Nights of Azure 2 confirmed worse than the first game

Tidbits from some reviews:

>Quality of the combat deteriorated from the previous game (lower framerate due to forced Nintendo Switch compatibility, from 60fps to 30fps)
>Servans fixed at 2 for each mission (the remaining slot is for a companion). Servans can transform into weapons but this is not implemented well so Aluche can only switch between 3 weapons in total during the mission. This means no deck switching. Also, certain Servans are needed to get past some obstacles on the if they're not in your deck, you will have to return to the hub to switch out, however, in doing so you progress time in game!
>There is a time limit on the game (like with Atelier). The moon phases force you to progress according to a tight schedule. This means limited grinding/ looting and a feeling of being rushed.
>Combat is repetitive and camera angles still bad
>The OST is not up to GUST's usual standard
>Transformations removed completely (although there are special moves possible with your companions)
>Arena no longer a feature
>Apparently, the studio switched up the staff from NoA, so a Musou game developer influenced the game's action


Other urls found in this thread:

The original wasn't very good either, so this isn't painting a good picture.

But more importantly, how's the soundtrack?

What the fuck happened to Gust?

>The OST is not up to GUST's usual standard


Yeah but like, has any been posted around or leaked or anything? Any actual comments on the compositions beyond the old sophomore slump?

wasn't the 1st game a 6 of 10 rated weeb game?

Give me a reason to play the first game.

>Quality of the combat deteriorated from the previous game (lower framerate due to forced Nintendo Switch compatibility, from 60fps to 30fps)
This sounds like complete bullshit, what does compatibility have to do with framerate?

Anime tiddies

There's none really. It's a very mediocre hack and slash. I'd honestly give it 4/10 or maybe 5 and I'm massive weeb

Holy fuck I need more of that blonde girl

It is because a Vita version of the game also exists for some reason

It's a shit action game with a LOL DYKES overlay to appeal to pic-related types.

Decent art direction and a great soundtrack, though.

>Quality of the combat deteriorated from the previous game (lower framerate due to forced Nintendo Switch compatibility, from 60fps to 30fps)
But what about the Vita version?

The Vita version is a separate version that was made alongside the consoles to provide a better gameplay experience unlike the first title. It was quite literally made unique unlike a downport the Switch is receiving.

Mainly due to it selling incredibly well in Japan, but it's not coming out in America anyway so whatever.
Is this gay or not?

>bitch when they remove the time limit from atelier
>bitch when they put the time limit back in to bring "tension" back

Maybe GUST should just make Time Limit a goddamn optional difficulty setting? other complaints seem legit, a sequel being technically and gameplay-wise worse than its predecessor is a shit thing.

> comments
Opinions discarded.

that neck biting is joyless and strategic and there is absolutely nothing erotic about it.

So the OP is just shitty consolewar bait? reviews are not a credible source of information. Just wait until it comes out next month.

What did you think it was?

>(lower framerate due to forced Nintendo Switch compatibility, from 60fps to 30fps)
Can't they just give a day one patch to the PS4 version
That doesn't sound like much trouble to me
What the fuck is going on with Gust

I wasn't going to buy it regardless because they dropped fps, killed off one of the old protagonists, and removed some of the only actual yuri we've gotten from gust.

Literally invalid.

>Gust made yet another shitty game
Wowee, color me surprised!

Atelier style time limits don't belong anywhere but that series, and even then that's divisive as shit

All of that sounds awful but not as awful as best girl apparently getting fucked over.

Press F to pay respects

Yeah, I was gonna say that I don't mind but I came to a similar conclusion - time limits work in Atelier because they're JRPGs with a rather contemplative pace, it's easy to plan out what you're gonna do with the time you have. Something like an action RPG, though? Especially one where you're already on a timer before you get booted back to a hub? Yeah, such a mechanic is just stressful in that instance.

I don't want to believe.


Why won't Gust make a fucking Nanoha game already? Please for the love of god make one.

Didn't you forget the most baffling downgrade?

The lack of a Lyuritis-tier titty monster?

There's a lot user.

You mean the complete lack of Lyuritis-tier faggotry

man what the fuck is happening to GUST

>Quality of the combat deteriorated from the previous game (lower framerate due to forced Nintendo Switch compatibility, from 60fps to 30fps)

Sounds like bullshit, wasn't Azure 1 a Vita game?



it's got some nice jams

Vita is more powerful than the Switch

No, it was a PS3 game upscaled to PS4 and shoddily ported to the Vita.

From Sophie to Blue Reflection, Gust sure cant take a break can they? Seriously, b tier Jap devs are really taking a pounding lately. I hear Compile Hearts games are also flopping like crazy too.

