What games have the most satisfying gun play? Bonus points for realistic wounding

What games have the most satisfying gun play? Bonus points for realistic wounding.

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Id say TLOU to be honest. When you shoot someone in that game it feels the most realistic id say. I have limited experience shooting real guns but from what i do have TLOU is your game.
Also Uncharted 4 to some extend however the recoil and aim sway is reduced a ton compared to TLOU.

Resident Evil 4
Call Of Duty 1

>gets shot in the stomach
>bandages his arm and instantly heals
I hope you don't think that TLoU has realistic wounding. I'll give you satisfying gun play, they do feel pretty powerful.

max payne 3

realistic wounding on npc's.

Max Payne 3

>get shot in the stomach
>character can't bandage
>can only bleed out and die
yeah real fun user

Gore engine: Soldier of Fortune
Gun mechanics: Receiver
Moving and shooting: Max Payne
I'd cream myself for a game with Receiver's complex but intuitive gun handling with MP's general gameplay and SoFII's destructible bodies.

Been playing Hitman Absolution.
Stealth/story mechanics aside,
Shooting anything in this game really gives you the feel of impact.
And shotgun pellets dont turn into cotton a few feet away,


Any older shooter sincr every modern one is absolute rubbish trading in fun guns with 'balanced' esports cotton candy shooters

Escape from Tarkov easily. Would not recommend due to crappy gamemode but its guns are /k/ tier approved realistic in design and feel.

yeah being punished for using any guns is very satisfying

Soldier of Fortune

Unless it's a headshot they don't really care too much. They can't bleed out and don't limp or anything. They just stagger for a little bit and then go on as they were untill you kill them

I know that it would ruin the game to change the way damage works to that extent. Both the player and the enemies would die far too easily to work with the rest of the game's mechanics and it wouldn't be fun. I'm not attacking TLoU over this, I'm just saying that it isn't "realistic wounding" like what you'd find in a simulation game or something.

some people love splinter cell pandora tomorrow


>punished for using any guns
There aren't any punishments for using lethal weapons in MGSV.

I feel like you can never enjoy any game ever with that mind set.


you get rewarded for not killing

How can you explain Punished Snake then?

Dead Space 2 is pretty satisfying.


punishments you personally don't care about are still punishments.

>lose score
>turn into a jelly covered meme monster
>just as easy to go non-lethal, which gives you personnel and vehicles

Imagine someone executing this in real life.

One would just assume he got so ridiculously lucky.

The starter pistol in KF1.

It feels strong as fuck

Call of Cthulhu: DCoTE literally did this 8 years before and it was tense as fuck.

>One would just assume he got so ridiculously lucky.
or he was a superhuman like the pointman is

also to support this,

To get the best score you'd have to go non-lethal/stealthy.

>not just doing both
>not scanning the area for potential and then running around diving everyones dick into the ground for gear/loot and going ballistic on all the unwanted
It's not a black and white scenario, you baby back bitch.

Hitman absolution is pretty graphic.
Hitting someone in the face with a brick will physically break their face.

RAGE. That will probably never be topped for how crazy good the stumbles looked when shot properly. Kind of an ass game, though. Aside from that? RE4 was pretty damn impressive for its time. There was a TPS I played where you could blow holes in peoples knees and they'd fall to the ground and scream for a good while. Wasn't even a cheap one. Oh, obviously Wolfenstein 2k9. Gunplay was ass but it had some pretty solid gore.

and i'm sure thats why that game is mentioned in this thread multiple times before hand.

I just played this yesterday, and i didnt noticed.
Granted I've just been shooting/strangling people.

is it it just bricks?

It's so much fucking fun using Ocelot's revolver tho, I do this
>do total stealth mission that's hard as fuck
>complete it with S rank
>get out
>get back in, with full armor and ocelot revolver and launchers
>russkies literally panicking trying to get reinforcements
>shoot them before they even see me
it's too underrated

Rockets aren't that slow in real life.

Pic related had some pretty satisfying gunplay once you adjusted to how strange it felt. Getting crit headshots with the revolver was great.

Probably had one of the most satisfying vidya shotguns I've ever used.

Do the bullets still ricochet?
I stopped playing after a while. the online community feels like it's dying (at least on PS4)

Axe's and blunt weapons are the most violent ones.
there is katana animation where you shove it through the back of their head and that shit is fucking brutal

really? couldn't see past the setting.


I'm not an MGS fan, but I really want to play V just because it seems like it actually has really good gameplay. Shame about the lack of boss fights though.

