. Like, offensively bad. "I can't play this shit anymore" kind of bad.
Name me a game with a more vomit-worthy story than Fates. It is impossible
Nyx is just ass in general.
I liked to ignore that room for a while, then slip in the back entrance and fuck them up since you don't have to cross the whole room to get to them.
He's always ended up as a shittier Lon'qu for me.
Virion is one of the best Awakening characters in my opinion, but Snipers are pretty shit in Awakening. Most of the FE games actually. That being said, Awakening is fairly easy, so go ahead and use him.
I've literally never used Ricken, but Tharja is actually very strong, and gives you Noire if you get her to S Support someone.
What I did was pair people up so they get better defense. Effie can also eat arrows for breakfest, just give her a javelin and watch her do work.
Metroid: Other M
I thought we had an agreement that Fates' plot is generally shit and discussing it is pointless.
The first time I played Awakening I had to restart like 5 times because Gaius kept suicide bombing Chrom.
yet you browse Sup Forums
I'm trying to think, but I don't think there are any games that I've dropped because of the bad story, aside Fates.
These threads are usually just a thinly veiled topic starter for FE it feels like.
Because Hoshido couldn't do anything wrong. It would have been way better if they didn't make that out to be perfect sunshine and everyone is amazing and didn't do nothings. If both countries were more gray it would be much better.
But not Japan isn't allowed to look bad at all. It was so bad in Fates that even Japan didn't like all the dicksucking.
if it was just a trope filled story, then it might have turned out at least passable.
But they went the extra mile to make even those tropes play out as badly as possible.
Lonqu was my boy the first time I played Awakening and that mother fucker was just strong.
Castlevania II has a patch to make the NPC dialogue helpful so you can beat the game. A great substitute for the NP guide.
I felt bad killing all my former allies in Conquest, honestly.
Dodgetanks in Awakening are the most overpowered bullshit thanks to Pair Ups bonuses. Even if someone actually hits Lonk, Vantage means he'll just Killing Edge crit the next motherfucker before they even attack.
She's a 1000 year old dragon you can shove your penis inside. But her looking like a young girl is the weird part.
>Shadow Dragon flopped for being TOO similar to the original, plus a shitty artstyle
>SoV had a bunch of nice QoL changes + a great artstyle, but horrible gameplay from being too similar to the original
They won't change anything in the eventual Genealogy remake. Also enjoy your same turn reinforcements in the Binding Blade remake.
>tfw you initiate a battle with this as the BGM
Wasn't Tiki also 1000 in Shadow Dragon?
Having played Conquest first, it felt worse in Birthright, since Corrin doesn't play the stupid "Oh I'll hold back just enough with my fucking sword and/or meter long dragon spikes that my enemies won't die" game in that one.
It was so obnoxious it made me take pleasure in fucking destroying hoshido and making them all cry and suffer. That is what happens when you try to hard to make me feel a certain way, I will feel the exact opposite out of spite.
To be fair, SoV and SD came from the very first two Fire Emblem. Naturally they were ass.
Genealogy as is has Skills, Weapon Triangle, Weapon Weight, Support and tons of other features like repairing Weapon uses. The only thing that will throw people off beyond the size of the maps will probably be the Pursuit skill and weapon rank being tied to Class and Holy Blood.
>wanted to buy Conquest, Birthright and Revelation on one cartridge but it was fucking special edition exclusive
Yeah I know lambast me for not pirating and lambast me for only played Awakening too. Got Sacred Stones and it said just Fire Emblem emulated on my phone so which do I play next? Was going to play Advance Wars but got stuck on Kanbei and his bullshit.
Can't argue with that
Maybe he just constantly procced Dragon Fang and shot non lethal water balls at everyone.
Why are Corrin and Kana water dragons when Anankos is a generic one?
It's an extraordinary song. Worst thing about Conquest, even worse than the story, was that there were no places to hear this song besides the three Invasions. I don't like grinding existing in FE, but at least it meant I got to hear this song more in BR and Rev.
7 is always a good pick
PoR and RD are good as well.
Same reason why the yato just fucking flies right into the hand of corn. The story is retarded.
It can be fun trying to make sense out of the more retarded plotlines.
