I'm downloading Dota 2 as i type, what should i expect?

I'm downloading Dota 2 as i type, what should i expect?

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If you've never played, you should expect no fun for at least 300 hours

Then after 1500 hours, you can expect no fun ever again.

no hl3


Rage against Latin Americans (Russian if you're EU)

Disappointment after that

Rage, anger and fury.

You should expect subhumans who don't speak english to lock heroes that are still too hard for them despite being dumbed down substantially.

A game that is only as competitive as there are dollars at stake, so set your expectations accordingly.
Expect a new habit of strange, unfulfilling sequences of events that leave you craving for ever more punishment, but that's vidya for you

it'll take you a few hundred hours to understand how the game even works
it'll take you a few hundred hours after that to understand what the heroes and items do
it'll take you a few hundred hours after that to even understand how to use that information to win the game

after that, you're fucking trapped, because it turns out there are no other games that provide a similar amount of depth and variety in gameplay than this one

op here

Game that was once fun, now ruined by it's creator who pandered to pro players so much the game meta became extremely unfun for the average player.

The most cancerous and toxic community of all games. Screeching russians with 30 iq on your team, players who play like their lives depend on it against you. MM forcing 50% on you so if you do well you get worse and worse teammates.Valve only giving a shit about squeezing money out of it with cosmetics and other useless shit. Also the game is literally dying.

>only 1000 hours
You are like little baby.

There is no reason to play this game after patches 6.71, 6.81, and 7.0.

I had 1.8k hrs in tf2 before I picked up dota
dota is now sitting at 2k hours for me

Icefrog pandered to shit players too leavimg the game very unfulling


fpbp, pretty much describes my exact Dota experience.



The new player experience is fucking awful, and I'm amazed that people actually stick with it long enough to understand.
Expect to lose your first 20 or 30 games due to some combination of smurfs and foreigners. You will get stomped, and it will happen a lot.
Read guides and play a shit-ton of bot games until you understand what every hero does and what role each item serves. Watch pro games, and the Newcomer TI streams. Most importantly, it's being able to take information and view it through the lens of the game. You know that Riki is always invisible, so how should you change your playstyle to accommodate this? Dota is a game of information, and 90% of it can only really be learned by playing the game.

lmao you don't need that colossal amount of time to play the game effectively unless you are fully retarded, there is no gameplay variety because you do the same few roles heroes do - rice, support or try to roam and gank

Money does not make a game alive, players who enjoy the game and create it's content do. 90% of the player base are shitskins and chinks who will never cross the border into 3k mmr.

Nah, but it's still shit. Almost every game plays out the exact same way now because of the changes made to the game deliberately meant to incite this


stuns and carry heroes are way too strong, their win rates show it clearly, the game isn't finely balanced.
needs a mechanic that makes stun locking have diminishing returns, each one making the next shorter, how simple is that?
also would make every item as half of what it is currently, farming heroes would still be OP, just afk farming less easy way to win.

youll fit right in

the mechanical skill ceiling for mobas is pretty low
to get good at one is basically just collecting information on the enemy and using it properly
most people don't get this

Controls that are about 15 years out of date.

Download league of legends and play them intermittently then come back and tell us which is better.

Dota2 would be amazing better if it merged with Smite, WASD movement, aiming projectiles and melee, someone get started on this if you want to get fuckin rich and/or sued

Legit probably the most difficult game ever made. Starcraft is about micro and nailing down a set amount of strategies and executing them perfectly. Shooters are about twitch movement and map and weapon awareness.

Dota 2 however has so many fucking outcomes in a situation it's insane, mostly due to the sheer amount of items and heroes there are. No one game you play will ever be the same, and not in a small way either. One hero can absolutely change everything, one ITEM can absolutely change everything.

Personally, I can't play it. I don't have the time or the dedication, I'd rather just absorb myself in singleplayer games where I can fuck around at my own pace and not worry about anyone else. I do enjoy other multiplayer games (Splatoon and its sequel are pure fun to me) but Dota is a whole different beast/

All that said, I love watching it. I watch even small tournaments and even streams of pro players. I've attended the last three Internationals personally and had a blast. For me, it's the game that has gotten the closest to 'esports', whatever the fuck that is.

fighting games are dota's information barrier combined with shooters' twitch physical barrier
try to prove me wrong, you can't

probably smurfs stomping your games and new players abandoning because they don't give a fuck about the punishment

DotA is an ocean of depth to League's river, but League is more fun, with smoother gameplay, more waifus and a better art style.

