Holy fuck Code of Princess confirmed for Switch

Holy fuck Code of Princess confirmed for Switch.

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oh please let this be true

What the fuck is Code of Princess and why should I care?

Wasn't that game kind of shit?

What are the other pixelated games. I can tell the one next to Code of Princess is 1001 Spikes, even though they announced it for the Switch on release week, why is it pixelated

early filler title for 3ds, not very good.

mediocre game with cute art

...Okay, but Code of Princess is one of the worst games in its genre, so who gives a shit?

Is that motherfucking megaman zero?

Other than the artstyle the game is shit.

Why the fuck would you want to play that garbage game?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it made by the same people who made Dragon's Crown? Dragon's Crown on switch would be great.

That sounds incredibly shill like, more so when there's something here
Which looks a lot like MegamanZero and it's not the focus.

I hope Blade Strangers is good.
I've gotta be true to the waifu.

>Correct me if I'm wrong

I'm correcting you, because you're wrong. Vanillaware had nothing to do with this pile of shit.

Dragon's Crown on the Switch would be great though.

Not at all
It was made by Capcom. Vanillaware has done Odin Sphere, Muramasa and Dragon's Crown.

Nope, you're thinking of Vanillaware. Only game on a Nintendo platform they've done was Muramasa for the Wii, which received an expanded port on the Vita a few years later.

yeah, dragons crown was like a better version of this game and on better platforms

Sorry, my mistake. Would still be cool of Dragon's Crown was ported to switch though.

I think it was made by some of the same people that made Guardian Heroes, but it's not nearly as good.

>dragons crown was like a better version of this game

That's the understatement of the century. Code of Princess is a 2D beat'um up with no enemy variety, taking place in a handful of small arenas, with shit combat.

It's like Double Dragon, except simpler and taking place in arenas about twice the size of a Street Fighter stage.

I know the middle obviously isn't Megaman Zero, but it's still so fucking familiar, I'm squinting but I can't fucking remember.

Capcom didn't make it either.
Jesus fucking christ how hard is it to use google?

Don't forget that it runs at 10 FPS on a good day

People love Nishimura's art.
The fact this is coming to Switch means the series is alive and the potential for more is likely.
I remember there were plans for a sequel on consoles.

This game is on PC, who cares?

i drone as hard as i can but wasn't cop a bit shit?

never mind gameplay but even the n3ds couldn't run it properly


Wow, amazing.

Incredibly mediocre.

A nice sequel or perhaps a very dramatic remake might be pleasant. The story is trash, it'd be hard to retool that, the way remakes are traditionally done.

Middle looks like Peppercat.

>twitter replies mentioning the top row one looks like Mega Man Zero

Good to know I'm not the only one who saw that

The game is pretty mediocre but the characters are great and the voice acting was surprisingly solid. The freeplay letting you play as any character, including NPCs and enemies, is a pretty cool idea too.

It looks like ZX to me


Please let SOMEBODY get 2D fighters right once and for all.

always nice to see VVVVVV again

Yeah, I thought of ZX too. They both use a fairly similar color scheme.

Didn't they tease shmups before?
Maybe Blue Revolver?

Unless it's a remake this is nothing to get excited about. CoP was shit. Character designs were the only good thing to come out of it.

>code of princess confirmed for switch
I can play my 3ds game on the pc. I'm not about to buy this shit a fucking third time are you kidding me?

Well it's not the boxart for the Zero Collection nor ZX. Upper right corner is wrong in both cases. It may be for that new game they're making. IntiCreates is fucking trash, though.

Maybe we can actually get some goddamn internet fame for Delicious Brown Solange this time. Fuck.


Switch tiles aren't always the same as their actual box art.

>It may be for that new game they're making.

pls no

>IntiCreates is fucking trash, though.
Excuse me?
Inti is fucking godly.
Mn9 was all on Comcept, specially if you realize they were working on Gunvolt at the same time, and how amazing it is, plus Burst and Blaster Master Zero.

>Mn9 was all on Comcept
After Bloodstained I think it's pretty obvious that Inti Creates can't do shit with Unreal.


That would be great, I loved this game and the art.

It's pretty obvious that no one on the main Inti team worked on MN9, judging just by level design in direct comparison to gunvolt.
Also Bloodstained was looking much better than MN9, I doubt that a no-name mobile studio will do any better.

I'd rather blame Iga. It would have behooved him to stick with the pixel art he was familiar with.

I played a bit of it.

It wasn't that great.

You're not excused. BMZ and what hand they had in Mega Man 9, those are the only good things they've done. Everything else is shit.

Wasnt it mediocre in pretty much every way...

Same, I instantly thought of MMZ2 or Z3 when I saw it.

But it's most likely Cave Story related, Quote's red hat, black shirt, green scarf, blue gun, red pants. You can kinda make it out, but it's a new picture so you can't visualize it perfectly.

Am I going insane or is that Megaman Zero I spy there?

It's Piyomon.

Maybe that voxel Cave Story teased a while ago?

Is that VVVVV?
I wonder if all these will get a physical release.