It sucked in Hoshido if you like the Nohrian characters more. They actually kill them there. I feel horrible being forced to kill Benny and Charlotte. I feel like the Hoshido deaths are worse though, Xanders and Elises death just felt like they had to kill them. It is worse when you see Sakura there and there are a bunch of other healers there who could heal them right up. Xander makes a huge speech even and no one even tries to heal him. No one held onto Elise, and they all thought it was a good idea to let her watch her siblings duke it out.
Healers can't heal cutscene wounds. This is vidya basics.
Both Elise and Sakura tried to heal Lilith after she took an axe to the face, but it did nothing. Healing can only do so much.
Too bad Corrin's company never found Bifrost in Birthright.
did you forget that the way anankos revives people and enslaves them is by turning them into zombies made out of water? valla is also based on chinese atlantis and his original japanese name is literally hydra. anankos is wet as fuck.
>no one ever gets angry at you marrying their actual children
It made sense in Awakening since they come from the future, but it was just strange in Fates.
Wow, Effie is very cute! Too bad they ruined her character in the western release!
I fucking hate how Fates has some characters I really like because I know they'll never be in a better game. Niles, Arthur, Odin (Even if he literally is just Owain he's still better than most of the cast), Azama, Ophelia, Charlotte, and Percy are all great characters. Fuck Fates for how shit its story and most other characters were.
Soundtrack is pretty rad though.
Marrying at a young age was very common in medieval times you know.
As unbelievably stupid Conquest was, Birthright did two things that almost top the collective stupidity of Conquest.
>Kaze dies for literally zero reason if you do not have an arbitrary A rank support with him by chapter whatever
>Leon's magic teleport orb that goes exactly where you need to go and can take your ENTIRE ARMY with you on a two-way trip.
I don't think I've ever gotten as close to just permanently setting down a game as I did at that moment.
She's still bearable if you turn down the volume and never invite her to your treehouse.
>tfw really like all the retainers except Peri
>tfw they'll never ever have the spotlight since IS has to shill the 8 Royals + Azura and Corrin instead
>put in a hyperbolic time chamber to grow up faster
it not only is stupid but I feel like it is morally wrong too
It's bizarre that they went out and got a manga writer because they thought the awakening story wasn't good enough and they ended up with this garbage.
Awakening wasn't the most interesting story but it was competently told and had likable characters.
The awakening crew has a chance of jumping games again my dude
but I want to bang my foxgirl waifu
You think that'd really fuck up the kids psychologically too since they just kind of dump them there and leave for in their eyes ~16 years. But IIRC the only ones who actually give a shit about that resolve it in their paralogues except for Ryoma's kid.
Don't forget Azura giving Leo and only Leo the magic crystal ball instead of advising him to show it to his siblings.
Was it ever explained where she got that anyway? Or why she happened to have a second dragonstone to give to Kana?
The teleport orb thing was so stupid I couldn't stop myself from laughing for about 10 minutes. Painfully bad.
Killing Izana in Rev for basically no reason also annoyed me.
Speaking of manga writer, what the ever loving fuck happened to the stories? Did they pay him peanuts or is the guy just that shitty of a writer?
Yeah I'm not gonna lie Selkie and Velouria were my favourite characters in their respective games because I want to fuck them so badly.
Lore and plot are different though, the actual Tellius games take place in the very last segment of that timeline. When people shit on Fates it's usually because of how contrived all three routes, especially conquest and IK feel. FE9s plot was better written, but also much more simple and effectively could be boiled down to Ike and friends stop Ashnard. FE10's was really neat in how it opened up the world by letting you play multiple factions in the same war, even if a lot of people hated the dawn brigade.
>Fire Emblem lore in a year:
Nobody knows how this trainwreck came to be. Some people think IS fucked it up, but allegedly slime Garon was in the original draft.
Either way, it must be a huge black stain on the writers resume now.
I kinda see what they wanted Slime Garon to be like but the execution was beyond horrendous.
mad cus bad.
Slime Garon doesn't seem inherently bad on its own. The idea of an undead monster impersonating your dad seems fine, if a little generic, it's just that the execution was terrible.
The problem isn't just the story. It's the characters as well. They're all written like shit and massively disappointing. I started a new save and sped through the game to pick up Flora, just to see what interesting information she would be discussing about the Ice Tribe, and found out that all her conversations just involve fussing over Corrin and how jealous Flora is over Felicia's combat skills.
And then I saw how they handled the kids for myself.
Seriously, Fates still manages to find new ways to disappoint me. I'm not even sure if I want to bother trying to finish my normal game, at this rate.
