I'm a massive weaboo.
Are Star Ocean, neptunia V2, or any Tales game worth getting for PS4?
I'm a massive weaboo
Depends. I'm also a massive weaboo, but I hate modern Star Ocean and modern Tales. I just fap to little Nepnep, I don't play the games.
Ah. I see. What don't you like about them?
Of those choices, only Berseria is worth it. I hope you enjoy edge.
Star Ocean V, as you might have heard of is a really short game, too easy, no interesting characters and generally just inferior to past entries.
Tales of Zestiria and Berseria has shitty gameplay compared to older entries, DLC out of the ass, and also has no interesting characters.
>I'm a massive weaboo.
Entirely unrelated to video games.
>Are Star Ocean, neptunia V2, or any Tales game worth getting for PS4?
Aren't most of the tales games on PC or emulatable? I don't think the others are worth it since the last star ocean also came out on PS3, which will have rscp3 support soon enough.
Nepnep V2 and Berseria are worth it.
guilty gear
Tales games are your best bet
Berseria is better than Zestiria
If Neptunia V2 is your first Nep game, keep it that way. The ReBirth games are literally all the same
>ps3 emulation
wont be good for at least another 2 years, and thats being generous.
GG is only fun if you have a buddy around your skill level to play with, otherwise you'd get demolished when trying to find rooms.
None of them are unless you are into piss-poor excuses for games, mechanically. Otherwise, it'll fuel your anime fetish.
how much are her rates?
Get Neps and Tales on PC. Can't speak for Star Ocean.
Star Ocean 5 is absolute trash, the older games are of varying quality.
All Neptunia games, and all Compile Heart games for that matter, are trash.
Tales is good, Neptunia is not. Haven't played Star Ocean.
>le nep is bad maymay
Only the PS3 original is bad, like legit bad.
It's the truth. You can't discredit it by just calling it a meme.
Nah theyre all really bad. I buy each revision hoping it gets bettee but its still mediocre. The latest one looks a lot more promising though.
VIIR or 4GO?
LE when
>ever worth it
>bestboi gets cucked the game
>a game will never have designs by Kloah
Hey man, if raita and saitom can make it, I'm sure Kloah can too. Unless he's an autist or something.