>A total reboot/remake like Crash Bandicoot >Sonic looks like pic related >Gameplay is a mix of Adventure 2 Sonic stages and Utopia, with a dash of 2D. No boosting. Homing attack stays. None of that shit where you have to press a button to duck under something. >No more voice acting >No more humans besides Robotnik >Sonic doesn't live on or anywhere near Earth >Robotnik IS from regular Earth. His backstory shows he's an egomaniacal genius inventor but is mocked by his colleagues for his insane creations and dubbed "Eggman" for his portly shape. His inventions bring him into another dimension (Sonics world) where he enslaves Sonic, Sonics friends, and turns the tiny animals into killer robots >The stages are courses built by Eggman, to see Sonic run through them like a rat in a maze for his enjoyment. He erects cities and power plants for his robot denizens and changes the world in his image. >First game is about Sonic breaking out and bringing freedom to his homeworld and to his friends >Games after that can introuduce Sonics friends for gameplay and reboot the classics like Mania >Delete the cringey twitter >Cancel Sonic Boom and the Comics >Begin a crusade to destroy all deviantart representations of the character
This is the only way. Sonic puritanism is the path to enlightenment.
>DUDE REBOOTS LMAO No. They're finally on the right path by making games to individually appease both classicfags and modernfags. All they have to do is find a formula for 3D that is objectively not shitty and isn't just a carbon copy of Colors and Generations.
How about no. Also, the comics being rebooted at IDW
Michael Russell
>and isn't just a carbon copy of Colors Why not?
Landon Ward
Because it's boring to have the same fucking game three times in a row, like what is happening now with Forces. A 3D game should be 3D, it shouldn't be 40% comprised of 2D sections that try to pander to oldschool platformer fans and yet don't have the satisfying gameplay of the titles they're based on.
Sebastian Watson
>>Gameplay is a mix of Adventure 2 Already fucked up. Sonic Mania exists, go fucking play it.
Isaac Brown
does anyone actually care about mania anymore?
Carson Lee
> All they have to do is find a formula for 3D
-Like Utopia, with a sprinkling of parkour -Open world -a button that allows you to interact with the environment as you run at high speed as you press/hold it (think the Ninja run in MGR). highly dependable on the speed & momentum you're going at
example: 1) running towards a steep wall; press/hold the button to run up / along the wall. hit the wall and stop, otherwise.
2) running towards a waist high ledge; press/hold the button to to initiate a small hop on the ledge without losing speed.
3) running high speed towards a series of floating platforms. hold the button so you end up hopping to each platforms without losing much in terms of speed, though you do end up slowing down after several platforms. otherwise, you're expected to jump to each platform carefully like a traditional 3D platformer.
>the button also allows you to make sharp 90 degree turns as Sonic runs at high speeds, quickly holding onto trees/lamp post/poles/etc. and letting go quickly to make the turn.
>other parkour related stuff involved with interacting with the environment.
combat mechanics, however is a doozy for me. the homing attack feels like a no go for me. one idea i had, Sonic being a speedster, is something like Bayonetta's Witch Time + BamHam combat.
Noah Cox
Sonic is the only character in existance that fits open world. He is the only one that fits in game like that because moving around big distances is not a pain in the ass.
Austin Reed
Sonic fans legit don't know what they want. We finally have a formula that works well so we scrap it, make Lost World, people hate it (because who the fuck wants platforming lel), so we go back to what worked and it's still bad.
Aiden White
Sonic will never be "fixed" as long as he's in the hands of incompetent devs like Sonic Team. You could give them a list of some of the best game design concepts in the world and they'd still find a way to execute them in some flawed manner.
Jason Williams
i work for sega i'll get right on it
Brody Johnson
There's no depth to that gameplay though. I understand that it's a showcase of the physics and shit and a real game would have more properly defined levels, but there'd be no point to actually bother to explore shit or fight badniks. It just looks boring and empty.
Christopher Flores
Yeah, no. That fucking "Robotnik created a Matrix for Sonic" theory is retarded. fanfic levels of retarded. Sonic has been cleansed, Mania was the cleansing. A simple plot without any bullshit to get in the way, bullshit like this retarded theory.