>two of your friends have a baby
>"I want to fuck that."
>"Well, how long should we leave it in for?"
>"Eh, 12-13 years should be good enough."
Still upset.
Wait, people actually played the official translation unironically?
So what will the next "Echoes" game be? It's either going to be one of the Jugdral games or FE6. I really hope it will be one of the Jugdral games and that they don't fuck it up, but I think they'll go for FE6 first because of stupid Smash memesters thinking Roy is a good lord. Who knows, maybe they'll actually make me like FE6 and make Roy usable.
I don't play mobages you dicksniffing queers.
the main story is more or less translated right. it was the supports that got hit the hardest. i don't think it matters much though when the story itself is shitty anyway so who cares how it is translated
Flora is one of the few characters who made sense. She was always sullen because unlike her ditzy sister, she knew that they were only there to effectively be held hostages, their father and the ice tribe had no idea where they were and only had Garon's word for their condition to try and suppress any thought of a rebellion.
I'm playing the fan translation so I don't even bother with the supports since only like 10 percent of them were ever translated. They might as well not exist in my eyes and after seeing some of the shit, I'm OK with that.
Oh, thank you. I am glad that I'm not the only one who noticed this.
I mean, seriously. You stick a kid in an isolated, empty area where they have to live by themselves for 10-20 years, only getting a visit from their parents once every few years. And after that? You pull them out and send them off to war.
Seriously, that doesn't even make any sense. If they'd decided to just stay put, then all the kids would've hit old age before your army was done. What kind of a life was that?
It would've made more sense to have time move far slower in the alt dimensions, so that you have fight for several months and the kids wouldn't even notice more than an hour had passed.
as someone that likes strategy games it legitimately bothers me that people play them for the story and characters because it means that instead of improving the gameplay like they did from awakening -> Fates they can just phone in the gameplay and have an ok story like in Echoes.
They don't do it to force them to grow up though. It's war time and they found a safe space for their children, time just happens to work differently. They are all still teens and some of them like Kana are still children.
It's not that bad.
>not knowing who is recruitable in a FE game
It helps if you realize that some/most of the characters aren't intended to be serious from the start. Characters like Arthur are intended to be more lighthearted. Whether the existence of these characters is a good thing or not is subjective, but I personally like them.
The other issue is that they have to write so many supports between all the characters, which makes a good number of them end up below average, which stands out more compared to past Fire Emblem games. There are still good supports like in previous games, there are just less COMPARATIVELY. There's a lot of mediocre shit yeah, but having a bunch of options isn't a bad thing, especially since it's easy to grind up and view supports (as opposed to something like Blazing Blade where you have to stand for dozens of turns to get a shitty support like Hector x Florina).
>your daughter calls me daddy too
I'm pretty sure most of the kids asked to join the army, with the exception of Mitama, who gets dragged away by Monk Dad.
My friend killed Tharja on his first run, also leaving Libra to die since he was tired of trying to race down there before he died and not leveling up Donnel to recruit him.
The biggest problems with Radaint Dawn in my opinion were:
>No supports outside of generic ones.
>Not enough time with the Dawn Brigade to level them up and maybe flesh out their characters. Micaiah will always be super weak going into the final battle because she has little time to level up.
>The game has over 70 playable characters, yet in the final battle you can only pick 10 to go with you, 7 are forced upon you limiting your options as you'll definitely have more than 10 characters who are worthy of filling those slots. Increasing the final chapter roster from 17 to 20-22 and reducing the mandatory units to ~5 (Ike, Sanaki, Sothe, Micaiah and 1 dragon) would have made things much better. The maps would need to be expanded to accommodate the increased troop counts. The final 2 maps should have also been redone (or at least the Lehran map) to not be big empty rooms.
It really could have used a few more chapters to give units more time to level up:
One more with Geoffery and Friends in Part 2 or 3 or have them join Ike's group in Part 3 and give them all one more chapter fighting in Daein.
One more DB chapter in Part 3 or one more in Part 1 and have Micaiah promote at the start of the final Part 1 map.
A third chapter for each group in Part 4.
Doesn't Libra literally talk to you on his own when Chrom gets close enough? NotLucius can handle his own fine in the time it takes to pegasus knight ferry Crumb down.
Hello. Watch your back in this battle!
DB could be powerleveld by feeding them sub humans, but yeah everything else is pretty much correct
Apparently they got shafted in development and had to release early with a slashed budget