Is this the best Yakuza game so far?
Yakuza Thread
no Ishin is
whats a ishin?
best yakuza game
You missed da joke.
It's too dated and clunk.
why's the eyepatch dude cool in this one but edgy in the others
It's his origin story of why he's edgy in the others more than anything. They had to adapt the story in Kiwami to fit 0 though.
Depends. How big is your dick compared to the cover of it?
>hela Im angels student I learnt edgy word todai
ah gotcha
i get it now, thanks user
Was being controlled, met some dudes who were free and didn't give a fuck, so went down that path while hiding his anguish over the blind girl.
>Majima Everywhere has SSS Rank
Fucking hell this is stupid. This remake sucks.
Does anyone know what this Digest Narration Voice pack for Ishin does? It costs ¥300. From what I understand reading:
There's narration at the start of each chapter as a recap, and the first half is Ryoma while having the DLC also lets you have Haruka and a couple other characters?
Asian PS Store has descriptions in English
>Each chapter of “Ryu ga Gotoku: Ishin!” is concluded by a cut scene highlighting the events of the chapter. With this bonus content, the player can now change the voice to the character of their liking.
Ah, thanks a lot, so it's definitely not worth it unless you can speak the language.
Why the fuck did they make Dragon style so bad in Kiwami?
If you're talking about double finishing blow needing Heat, I guess it's to make it similar to Brawler or that was their idea for Y0 combat.
Also despite different appearance, Heat in Kiwami works almost exactly the same as in Y0.
It weirds me out how useless it is before upgrades.
I'm at Majima rank A and even with the dodge and attack speed upgrades it's just slow as molasses, with no redeeming qualities.
to make use of the shitty Majima Everywhere System
They made a huge mistake making Sera a cool dude in Zero.
I expected Akiyama show up in the end but didn't happened
they replaced him with some random
no idea why
kiwami is a fucking mess
why is jingu the most cancer boss fight
Because of his henchman.
His fight was great, don't get this meme. Probably people who've never played 4.
2 is still the best Yakuza game. Can't expect most of you little toddlers to have played it though.
t.did the fight on easy
>Jingu but worse and with 100 cops and using Tanimura
No one should have to deal with that.
No, did it on Hard. It's not that bad. Tanimura's fight is still the worse even with Sacred Tree set, if you even know what that is.
>the worse
worst even
It was just tedious and downright boring imo.
t. 0fag
>80% complete
Almost to platinum boys.
Do your heat moves upgrade as you use them more often in Yakuza Kiwami? This is my second Yakuza game, I played a little of 5 before this game just to see how I like the gameplay, and really enjoyed how your heat actions gained extra attacks. I haven't noticed it happening in Yakuza Kiwami, is that mechanic just not in the game?
Only 4 and 5 really did that from what I know, and even in 5 it was scaled way back compared to 4. 4 had like five or six Heat Actions that you could increase their chains on but 5 only had one or two (Wall slam --> kick and I think ground finishers), other than that is wasn't normal. What you can do is go to your abilities and see if any of them mention something like "Continued use will enhance this ability" in the text since that's what it says in 5, in 4 it was a blue line in the "How to" section of the move.
Jesus, i thought S was the highest. this is gonna be a pain.
>Shion's voice and speaking mannerisms
>That outfit.
Woo boy.
Gotta be honest, Until 0 I never really did the Hostess stuff. After 0 showed me it can kinda be neat in it's own right.
Yep. I didn't really care for the hostesses you could date up until about 3 or 4 but they usually have one or two good girls in the lot so it's worth doing them even if they take like an hour each and cost about ¥2-300,000 to max each one out. It's a lot harder in the ones prior to 5 due to the heart system though, if you piss them off right at the end of 10/15/20 hearts it means either an extension or doing an entire visit again without messing up.
Riku's by far the best in 5 though.
I have to say I had a good laugh when I met Majima in the bar. Would be even better if I haven't attack me 2 minutes before going in and again 5 minutes after finishing bartender Majima fight.
This system had potential to be fun, but its just way to often
>Boss fight is just a bunch of dudes with guns and a lot of health
The second-to-last fight in every Yakuza game is the worst fight in the series.
>Heading over to save Date from the debt guys
>Majima jumps out of a trash can at me
>Later go to smile burger to refill my health after losing a bunch to Majima and the debt guys
>Majima is behind me in line at smile burger
>Have to go back after fighting him again to heal up for real this time
I guess I can think about doing them finally when I go to the old games.
I suppose you're still working on Y5.