Jacob King
>What are collectables >What are time trials >What are bonus stages >What are alternating paths
Theres a shitload of things they can sprinkle in to give incentive to the player. For fucks sake, add a Chao Garden and have it be where you can collect drives and animals for them. Incentive shoots up 110% and so does everyone's dick
Parker Martinez
>We finally have a formula that works well so we scrap it Sonic Team scrapped it because after three games they were tired of designing levels that had to be several miles long in order to compensate for Sonic's speed. >make Lost World, people hate it (because who the fuck wants platforming lel) People typically enjoy platforming when the level design is good. Also Lost World's binary speed settings is the stupidest thing you could implement in a Sonic game. >so we go back to what worked and it's still bad Yes, Forces' level design does look pretty bland and unimpressive, and this is supposed to be the result of four years of development time. Probably would have been better to release Mania after Forces as a "sorry" of sorts.
Xavier Kelly
The adventure formula works, just don't include any other gameplay that isn't Sonic/Shadow. Just fix the camera and we're gravy.
Joseph Sanchez
>Robotnik created a Matrix for Sonic That sounds cool though. I'd play a Sanic game with that plot, with the aesthetics of those virtual levels from Colors.
Sebastian Campbell
You could say the same thing about 2D Sonic, and yet it spawned a franchise that's lasted 25 years.
Adam Gonzalez
Plot sounds horrible and disturbing.
Tyler Gomez
Homing attack keeps the flow going.
Justin Parker
>>Delete the cringey twitter >>Cancel Sonic Boom and the Comics >>Begin a crusade to destroy all deviantart representations of the character Outside of these things, I agree with you completely.
Kevin Williams
Mario started out as basic as Sonic, and yet in Mario Galaxy there's all kinds of cool powerups and shit that mix up the core platforming gameplay. That doesn't make Mario 1 any less fun, but literally just translating Mario 1 into 3D like Utopia is trying to do with 2D Sonic wouldn't make a fun game.
Dominic Martinez
Why not just make a new game franchise at this point if you are going to destroy so much of Sonic's identity?
Henry Adams
So you just want to hate, even a game that you only know 2 levels. Honest question, why do you still care? Why not just move on to Mario or whatever?
>just don't include what made Adventure more fun What's the next genius idea?
Lucas Jenkins
Fuck off classicfag.
Kayden Cooper
So bad.
Asher Williams
How many of the replies do you think are just him?
Charles Green
Half of the things you want seem to basically be a reinvention of Sonic, you know the shit SEGA has failed at time and time again.
Jeremiah Edwards
Or just make an adaptation of the britbong Sonic comics.
Dominic Garcia
>the homing attack feels like a no go for me The homing attack is fine. Enemies in Sonic games aren't supposed to serve as actual threats, just as another kind of obstacle Sonic can use to traverse through the environment.
The only change you need to make to the homing attack is that it needs to carry momentum when you bounce off of an enemy instead of popping you straight up into the air.
James Bennett
Utopia is not the answer to 3D Sonic, nor is the boost formula. Sonic thrives on momentum and speed, levels in the 3D games should be built like a skate park; curved surfaces, open spaces, and different altitudes all while being contained in a comfortable environment
Easton Roberts
>Pick up Sonia Mania >become super sonic >his eyes aren't red
>What are collectables >What are time trials >What are bonus stages >What are alternating paths Nobody cares about this. People want to get from point A to point B while avoiding enemies and obstacles.
It's fucking ironic that you people say that 3D Sonic needs to be fixed and in the same thread offers such awful suggestions that goes against what made Sonic so famous.
If you want something like that, you should look for it in another franchise. Hell, take that idea and start a new one..
Aiden Evans
They did with Freedom Planet. OP practically wants Freedom Planet 3D.
Samuel Richardson
>The only change you need to make to the homing attack is that it needs to carry momentum when you bounce off of an enemy instead of popping you straight up into the air. So you can just mash A and still go fast?
Kevin Green
>even a game that you only know 2 levels We know at least four levels by now, user. The whole "just wait until we see more of the game" bit doesn't hold much weight anymore. >Honest question, why do you still care? Why not just move on to Mario or whatever? Are you implying that people can only have one interest? Do you focus all of your attention on the Sonic franchise? How sad.
Brody Edwards
>Mania team gets 2 more games >Chris lets Sega use the retro engine for more 2d styled sonic games, while he moves on to different things >Sega releases smaller 2D adventures, for $10-20, while still releasing modern titles at $40-60 >2D elements are phased out of the modern titles Thoughts?
Kevin Morgan
I want modern styled 2D games at some point.