>a better art style.
end yourself you retarded faggot

>no fun for at least 300 hours
You have issues
Fun is the thing that hooks people into this game if you didnt know
I cant even fathom what kind of insane autist plays a game he finds no enjoyment in

>stuns and carry heroes are way too strong, their win rates show it clearly

I keep hearing that Dota has more depth but never does anyone actually prove it. I've played them both to about a thousand hours and honestly they're both about as deep as a multiplayer game of this type can get. Do people say this because the item shop is more complex? That's the biggest difference I've found.

>More waifus

DOTA has higher quality ones AND husbandos to boot.

No? You can't be playing a fighting game and then suddenly your opponent builds a forcestaff and completely changes the way you have to play against the entire enemy team.

Fighting games are baby stuff compared to Dota. Fighting games are almost pure execution. Need a damn lot of it but still.

you're also probably 3k mmr

Mostly because of turn rates, Rubick being a thing, Invoker being a thing, the fact that trilanes can exist and heroes have a wide range of roles instead of being balanced 100% for one role.

I can tell you they service entirely different interests


>more waifus
This means nothing compared to having best waifu

only nigs play fighting games

>getting your waifu from a game that serves thousands of brown subhumans who will touch her daily and get her killed in stupid ways
That's not Pugna

The best Moba, it seems stupidly overpowered but that's what makes it fun. Some games you'll get mega fucked in the first fifteen minutes and you'll spend the next hour fighting a losing battle, sometimes you'll be doing that to someone else, and every now and then you'll get actually close games that make you want to come back for me.

>Fighting games are almost pure execution
rising thunder already completely shit all over this claim
it removes 99% of the physical barrier and shitters still get shit on

Quick, post your cursed heroes (Heroes you always lose playing as/against)

not an argument

This waifu almost singlehandedy lost the entire west TI7. Only Kuroky didn't fall for her charms.

This is literally the most mature answer I've ever received for this question.

fookin riki

somehow the 4 random krokodil addicted russians i have in my team every game manage to feed him beyond recognition before minute 15. same with pudge. thats why i always ban those 2 in pubgames

Every year after TI I download DOTA play one game and remember why i quit.

Actually balanced. Despite what retards may tell you Icefrog knows what he's doing. Something like 90% of the entire hero pool was picked at TI7.
Item variety. While League has gotten better at this, most of their items are still stat sticks, and even their items with activatable skills are lackluster. In Dota 2, 1 player buying a force staff or blink dagger or even something like a Necromicon completely changes the way the other 9 players play and view the game.
Hero skill variety. League is infamous for shitting out heroes (champions) that follow the same Gap Closer/Hit Oppenent X times to do X/Shield formula. In Dota 2 picking a certain hero can completely change up everything in a draft.

There's a bunch of other smaller things too (Denying/Turn Rate/Towers) but I'll leave it at that.

just buy detection and enjoy your free food

It's all about memory, which are the most OP enemies to focus? Have a good draft or it's over from the start. Builds aren't really diverse as most people think, you either get the optimal standard, or some gimmick to counter a hero, or you lost/get carried.

She needs a buff badly

>Russian if you're EU
Doesn't matter if you're EU, I've had both peruvians and russsians on my team when queuing for US East/West

>90% of the hero pool being picked means the game is balanced
>even though half of them proved to be instalose and were only picked because the autist couldn't play anything else
Icefrog died in a car crash in china back in 2015, we've been playing valve's iteration of his "balance" since.

>riki hits 6
What now

>leave the circle until it ends
>cast your spells at him
>collect 500 gold because this game is about fighting and not farming now

>how do i counter a stove lul
For some reason, all these years later, this line has stuck with me. It always makes me laugh.

i always do, the USSR meth addicts still manage to feed him somehow

fun fact:
everytime riki is in my team he gets killed by our jungle 4 times before minute 10

>rest of his team shows up while you're waiting 5 seconds and kills you because you're grossly out of position on top of the damage you took from him

I tried to get into dota but the characters move like trucks. Ability ranges are too long and so are auto attacks.
Feels like you are still playing a warcraft 3 mod with refurbished graphics. And as good as this can be for some people, most gamers moved on to better and more modern things to play.

whats just sad is the fact that riki is one of the easiest to counter heros in the entire game as long as SOMEONE in your team buys vision... but hey you'd need a brain for that

Ignore everything in this thread
Watch this and skip practices if you want, its very long but the time you will take to learn on your own while suffering retards will be at least 5 times longer.
It will jump you straight to 3k or more, dont play a lot because you're probably going to get shit on and placed with actual retards, if you're autistic enough, hates fun and is dissatisfied with your current mmr you can spam certain heroes to climb it, dont obsess over mmr though.

Theres only a few basic overarching concepts you have to understand early on since they apply to the entire game and not exclusive heroes, which are efficiency, laning and map/strategic awareness.

Do not understimate morale and communication. Dont flame people like a fucking child. Use your brain.

