Why is the original Dead Rising so forgotten?

Why is the original Dead Rising so forgotten?

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On what fucking planet?

What bizarro universe do you live in, OP

seems the people that enjoyed it, REALLY enjoyed it, but most people either played it in 2007 and forgot about or threw it off as some zombie game

Because it would mean acknowledging Keiji Inafune was responsible for some good things.

Seriously, look at what happened to DR after he stopped being involved.

It seems to be the only one people talk about in the series, so it makes me reluctant to play dead rising 2.


the original DR was perfect. the map was small enough to learn, but kept all areas interesting. the time limits gave plenty of time to mess around, so long as you weren't bad. it was a game that rewarded you for putting time in it

most people like DR2 better cause it was easier and they made 'epic zombie killing' a bigger aspect with TIR and combo weapons

>so it makes me reluctant to play dead rising 2.
2 is good, it just does some things worse than 1. Still a solid DR game.

Avoid 3 and especially 4 like the plague.

1 and 2 are like the only good Dead Rising games.

is 3 worth 6 bucks if you really enjoyed 1 and 2?

I just beat dead rising and enjoyed a lot out of it. I can't imagine how DR2 could be worse, but I don't hear much about it compared to DR1. what exactly does DR2 do worse than DR1? I already know how bad DR4 is though.

>what exactly does DR2 do worse than DR1?
PS3 and PC support

Over here! Come on!


Only on 360 for a long time early in the machine's lifespan. This happened to a few good games. Lost Odyssey never got the appreciation it deserved either.

2 will break your heart if you got really invested in 1 because all of the polish and attention to detail that made the first game perfect is gone. It's still built mostly from the same foundations that made the original great but pretty much every little thing that they could have fucked up they did.
>Camera is awkwardly close
>Chuck's running animation looks retarded
>story went from surprisingly great to ironically retarded (meaning they knew they could never write anything good so they memed themselves to become immune to criticism)
>sound went from excellent to pathetic (baseball bat sounds like a whiffle bat, all impact noises are pathetic, guns feel like they're shooting spitballs)
>meme weapons mean that you'll spend the entire game slaughtering everything with the same 3-4 stupidly powerful and easy to get combo weapons and ignoring shit you come across naturally in the world.
>somehow manages to look worse than the original, both technically and aesthetically
>challenge is gone
>map design is ass (hideous casinos that all feel the same, central hallway, and a couple of half-assed mall plazas that are mostly open space to run through since there's no reason to go into stores ever.

honestly if it came out today Sup Forums would call it shit

i dont know what it is about DR2 and OTR that i dont like, i cant quite pin it or properly describe it beyond "soulless"

2 has a more forgettable story/cast, clunkier movement/combat, and is a bit more lenient with the time limit.

It also marked the point where the series started to treat itself less seriously and more campy, but not to a ridiculous extent like the future games.

DR1 feels a lot faster, the psychopaths were more interesting and the game is focused more on time management, the map was more smaller and easier to learn while keeping all the areas interesting. DR2 is a pretty good game, but just feels worse than DR1 for me. alot of people like it more though. DR2 had co-op aswell, that might have helped it be more interesting



The war...never really ended for me...

>co-op for the original game never
Never realized I wanted this until now. Since it's the harder game it'd work better. Casuals would get a lot more use out of it.

The psychos are fun but Carlito deserves the spotlight. What a top-tier villain.

It was made by Canadians.


>clunkier movement/combat
Did they at least improve the aiming with guns? DR1's melee and skills were excellent, but I felt the guns were an afterthought when they made the game.

I have fucking replayed that mission a million times. When the fuck do they say WEEEEEELLLLLLLLLL?


I think so. You can also move around while shooting now.

I'm torn between them keeping the remaster the same besides technical things, and them adding things like co-op. I liked that they kept the AI the same. I thought it would be really hard, but as long as you call them and set waypoints and save often it isn't too bad


the aiming is better, but I never used guns because they feel worse than peashooters. the shotgun from DR1 was a devastator and is my favorite in vidya, but the only good gun in DR2 is the six shooter you get from the cowboy security guard

I had more fun with the demo for DR1 than the full game. Rescuing people and fighting psychopaths was hugely inconvenient with the way everything was set up.

The only thing they needed to fix about the AI was their pathing. It's way too easy for them to get stuck trying to come out of a bathroom or trying to jump up the ledge to the vents.