Thomas Jones
You're comparing a completed commercial product to a glorified tech demo. I'm sure the devs have plans to implement shit like the elemental shields and level gimmicks in an attempt to add more depth to their project, but as of now Utopia is just a "well, here's what we've got to show off right now" type of thing.
Evan Thompson
Not him, but the worst thing about LW wasn't the binary speeds, but rather the level design. If the game had good levels that were built around the moveset Sonic had in that title, it would have been a fine game. If that was corrected and the game were a bit less generic with the actual level themes it could have been something special.
Only a few good levels (like windy hill 1) come to mind, where the rest were too linear, gimmicky, or weirdly out of place. The parkour could also use some touching up or just be rebound to a less retarded button. Wisps could have been done better too, but for some reason nobody on their dev team seems to realize what made them work well in colors in the first place.
Isaac Morales
>I see you saw Sonic Spitball. No, I played the original games and see no reason why a similar concept can't be properly applied in 3D.
Nicholas Richardson
All of this is a no brainer, we're just stuck at the point of deciding how a 3D Sonic title should play without just being another boost or Adventure game
Isaac Garcia
I don't trust Sega to make 2D Sonic games even if they have his engine but the rest sound fine to me, especially the whole no 2D elements in 3D part. I do wonder what Chris & co. will make in the long term beyond Sonic, they must have a lot of ideas after fucking around with this series for so long.
Luke Jenkins
Just take the Mania engine, flesh out the special stage tech, and turn it into a game.
Christopher Moore
Nah, I like how Utopia handled it and had Sonic perform a small double jump unless he was near an enemy. Keeps the homing attack from being spammable like in Adventure 1 and promotes the concept of earning speed instead.
Oliver Flores
Looks like the fanbase is fully segregated now between the people who want 3D sonic fit with friends and full characteririzing cutscenes. versus the true sonic fans
What an interesting time to be alive. here, have some music.
>2D elements are phased out of the modern titles Thanks but no thanks
Ok with the rest though as long as classicfags stop bitching about modern sonic
Ethan Watson
>Not him, but the worst thing about LW wasn't the binary speeds, but rather the level design. But I said the level design wasn't very good. Not directly, I guess, but still. Also I feel the binary speeds are still a huge flaw with Lost World's gameplay. If people have such a huge issue controlling Sonic, they should have implemented a brake button instead that slows Sonic down to walking speed.
Angel Sanchez
>true sonic fans People who prefer the Adventure or boost games don't have any less valid of an opinion than the people that prefer the old Genesis games. That's like saying people who prefer 3D Zelda to 2D Zelda aren't real Zeldafags. We're at the phase where both branches of the franchise need to start expanding at the same time instead of just making one or the other.
Levi Garcia
>true sonic fans Bitching on the internet for over 10 years doesn't makes you a true sonic fan
Joseph Gonzalez
SEGA should reestablish the SEGA technical institute, and have them handle Sonic games as well as bring back a ton of other properties like Ecco.
Matthew Wilson
Thing is both forms of Zelda are good. Where as there has never been a single good 3D sonic game
Tyler Peterson
>People who prefer the Adventure or boost games don't have any less valid of an opinion than the people that prefer the old Genesis games. Yes, they do. Their taste is bad and they should feel bad.
Hunter Myers
I don't understand this. Did you actually like the 2D sections in Colors and Generations? >playing Super Mario 64 2 or Sunshine 2 or whatever >gameplay suddenly turns into shitty watered down version of Super Mario World What's the fucking point? I bought a 3D Mario game, I want to play a 3D Mario game, not a shitty approximation of 2D Mario. There is no good reason they shouldn't each be their own thing.
Cameron Baker
I thought Adventure 2, Colors and Generations were fine. Unleashed was like 40% fun.
Jordan Peterson
>head over heals for MC It's the same hero worship Tails has for him. I guess Tails is Chi-Chi too. And it's heels, Retard. >constantly ignored Because she's irrelevant to Sonic's life. Chi-Chi is Goku's wife. I guess Bark the Polar Bear is Chi-Chi too, then. Retard. >love never even enters MC's brain That's a character trait relevant to Sonic, not Amy. And even then, Goku married Chi-Chi, and at the very least likes her. Sonic doesn't care about Amy at all. Retard. >kind of annoying by her, but keeps saving her Annoyed, you mean, and that's another Sonic trait. Chi-Chi didn't need Goku to save her, either. He only gave her a lift home. Chi-Chi could kill dinosaurs all on her own and was never in real danger. Sonic rescued Amy because she's useless, fragile, and ineffectual. Retard. >she's got a bit of a temper Nothing about Amy in any classic games suggest this. Retard. You're a massive fucking Amyfag retard. Classic Amy is more irrelevant than fucking Silver Sonic. /autism
Jordan Garcia
>le Sonic's shitty friends meme Having multiple playable characters isnt the problem. The different playstyles and objectives are. The classic games handled multiple playable characters perfectly by making them similar, but each with a unique ability. Sonic's friends also haven't been important at all for over a decade. Fuck off.