Sure do, they increase by 5 or 10 meters with each upgrade. I rarely bother with the MP or FOB anyway, except for the swimsuits and cool shit

No you fucking retard. Did you see how slow the rockets were going even before the bullet time? An RPG-7's 7V goes just under the speed of sound.

Doesnt look like theres any deformations, just decals splattered over the model.

Smile looks fucking creepy though

>physically break their face

blood texture overlay. In soldier of fortune 1 and 2 you can physically break someone's face.


>That fucking execution where you break their arm and force them to their knees and snap their neck with a spin.
It isn't graphic but it made me uncomfortable with how fluid and emotionlessly he preformed it.


>The Deux ex HR takedown where Jenson spins someone's head fully like 3 times before lifelessly dropping them
Getting my neck snapped like a corkscrew multiple times over is not a way I want to go out

Left 4 Dead 2

Pfft wat??
I gotta see that. Sounds like some looney tunes shit.

Insurgency is the only game I enjoy using LMGs in.


That's just ridiculous and fucking terrifying at the same time.

You can't hear it in the video but the noise it makes is really gross.
You hear the tendons and shit getting destroyed.

seems excessive


Metro series
Gears of war 2

Duke Nukem 64.

Is that how you would avoid rockets?
I dont get it.

>I dont get it.
Yeah we know that.

If that scenario happened in reality, both of them would be dead before any further shots got off

>firing a rocket in-doors

>What games have the most satisfying gun play?
KF1 and 2.

>Bonus points for realistic wounding.
It's got some realistic rendering I guess.

When it comes to gunplay, Goldeneye 64 doesn't hold up as well, but the fact that a lot of common enemies reacted to getting shot was remarkable for the time.

Here's a higher quality version

No but like how can you just stand still and expect the rockets to just avoid you somehow?


supression actually being a gameplay mechanic to encourage spraying an area doesn't hurt

This game has great gunplay

>mfw you could shoot NPC's in the dick and they would slowly go to their knees holding their crotch before dying

Blew my mind back in the day, my friends wouldn't believe me for ages because it was near impossible to recreate.


>shooting people down flights of stairs
>shooting people over railings when they're next to them
>people getting their legs shot by their friend's dropped shotgun
>pushing people around with the Glock
>those nice blood spatters
>arterial bleeding
>downed enemies aren't always dead, going back and finishing them all off is always a thing to do

Shooting games are pretty weak and cant capture the thrill of using a real gun, let alone being satisfying. The exception are VR games but you guys too poor for that. That's the reason school shootings and muslims exist in the world.

There's nothing quite like the feeling of making someone pop into a burst of red mist.

Shame it's not much of a game.

I just finished it two nights ago. There are boss battles, they are just avoidable boss battles.

You can choose to fight the Skulls and the sniper boss battle if you want.

MGS4 anyone? I really liked sniping enemies with a silenced M14EBR in that game. They almost did a backflip when you shot them in the head lmao

Sometimes you sacrifice a perfect score to have fun in these kind of games.

In mgs1, I would strap c4 to backs of soldiers for luls even though it hurt my end score.


ever caring about score

>Bolt on the left side.
He hates this.

done for easier animation and visceral satisfaction of bullet ejection

people used to not be autistic about this shit

I enjoyed shooting their butts. They would jump up and grab their butts with both hands

the best was when you kill them while they rolled

I want dat bigboss codename.

Has a game ever got you to go and shoot a gun in real life?

wish people gave this game a chance

I forgot about that

>continues rolling
>jumps up
>then dies

another one with great gameplay that gets unfairly written off

Killzone 2

>chromatic aberration on text

No thanks. It doesn't deserve a chance

motherfuckign METRO 2033


I like Escape from Tarkov a little more for gun mechanics. Receiver just makes the player press more buttons to load guns which was an interesting experiment, but legitimately boring from a gameplay perspective. Assigning all those actions to different buttons is really just tedious and honestly a BE game like H3VR is more suited for that kind of thing instead of a M+K game

oh fuck

now I have to try TLOU out

Fuck I loved SoF and SoF2

it's garbage. just play SoF2.

Receiver was interesting for like 15 minutes before you realized you could rebind all the reload actions to a sequential set of keys. Normal reloads became not much different from any other game and the gimmick is mostly lost.

>it was interesting until I purposefully made it not interesting myself by intentionally making it easy, this was my choice

idiot. You seem to think the words you typed were worth submitting

Rising Storm 2