Well that good news then, shame about everything else though. I'll give DR2 a go then.

The guns are great in the first game. Not too common, powerful, but kind of unwieldy. In 2 they're all over the place and easier to use but to compensate for this they made them worthless. Being able to move while aiming feels like shit and is never really useful, the guns all like and sound gay and aren't fun to use and they just generally aren't very useful. An early story event leaves you with an inventory full of machine-guns if you bother to grab them but you'll drop the things for more spiked bats soon enough because they're fucking worthless. Zombies in 2 are a non-issue so the ability to do lots of headshots is meaningless and psychos just shrug bullets off as they charge at you making ranged weapons a bad option in virtually all boss-fights.

Ledges and tight corridors are the only real problems they had. The fact that they struggle to navigate huge swarms of zombies made the game way more interesting. Having to clear a path through Paradise Plaza at night after saving the theatre survivors is probably the most challenging part of the game.

it's more Dead Rising, just watered down with less polish.

>The fact that they struggle to navigate huge swarms of zombies made the game way more interesting.

Oh, I agree with that. I'm not asking for them to be able to steamroll through zombie hoards, just that they don't get themselves stuck in the stupidest ways possible.

another thing I liked about DR1 was all the memorable things. Like you said, clearing the path in Paradise Plaza at night is fucking nerve-wracking, especially if you hadn't saved. it was dependent on skill. in DR2 the only thing that I remember like that were the snipers that would fuck your shit up when you tried escorting people.

dr1 is awesome, so glad it got a re-release and everyone can enjoy it either fir the first time or again.

The Snipers in DR2 were kind of a challenge but only because of how unintuitively designed that whole area is. It's a massive hallway with tiny alley-ways on the edges, some of which have ladders which take you to one of the four snipers. The Entrance Plaza snipers from the first game were better, just three dudes who'll blast you from long range at the top level who you can rush down and kill quickly if you're a completionist or just avoid if you have other shit you want to do. Also DR1 at least tried to have their villains make sense, the snipers in 2 were just a nu-male projection of what rednecks are like.

The re-release is such a blessing. Now that it's on PC it can live forever.

it didn't seem like much came out of the re-release. just glad DR1 was on PC, shame there is no significant modding scene

the worst part of the snipers in DR2 were that they took a couple health blocks each shot and some of them are really hard to reach. the fights with them were stupid aswell, if you shoot them they insta-snipe you, and if you melee they fuck you up. can only really poptart out of cover to get them.

now if only ninja gaiden 2 would get a re-release like dr1 i can finally retire my 360 for good.

Are you actually going to play NG2 in the near future? If so get it done now and then you can put it away.

i play it a lot, its just so much fun messing with all the different weapons or getting through levels doing combos and never getting hit. along with dmc games it just never gets old for me. ive had to buy it twice because my first disc got scratched up from so much use.

MGR:R is on PC, and I really like that game. But I don't know much about those games


I bet you never see how powerful the nu-Sup Forums babies meme'd "muh frank west" until the devs start meme back "frunk wurst is back !".

the people that love the 'epic' frank west bought into the zeitgeist of people who think frank was some wise crack Ash from Evil Dead, and not a dry humored, sarcastic regular guy put into an insane situation

I was so shocked when I saw Dead Rising for sale on the Steam store page.
It seriously was the only reason I initially bought an Xbox 360.
And they did the PC port major fucking justice.
Dead Rising at 1080p and 60+ FPS.

Goddamn it's great.


Should I get this for my 360 or my PS4?

>*skateboards to you with small chainsaw*

best version

>five zombies on screen at a time

PC seems to be the definitive version.

PC is the best, the controls are really fluid. But if it's between those two, I heard the PS4 version had problems with the sensitivity of thumbsticks, but looks better. 360 is the OG though, and is probably way cheaper for physical

>whole game remade on Resident Evil 4 engine just to make it run on Wii
>added zombie parrots and poodles

GG Capcom.

literally no reason to save him besides his qt sister. Let him become the very thing he despised.

Didn't even know this was on PC, thanks. Been meaning to try this game out for a while.

Why do people rag on this game's graphics? Some of the character models are pretty bad but on PC alot of the textures look pretty good for a 2006 game. Especially with all the zombies.

well worth the 20 dollars, but was on sale for a pretty significantly less amount not too long ago

The zombies in DR1 are the best ones, the female ones especially.