Nicholas Smith
>>A total reboot/remake like Crash Bandicoot Not necessary. Sure, "reboot" it but don't cancel everything else going on. Build and fund a studio that can make competent 3D Sonic games, and let Sonic Team and Mania Team keep doing what they do, and don't meddle with either. Support them at least until they stop being profitable. >>Sonic looks like pic related It's the best drawing of Sonic's design that there is, so yes. >>Gameplay is a mix of Adventure 2 Sonic stages and Utopia, with a dash of 2D. No boosting. Homing attack stays. None of that shit where you have to press a button to duck under something. More Utopia than Adventure 2, but definitely pull from both, and rework the parkour system from Lost World into something more simple and fluid, to get the most out of complex 3D level design. >No more voice acting Yes. >No more humans besides Robotnik Not necessary either. Just style them in a way an old-timey cartoon would stylize them, with the same 80's anime flare Sonic had. Mostly focus on nature being ruined by Eggman's greed, and the wildlife he's effecting. But there doesn't need to be a policy to exclude humans from cutscenes or settings or whatever >>Robotnik IS from regular Earth. His backstory shows he's an egomaniac genius inventor but is mocked by his colleagues for his insane creations and dubbed "Eggman" for his portly shape. His inventions bring him into another dimension (Sonics world) where he enslaves Sonic, Sonics friends, and turns the tiny animals into killer robots I liked the backstory idea of "Eggman" being a brand, a beloved icon, people enjoy the jolly fat man's cute inventions and wonderful places his industries are behind, and that makes him very rich. He uses these funds to go to more dangerous inventions and work toward insidious goals of making a "utopia" for humans by wiping out all nature. Headcanon aside, Eggman doesn't really need a backstory to look into, what's important are his actions and how they hurt the Earth.
Dylan Reed
Classicfags are such hypocrites. >You know what killed Sonic? All these shitty supplementary characters!
>ZOMG Team Hooligan :D >Playable Amy Rose when?
Elijah Nguyen
>>The stages are courses built by Eggman, to see Sonic run through them like a rat in a maze for his enjoyment. He erects cities and power plants for his robot denizens and changes the world in his image. I always assumed he made them to be used by humans, but it's best to leave the reason WHY Eggman is making these places ambigious. But not all locations are Eggman constructs, some are natural environments or beautiful ancient ruins that Eggman is in the process of destorying. >>First game is about Sonic breaking out and bringing freedom to his homeworld and to his friends Of course, Sonic's original animal friends are very important characters. However I don't think there's any reason to undo what has happened in Sonic 1 - & Knuckles. >>Games after that can introuduce Sonics friends for gameplay and reboot the classics like Mania The first game can do that. Do what the classics and Mania do, making Tails and Knuckles optional characters with minor alterations to the game's events to accommodate them, and alter level design and bosses for both of them. Getting classic style Tails and Knuckles to work in 3D would be a great effort, and is worth including in the game. >>Delete the cringey twitter >>Cancel Sonic Boom and the Comics >>Begin a crusade to destroy all deviantart representations of the character No need, and that's doing more harm than good.
Juan Thomas
How can you 'reboot' a franchise that already has a billion different canons already?
Eli Reed
Classicfags don't want Amy Rose. Advance loving Amyfags that desperately want to hijack Mania do. Glad she wasn't in the game. Team Hooligan is a comics thing. In that form, they don't exist in any classic games.
Liam Lewis
Classicfags are like christians, they hate seeing other people have fun even if it doesn't affects their own fun in any way.
Ryan King
>Classicfags don't want Amy Rose. Advance loving Amyfags that desperately want to hijack Mania do.
Bullshit. I haven't played any Sonic games except for the classics yet, and I wanted Amy.
