Devs give out ultra hard mode in a free update along with constant bug fixes and positive changes that improve the game

>devs give out ultra hard mode in a free update along with constant bug fixes and positive changes that improve the game
>Sup Forums says its a shit game
>BOTW gives out hard mode as DLC for 20$
>Sup Forums praises it to no end
Really jogs my noggin if you catch my drift.
And you all wonder why Devs think they can get away with the creation club and other jewish tricks.

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Sup Forums has no logic. Only hateful feelings towards anything Sony.

Its becuase Sup Forums os filled with little ten year olds who play faggy games like tf2 and zelda. But when they come across a real decent open world game like minecraft skyrim and hzd they shit in there diapers. I only wish hzd was on xbox

they must give free shit because there isnt anything to do in the fucking base game

Based user knows what's up. This is why we all dropped shitch.

>Praising a game that was super buggy on release

There's your answer.

I own a PS4 and don't own a Switch, fucking stop trying to defend Horizon Zero Dawn dude. It's pathetic. This game is irredeemable dog shit. There are much better PS4 exclusives to praise. I haven't played Breath of the Wild so I can't really comment on that.

>Super buggy on release
You mean it had bugs day -1 (before release) because it got a patch day 0 that fixed it all.

day 0 is also before release btw

So they released a buggy game and didn't delay it, instead just releasing a day one patch to fix a few bugs.


What makes it irredeemable besides the typical Sup Forums boogeyman cause it has a grill?

muh pol is the only thing you can call because the game cant stand on its own

It wasn't that buggy. all games has bugs. This one had a patch released before the game came out.

You haven't answered my question you mong.

>t. someone who hasn't played it
Your opinion on the game doesn't matter

It's empty generic open world game #104723875, I don't need to use its politics as criticism against it when the base game design is horrendous enough to warrant a warning against ever thinking about buying it. I didn't expect much from it but I had a shred of faith in it because I really liked Killzone. I ended up returning it the same day I bought it. And if you're going to bring up Breath of the Wild as also being a generic open world game, again I haven't played a Zelda game since Twilight Princess like 15 years ago.

I dont remembee seeing any one in zelda threads saying they liked hard mode. Pretty everyone hated it.

I'm not trying to defend it because it doesn't need to be defended. It's a genuinely good game with or without your facing the reality of that fact.


>it's a good game because I say so
Name one good thing about it besides the graphics, which I will admit are objectively excellent. The characters are 1 dimensional stereotypes and the acting is porn quality, the combat is completely standard third person shooter with nothing special going for it, and the exploration has nice stuff to look at but it's ultimately boring by a completely empty world devoid of any substance or meaning. What else is there to even talk about in this game? Besides graphics, what part of this game is above a 5/10?

No it's not. There's ton of shit to do in it. The missions weren't half assed either. There's even missions you'll never encounter if you don't explore and tons of hidden recordings to find. Fuck the enemies were big robotic dinosaurs. You fuckers are no fun.

>It's a good game cause I say so.
It's a good a text because a shit of reviewers gave it good scares.
>Heh Reviewers
Fine it got lots of good scores on user related stores like Amazon, eBay, metacritic.

Fine it still sold really well and the devs are working on the sequel based on good sales.

>Nah I hate and I'm objectively right


I totally agree with you. You know what ? I enjoy the game, you enjoy it, thousands of people enjoy it, it sold well, you don't need typical Sup Forums's contrarian to agree with you too. This place is fun but don't take it too seriously.


You still haven't said anything about the actual game though.

this is a losers coping mentality

I did.

Haven't played either. Have a PS4 but want to buy a switch also by the time it's my birthday in October.

I think I recall that for BotW dlc, don't you start the hard mode with a reaet of some sort? Like Link starts of the thing with nothing? Sounds pretty hardcore to me. What does the other game do?

Weak bait there but I'll bite just because.
I don't lose or win here, I enjoy whatever I want, it's not like I invested in the game, I didn't even buy it, I borrowed it.

If you have to give out something for free, perhaps your game isn't that good at all.

The price tag indicates you put efforts into it. It's a useful indicator for a good pirate.

>Sony game
>Sup Forums hates it

yeah just like tomb raider is good because you have to pay for dlc free stuff = bad terraria sucks gtav sucks every paid game with a major update is bad because they give something free

is HZD 60fps yet? Playing at its sub-24 or whatever it's at made it feel like the whole game was in slow motion.

No amount of free updates can fix an already shit game. Meanwhile, Breath of the Wild was amazing even without an ultra-hard mode.

>The price tag indicates you put efforts into it.
No, the price tag indicates how much the devs think they can get away with.

Quality has nothing to do with it, especially when the normies are content to paying full price for half a game.

wrong with it's multiple reskinned enemies
and nothing to do after the first 20-35 hours

>Don't even have splashes when she's swimming/walking in water.
>Good game.

