What video game related opinion do you write on the sandwich board that John McClane is forced to wear while you send...

What video game related opinion do you write on the sandwich board that John McClane is forced to wear while you send him to middle of angry man-children in the streets of Neo-Sup Forums?

Traps are gay


One and done.

I hate niggers who play video games



Fuck off. I'm straight and dated several women. In college, I got put into a group that had a pretty cute girl. She's beautiful and funny and I eventually ad her out. After a few dates, we started to get intimate when she told me she was trans. I'm not gay and wasn't dating her because she's trans. I met and dated a cute girl that just happened to have been born male

grats, you dated a dude in college

but did you fuck her/him?


No, I dated a woman.
Yes, many times. But after graduating she moved cross country


I like undertale BECAUSE of the fanbase.


>the sandwich board that John McClane is forced

There is a hilarious edit made for broadcasting on daytime TV where the sign is changed to say "I hat everybody"

>You having a nice day, sir? You feeling all right? Not to get too personal, but a white man standing in the middle of Harlem wearing a sign that says "I hate everybody" has either got some serious personal issues, or not all his dogs are barking.

Then a guy down the street sees "I hate everybody" and the mob of Blacks come to kill him.

>I met and dated a cute girl that just happened to have been born male
Did you suck his dick?

LoL is better than Dota

That's none of your business really



I like watching daytime edits because it's pretty funny and I watched most of The Sopranos on A&E before the uncensored version.

Scarface before editing
>where'd you get the beauty scar tough guy, eating pussy?

>Where'd you get the beauty scar tough guy, *dubbed over by someone that sounds nothing like the actor* eating PINEAPPLE?

Nu-vegas players are either russian gommies or poor as fuckers stuck in the basement.

Is anybody still actually playing Fallout 4 aside from Robbaz who has just turned it into a sociopathic first person Sims?

The fuck is a gommie?

I'll tell you when you're older

Hope you enjoyed the musky taste of a meat popsicle, user.

I love you, dad.

And I'd rather shit in my hand then throw it to establish dominance than play 4.

well you're gay now faggot


>actually sloppily written like the movie

Nice touch

Quality work.