Nathaniel Nelson
I was going to take part in this thread, but upon reading it further, I've realized it's a fucking terrible thread. Call me when we have a comfy Mania thread again.
Hunter Powell
>You know what killed Sonic? All these shitty supplementary characters! Yes, Sonic Team's implementation of the series' supplementary characters is what killed Sonic. If they had just stuck to Sonic 2 and 3's method of implementation there wouldn't have been a problem.
Hell, you don't see anyone complaining about the characters in the Advance games. I wonder why.
Jaxson Thomas
>Super Mario World with acrobatic and karate moves It would be fun.
Ryder Brown
Yeah yeah go back to playing Adventure. Amyfag opinions don't matter.
Jacob Morgan
These are not classicfags, these are dumb secondaries. Learn the difference.
Ryan Cook
Amy and Metal Sonic are from CD. Therefore theyre indeed classic Sonic characters. Theres nothing wrong with any of the characters design wise, them speaking is the problem
Wyatt Peterson
>Classicfags don't want Amy Rose Objectively incorrect. Go back through the countless Mania prerelease threads and ctrl+F Amy and see how many people were sperging out about how they wanted her in the game. >no Amy no buy
Colton Jones
You're a leech.
Archives don't preserve the IP count. A few posters posting the same things over and over again doesn't magically make their shitty niche opinion popular.
Joseph Jackson
>>gameplay suddenly turns into shitty watered down version of Super Mario World Mario's been doing that since, what, Galaxy? Thankfully it's okay when Nintendo does it.
Cameron Butler
>tfw I literally posted that I really like Amy. After the Mega Drive comic I had such high hopes that she would be playable.
Juan Johnson
Give me more.
Sebastian Cooper
She was planned bro. They probably realized they just didn't have enough time for extra characters.
Don't worry, her and Metal are practically confirmed for Mania 2.
Kayden Cox
I'm personally hoping for Amy and Blaze. Also, what with how well Mania is doing, we might end up getting a DLC after-all. Who knows?
Jace Smith
If Sonic Team made a 3D game with multiple characters that play similarly, this would have never been a problem. The entire game would be a lot more polished if they didn't waste dev time on unnecessary shit like treasure hunting and the werehog. The classic and OC sections in Forces show that Sonic Team hasn't learned a thing from their mistakes. People want Knuckles? Just make a slower Sonic that can glide. It's not that hard.
Jackson Bennett
>and Blaze Oh I didn't realize I was just talking to a waifufag. Modern characters ain't happening, get it out of your head.
James Hill
>I'm personally hoping for Amy and Blaze. >Blaze Never gonna happen.
Brandon Cox
I'm not that same person. And I'm not a waifu fag I just think blaze fits really well.
Most likely. But lets hope to some good mods. But we should get another game in the Advance series and have Blaze, Cream, and such in there.
Christian Davis
How's it feel knowing Taxman and Stealth personally trashed the idea of including Amy before developing her even began? Unlike the Super Emeralds (which are fully complete) and other things cut by executive meddling, Amy has nothing. It was internally rejected. Even her little proof-of-concept loodle that included an Amy cameo for Studiopolis was cut from the "Sonic Discovery" pitch. It's not going to happen.
Asher Lee
>Homing attack Fucking casual.
Gabriel Gutierrez
Real talk. Is it worth putting any effort into a fangame with ideas for 3D sanic versus dumping all that effort into making an original IP? There aren't many, if any games that occupy a similar niche as Sonic after all. Would the audience go for it or would Sonic fans be petty and shit all over anything that tries to compete?
Jaxson Wright
Stealth once said that making new characters takes a lot more time, effort, and testing than people realize. There isn't anything for her because they knew from the start that they wouldn't have enough time to put her into the game. A playable character is way more of a task than some Super Emerald sprite.
Asher Reyes
Make the fangame and if it's good rework it into an original game.
William Harris
>Most likely. No, it just won't. Iizuka already made that clear. >But we should get another game in the Advance series and have Blaze, Cream, and such in there. There will never be another modern-centric sidescroller unless classic Sonic stops being marketable for some reason.
Liam Cruz
At least the man has some class. Just saying "we don't want her" would be a bit rough.
Jose Howard
The Sonic/Shadow portions of Adventure 2 were the only decent portions but overall Adventure's gameplay is hot garbage, I don't know why people have boners for it. Nostalgia maybe?
Colton Cook
Already cleaned. Sonic Mania is the best Sonic game since Sonic 3.