Holy shit. And I thought I was a Nintenbro.

Sounds like the excuses of someone who's losing and their game is failing.

This. Free = no faith in the content

>a game with free updates cannot possibly be a bad game

They updated Mass Effect: Andromeda a couple times for free so I guess it must be the game of the fucking year

dlc for a hard mode means Greed
we are talking about it's better to have a free hard mode and not paid every game should have a hard mode for free

>game so bad they can't give away DLC to raise interest
>game so good they can sell you a difficulty mode and people are willing to buy it

Really makes ya etc

free hard mode means its so shit they cant even generate interest by making it free thats how bad it is

I really can't stand the UI and icons they use for the game in its menus, I get the prehistoric style but it's so goddamn ugly. Also it just gives off a disgusting ubisoft design vibe i can't even bother playing for more than an hour.

>people like/don't like games depending on their inherent qualities rather than what the developers do with them after launch
Go back to jog your noggin at elementary school.

nintendo being so anti consumer they make us pay money for a shitty hard mode that gives us another reskin

sony being so crap they cant make a game anybody cares about so they desperately try to shill bad free dlc in hopes anyone will give a crap about a crappy feminist game


nintendo being so incompetent vita a handheld released the same year is 6 times more powerful and then nintendo releases another system in 2014 only slightly stronger than vita

>making you pay for a difficulty setting
nice sucking nintendo dick

That's even worse on Sony's part. They couldn't beat a shitty underpowered handheld?

They didn't make me do anything, I gladly pay stupid crap for great games that are fun to play.

you cant recover from that

>Sup Forums stop comparing zelda to horizon it's hurting my feelings!
>but also here's a topic comparing zelda to horizon!

>using a watch mojo video

Watch the Other two instead, at least this time they're not bias.

I have played 22 hours of HZD and 10 hours of BOTW and can easily tell you that HZD is a worse game. Zelda has an actual open world with dynamic shit going on and actual loot and item variety and more simplified but somehow more satisfying combat encounters and the ability to tackle almost anything, anywhere, at any time. HZD forces one of the most boring and bland stories down your throat the entire playthrough and it's so frustrating because they had such a good concept, such a good setting to weave ANY kind of story and they end up making a garbage fire story. All of the budget went into the shitty writing and shitty voice acting and the graphics, which yes are amazing. I don't give a single fuck what the devs do after the fact, BOTW is a better video game than HZD.

yea keep that nintendo dick in your moth

Slapping more shit on shit doesn't make the original shit good

hay retard he even said in the disruption of the videos horizon and he has lets plays of the game up

>disruption of the videos

What disruption of the videos?

>hzd have to keep clinging on to zelda for relevance even though it was shilled as the "zelda killer" before launch

What language are you attempting to speak?

description you know what i mean

Lmao sounds like horizon, except for horizon is nothing to do once you start the game lmao

>If you have to give out something for free, perhaps your game isn't that good at all.
>turns out I was merely pretending to have fun this entire time.

HZD is like capturing mediocrity in a bottle. Its not a horrible experience but its not a good one either. its just another dull open world Ubisoft-esque game.

It really doesn't help that Aloy is fuck ugly either.

I've heard this game is basically "PS4 Zelda", is that an accurate assessment? Seems interesting and might buy if a goty/complete edition comes out.

Gladly, it's tons of fun, unlike your shriveled sony second-helpings.

Considering every enemy in HZD has a glowing weakspot I can't play it

>ultra hard difficulty is now a feature devs should be praised for including into the game later, instead of having it there down with the basic game, as well as all the polishing that needed to be done

Fuck off. And fuck off with your breath of the shit as well, both of those games are garbage.

you sound fucking retarded

no because zelda isnt shit

cry about it

did you reply to the wrong post?

go fight 5 of the goblin but different color

Lmao go whistle in grass and wait for the braindead AI to come to you

Ubisoft games are really good at this, does that make For Honor, Wildlands, and The Division GOTY for how heavily they've been updated post-launch?

No it's bad, unlike zelda

Not that guy but Zelda enemies do that as well.


The division deserved GOTY more than shitterwatch that's for sure

No you can't

Because Horizon Zero fun is a bad game
Gaijins get out

prove it

They don't react to you whistling though, only your horse does. You can stealth but you at least need to move around, while you can be just stationary in horizon

i got both games now what retard

You can't attract the enemy's attention that easily by whistling, and stealth grass does not exist in the game which masks you completely

How about you prove you can? Burden of proof lies on you my man

Now you kys for being weeb trash

fuck off retard

whatever her name is, is a nigger
it is shit

>It's a genuinely good game

>whatever her name is, is a nigger
her? thats a man baby

No you degenerate wigger

its literally a male

keep crying retard

But we shat on the BotW DLC when it was released. Do you have selective memory, sonycoon?

that's bullshit but i believe it