The question gets asked hundreds of times a day so it's understandable that some people would just start shitposting in response.

sorry, dust and sentries are restricted to +3k MMR only

>see that enemy purchased raindrops
>"oh shit, this guy might be good"

Why are towers so pathetically weak in dota?
They just melt to -armor in seconds vs single midgame carries, and their DPS is a joke
And attack-moving your units makes enemy stop attacking (WTF is this game)

if you play in NA expect peruvians to ruin your game
if you play in EU expect ruskies to ruin your game
if you play in SEA/AUS expect peenoise to ruin your game
if you play in South Africa expect nothing but bots afk farming mmr
if you play in India expect all your packets dropped
I think i summed it up

in dota, the biggest strength of the tower is not the tower itself, but the fact that your teammates can teleport to it. That is actually how towers exert map pressure.

To allow you to lose in 20 minutes and/or draft a team that will make them lose in 20 minutes, since there's not a concede button outside of professional games.

In Dota the towers don't protect you. You protect them.

One of those command and conquer scenarios in which the soviet union won.

Expect to play with 70 iq subhumans for 40 minutes average each game. It's better to not get into such a shit genre.

this desu

>This is literally the most mature answer I've ever received for this question.
And wrongest i hope
Dota is more complex because its a knowledge based game while League is skill based
You cant main a hero in dota, build a bunch of passive items, execute your kit well and ignore everything else because people will actively shit on you by countering that hero with picks or items, you have to understand things that can ruin your life in picks, items, strategies AND their interactions.

You might try picking a safe tanky carry that isnt hard countered well like Spectre only to get pushed early by a coordinated team and realize she is extremely gold dependent, that is another layer of depth, strength and weaknesses, your enemy understood the weakness of your hero and countered it with early push, which is in turn counterable with strong early game, rotations, trilanes or counter split pushing, which in turn can be countered by strong aoe heroes and so on.

I had this big answer typed up about just how fucking unique Dota is and how treating it as "LoL but harder to get into" is doing it such a disservice, but then I realized Sup Forums is too retarded and too allergic to competitive games for it to be worthwhile.

Just play it, OP. Watch pro streams, watch VODs, lurk the general. And add absolutely everyone you meet who seems nice.

>mfw going way back to the scoresheets for my very first games over 5 years ago, clicking on the accounts and seeing who stuck with it and is now 6k

>pressing your buttons at the enemy is skill
Leagueniggers are what Hitler was trying to stop.

Again only works before he hits 6
After that detection alone isn't enough, if he has any competency at all he's not going to die anymore, or at least drag several of you down with him if his team has any competency at all

None of what you said makes the game good, you burned nobody but yourself you idiot. You're free to like terrible games because of your addictive tendencies but don't drag other people down with you.

PMA you guys

>P M A

Gigantic movement and animation in general feels much more enjoyable and responsive than Smite. Shame, game is dying though.

But yes. I wish someone made a good 3rd person MOBA.

I like this possibility, but ratdota is usually way too strong
Every nearby hero should lower/increase towers attack speed by ~15% for either side, making solo pushers, creep waves and illusions not an easy way to win.

You're pretty dense if you're arguing that a moba where 90% of the skills in the game are LITERALLY point-and-click or actually passives actually takes less mechanical skill than one that does.
I don't even like League but "pressing your buttons at the enemy" is at least twice as true for Dota as League, plus throw in a bunch of (very) significant RNG for shits and giggles. If you're gonna defend your stance at least give a good reason and not your Icefraud cult one.

His retirement was the final nail in the coffin for this game.

>Lvl 6 riki
>But i only realized it after taking 4 hits while i was taking a shit under their tower guys what do i do

Absolutely correct and any faggot arguing against you is probably a brainwashed dumbass.
If someone does come back with a legitimate argument I'll be super impressed.

>good anymore
TP scrolls are basically free now, and games end in 15 minutes if all 5 people on both sides don't show up to a teamfight. Get good, please.

Boredom followed by a quick uninstallation. I recommend league instead if you want to get into mobashit.

I'm saying it's not skill at all, kiddo.
>hurr durr anything I don't like is a cult
Don't you have shilling to do?

>t. "r/dotamasterrace is a valuable resource on game design and human psychology"
>calling anyone else a shill

>"skill" based
>pointing your mouse at the enemy is skill
Quakeniggers are what Hitler was trying to stop

I dont play League btw but i cant stand ignorant fucking pricks

>anyone who doesn't like league must be a dota redditor
I hate dota, but calling league skill-based is about as intellectually dishonest as it gets.

>Icefrog died in a car crash in china back in 2015

any source on that claim?

it makes sense since the game turned into a shitty verison of lol since then

great meme