ITT: Games that weren't THAT bad.

Pic completely unrelated.

the darker beta ones I liked alot more. seemed scarier when they all looked similar instead of a sea of color


I don't think I'd be as hated if the advertisments didn't make it seem they were going for a DR1 approach. If it was a new character in a new place, it would have gotten off easier I think

>mfw this cutscene implies that butch cop raped her hostages with a tonfa


>mfw zombie jessie

*upskirt photo of dead woman for achievement*

First DR is the best. The second it pretty good. I enjoyed the second more because it felt like a game I could just hop into and fuck around in (ie I was less invested in the story and had more fun running around) While saying that the first one is a lot better of game all around.

>of all the cops in Willamette this is the one that survived until near the end
Always struck me as odd, but I suppose most of the cops would have gone down early trying to fight.

i think she's some fat cow who found a plus sized cop outfit in the back of a mall costume shop and used it to fulfill some sick fantasy

Every single cop zombie in Dead Rising is a fat fuck.

makes you wonder how a fatty could survive the zombie infestation.

More mass means more resistant to wounds and infections.

Jo is not just fat, but is like 7 feet tall. she probably just football charged any zombies that crossed her

I'm gonna do great in case of zombie apocalypse then.

Did the ports of DR1 include multiple save files?

>ywn get this close to Jessie's tits and cup a good feel like Based Barnaby


Looking at the vid one of the comments pointed out her badge, the bitch isn't even a real cop she's a rent-a-cop like the guy in Dead Rising 2

>being that insecure

Some psychopaths were disturbingly grounded in terms of motive


Honestly one of the best parts of the psychos was Chuck and Frank's puns.

2 Is pretty good, it's not really as good as 1 but it's definitely worth playing, stay the fuck away from everything after Off the Record though.

Atleast exist a mod for fix dead rising 2?

>That guy on youtube who basically dedicates his entire channel to being a history museum to Dead Rising 1
>Not Dead Rising as a whole
>Dead Rising 1

Like, detailing fucking alpha and beta builds, and like, weird merch and history with development. It's beautiful autism. The kind you respect.

DR dosen't have a big modding community, if any

I found him through the DR Boundary Break episode like a pleb.
Really interesting stuff
>They took out a cool running animation where Frank held the shotgun with both hands

for some reason seeing someone that loves and dedicates so much time to something enjoy is endearing. love me some STiP0

2 was more or less the peak of the series. OTR was a nice little upgrade but that's it. DR3 and onwards just didn't have the charm anymore.

There is a small community. If you google 'Dead rising 2 mods' you should get "Home | Dead Rising Console & PC Modding" as one of the results, it's a Proboards forums.

Unfortunately the community is pretty dead. There's hundreds of DR2 mods, not many DR3, and like total four DR4 mods.

A lot of links are dying too. There was good shit on there. Complete overhauls, new weapons, etc. Favourite was porting Frank DR1 Journalist outfit from DR1 (With option to give him his original facial appearance back) back into OTR after it was shown in Case West and then capcom just fucking ditched it.

What a legend. I still remember seeing the old Dead Rising trailers and all of the different stuff they had, it's cool that somebody actually went through the pieces and found out pretty much everything about the beta.

was hoping DR1 PC would bring lots of mods, but nothing of note I have seen.

How did she even get infected?

I think it's implied that Barnaby managed to scratch her badly enough for her to get infected but not badly enough for everyone to notice. Zombie Barnaby had a pretty damn solid go at her.

Also thinking about that scene in the security room reminded me of Bio-Zombie. Do you think the Dead Rising devs liked that movie?

Never seen it so idk. I got the impression of a scratch too but I feel like Isabella would've extensively checked to notice even something minor.

Sadly yes. I used to frequent those forums and I had even forgotten to mention DR1 PC just before. The boards were alive the most during DR2 and OTR, and there was extensive work done ripping content from Case Zero / West, and even dedicated attempts to bring Zero / West to PC via modding.

DR3 wasn't the same in most of the user's eyes, nevermind also being harder to mod.

always a shame to see a community die like that. DR is one of those series that everyone knows, but no one cares to remember enough so that there is lasting content. STiP0 truly is doing God's work