ITT: Post Your Main (any game)
Others guess your personality.
ITT: Post Your Main (any game)
Others guess your personality.
Tryhard edgelord who thinks he's better than everybody.
Ew fucking smash brothers your obviously underage
>one of the few characters on Law and Order SVU to get away with murder
Ain't nothin but a dirty south thang.
fix you're grammar slut
Luda sucked dick in Vendetta. Probably a attention whore low tier hero.
i currently main chun-li but i'm practicing urien, chun is low tier and its hard to win with her. match ups are never in her favor, especially against shotos and stupid karin
You're probably gay
You're going over, brother.
Blood elf, beast mastery hunter
It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and chair
>see retarded-ass thread
>think everyone will make fun of the OP
>faggots unironically posting """mains"""
You nu-Sup Forums shitters are so pathetic you can't even post by the rules of the game.
Spaniard obviously
random memesters
weaboo, probably Hellsing fan
You're going down.
I'm glad I'm finally getting a chance to post this. What do you think friends?
Post your Battleborn main or hide thread, it's simple
>Soul Calibur/Tekken/SF4 and MK
>All cheap/easy chars to play
I guess you're a cheap tryhard
No grabs for you.
>Johnny Cage
I'll have you know I main him because I think he's hot
Cormano master race
i hated that guy so much as a kid
GG: Faust
Jive: FANG
Tekken 7: Gigas
If I was a tryhard wouldnt I use all top tiers?
I also main Gen An in Samurai Shodown.
>Maining worst color palette combined with worst facial structure
>shotgun isn't even valid line of defense since Bob is mechanically the same
I guess your parents didn't love you and you have mental problems, self-hating much?
I liked his moves in FFNY and I never played Vendetta.
>that grapple where you can just punch and knee the character until they get fucked up
you're a piece of shit
You just go with easiest combos with minimal practice time, obviously shitter
>not wanting to be a shotgun slinging hot pink sombrero wearing bandito
Your loss, buddy.
Reaper (Overwatch)
Affliction Warlock (WoW)
Summon Necromancer (Diablo 2)
>easiest combos
>minimal practice time
submissive Tranny
Depressed beta
Boy do I have a game for you
My nigga
unironic weeblord
thanks bro, but I already played it and it is by far one of my favourite games ever
Waluigi has been my main in anything since Mario Tennis, I'm not even a memer.
Maybe I should use term "scrub" but whatever, the guy who is pretending to be hot shot by spamming three combos and getting his ass handed when meeting with semicompetent player. Better?
All about the mind-games, trolling
Only played one of these but Dudley attracts finesse non-cheese players from my experience
Entirely ordinary level player
Really into skulls
D'aww, what a handsome Mewtwo there.
But I play for fun with my friends, user.
My dad who thinks he slick
Still my fav
Your grammar show who really is the underage.
im a hardcore dan main
Stop taking obvious bait. It brings down the board's quality.
Smash Ike
OW McCree
Tier whore.
I was about to post Alex, good taste
>tfw too intelligent to pick Charmander
You must be really fun at the parties
Chill dude that hates the xD LOL stigma that comes with vocal Dan mains
Sorry. Its hard for the to resist the your/you're.
closeted homo with a heart of gold
Got the template, my man?
Isnt aware of Armored Core
Everybody knows Charmander is like choosing "hard", where bulbasaur is "easy".
He is a F-air and Okay main
Say that to my sweetspots boy
go be furry elsewhere, lad
Fight me.
i to play kira and Q and M.bosin so 10/10