Nearing the end. It's Shion then finish up sea fishing, once I get to Kamurocho I do all the gambling stuff which should add 20 hours thanks to Slots and Pachinko, and then the last 8 substories and then coliseum. This game is just ridiculous, I'm at 140 hours now and still on Shinada, not even Kenzan took this long and that game felt like it took an eternity.
>on the cusp of A rank Majima
>he's still smoking in the park at chapter 7 well after being stabbed at the cages
You won't be able to do all the Majima related shit again until Chapter 10. So yeah.
Actually they did something to explain why he's here perfectly fine later in game.
>three more chapters before I can level DoD style up
Yeah Shingu's fight is kinda bullshit on hard. Can't imagine what it's gonna be like on legendary
It's doable once you start using Brawler's guard tiger drop lite.
Anyone know if the music played in the shops and clubs have been ripped yet?
I want one of them as my ring tone for my phone.
I bet you are looking for Yakuza 0 Fever Time ost
and I thought Kiryu's knife action in 6 was brutal.
RIP Baseball man. We hardly got to know you beyond 5.
So i played like this. Yakuza 1 > Yakuza 0 > Yakuza 2.
Should i play 3 or Kiwami now?
yakuza 0 should have been a reboot of the series, either that or they should have added more scenes and better writing in kiwami mostly because Majimas decent into madness was a complete 180.
he hardly showed any sort of craziness at the end of Zero same with his obsession with kiryu.
yeah, time has passed between the end of zero to the start of kiwami but thats where they should have explained things more.
i got into yakuza starting with 3 so i knew majima was crazy but when they released zero, he had so much character development so it would have been nice if they actually showed how exactly he came to be that way.
3 gets a bunch of shit. But I still think it's worth playing. Hold off on Kiwami for the time being.
wait until they re-release 3
it got butchered in localization
really hate the gambling and weapon crafting for that 100%. Its just so tedious and boring
Up to you, do you want a new game or a rerelease of 1 that has enough changes to basically make it a new game? You've pretty much seen the story of 1 already but since you did 0 it also couldn't hurt to see the stuff added for people coming from 0 in Kiwami.
Really, it's up to you to decide which one holds more value to you, a new game or a facelift?
>Kiwami 2
>they make Daejin Kim fight worse than Jingu
It was already bullshit in 2, please don't fuck it up
>wait until they re-release 3
Are they re-releasing it?
i don't think there are plans to yet but hopefully they will
Playing Kiwami right now. Fuck this car shooting scene. Can beat this shit.
I don't mind, it's just looking for specific "Majima's" is a pain.
>hanging out with your bro Majima is now considered pain by nu-Sup Forums
fucking hell
my only problem is that most of the Dragon upgrades are locked behinde Majima encounters and it takes much more than reaching SSS to unlock everything
Are the girls in Mesuking JAV girls?
>playing Yakuza 2
>get to the Castle.
What the fuck?
keep trying. took me almost an hour.
dont be a pussy and do it on easy mode.
Anybody know how to get 'Defeat one kiwami opponent' in the Kiwami completion list?
i feel like such a scrub sometimes when i spam heal items on bosses.
Sorry dude, sometimes I just need a specific costume to get an ability, I don't wanna fight him too many times before locking him out of a chapter.
fucking idol majima wont spawn for me anywhere. i have him at SSS and still havent seen him around town once.
It might be a side mission just keep playing.
It's a random encounter. Just keep praying you get to fight one.
Totally random, I got one without even looking for it.
Just fight random groups of enemies on streets.
>removed the ability to change direction of your combo from 0
There's a random enemy in random encounter called Kiwami. No much difference between other ones.
Has anyone done the climax battles?
Are they difficult as the ones in 0 or harder?
git komaki training
>Are they difficult as the ones in 0 or harder?
They're not as hard, but there are some lengthy ones
You can learn it again later on
Oh shit, gladly.
Why the fuck am I fighting Tigers, Samurais and ninjas?
Thanks, thats what i thought but i've fought like 300 enemies. Guess i'm just unlucky.
You're in Asia.
Why wouldn't you be fighting them?
To save lolis
Yes Majima pandering, and turning him into an asshat is a bad thing. You're the only newfags here, I've been playing these games since 2007.
awano looks Italien as fuck.
>Should I start with 0 or Kiwami?
>1 isn't canon!
>Kiwami isn't canon!
>Is there a trick to the Shimano fight?
>Damn 0fags
>Damn elitists
>Damn Majimafags
>Ishin when?
Yakuza 2 with Yakuza 6 engine.
King RIKI is a treasure
Yakuza Kiwami is bad and you shouldn't play it.
Play the Yakuza 1 on PS2 instead.
I wish there was a DLC for this.
Use bullet time
Guard the car's lifebar by intentionally getting shot