The first game's Vita port was slammed pretty hard.

They forgot to mention the part where Gust made a yurige but then didn't put any yuri in it. So they managed to avoid one demographic that would've bought the game, all while pissing off their original target demographic. Very tactical.

If you can find it cheap, give it a try. Just know that it's really really bad. Even for budget ARPG weebshit it's embarrassingly bad. The combat is almost okay but the not-Pokemon trivialize encounters and the actual combat is pretty boring. The dialogue and story are stereotypical almost-dark fantasy fanservice bullshit. If you like giant anime tits you'll probably enjoy the character designs at least.

Deserved really. They can't even pander right, much less make decent games. At this point they all deserves to fucking die. Gust/Compile/Marvelous especially

That's another way of putting it but I prefer to put emphasis on dem tiddies.

Depends on the games. The Vita Compile Heart titles have super low goals and are quite literally proof of concept games so they can make more grander games using similar mechanics on the PS4, which then do indeed flop pretty badly.

Compile Heart has been making the same fucking game with the same exact characters, zones, and assets for the past decade. I'm amazed they're still even in business, regardless of how cute Blanc is.

I wouldn't say it's "really really bad" but I would say it's pretty firmly in mediocre territory.


This. It especially hurts because GUST used to be one of my favorite JRPG companies

>we will never go back to the Mana Khemia/Ar Tonelico 2 days

>make a pretty good game in Omega Quintet
>hit gold again with Trillion
>neptunia shit that floods the market everywhere that flop horrifically to the surprise of nobody

I'm still surprised with how well Trillion sold everywhere.
That shit ran out of stock three times for the Vita version. They had to apologize for being unable to meet the unexpected demand but were so thankful they put it onto PC.

>there will never be another MK game
>there will never be another EXA_PICO game
Fuck. Also, how is Atelier Firis? I just finished Sophie recently and found it okayish.

They left Mana Khemia for dead. It's never coming back. We'll never know what Flay was going to do next after singlehandedly beating the Mana King.

Worse. Gust seems to have a problem addressing problems with first game titles and the sequels end up being half assed as a result. Which is what happened with NoA2.

They went with the open world meme and it's empty like you'd expect. Also, there isn't much of a focus on anything.
You start off with the goal of getting rec letters from certified alchemists to partake in the official alchemy exam with Sophie. Once you do, your goal is to explore.

I haven't done much past the alchemy exam because it's so fucking aimless and boring.

>I'm still surprised with how well Trillion sold everywhere.
It was so good with a story that I frankly thought wasn't possible to be done, as well as a willingness to kill everybody. Even characters I didn't expect to like I ended up liking

And yet despite that. We go back to the no selling default option. I just don't get Compile Heart.

>tfw forced through the first game
>thought it was a slog but the sequel had the opportunity to make it amazing
>it ends up being even worse
>apparently one of the girls dies

This fucking sucks, the gameplay was pretty good albeit the battles were pretty easy.
Then you get that free turn ability for Vayne and start laughing in the face of the game.
which ending did you do, Sup Forums

If you havent noticed, its a cancer with Jap studios like Square Enix. They will refuse to give up a title that made them famous even if it no longer sells because of muh honor. If a new ip outsells their pet franchise it only feels like an insult to them.

I liked Flay's ending, but Nikki's ending seems like the one where Vayne is happiest, so it's tough. I still ending up going with Flay's though.

Nikki's ending. I heard Vayne got married and I am a sucker for "then they got got married and had kids" endings. Really surprising since I thought Vayne would end up with Jess.

I went with Nikki's and was impressed by the fact that not only he legit shagged her, but did so enough times to make a volleyball team.

I thought the first game was pretty decent. The combat was a little better than the standard ARPG and the monster gimmick was interesting enough. Improving the basic combat would have made it great.

Mana Khemia was bad so them not making games like that anymore isn't a problem.
Ar tonelico 2 was pretty good though. Good to play, and also good to have fights on the internet over. I wish they could make another game of that quality.

> "reviews"

At least they haven't ruined Exa Pico, hopefully they leave that the fuck alone.

the fuck you mean she got fucked over

> reviews
may as well read famitsu

Who cares about yoru. Firis was bad but I'm really liking how LydieSuelle is looking so far. If they just focus on this game it'll be great. They haven't announced anything else so this is all they're really working on now. 20th anniversary too and they even said they were going to put more effort into than usual. These two are cute together.

Well fuck. I hope you're not implying that they made the idea system more annoying. It was probably one of my bigger gripes in Sophie.
Also fuck. I liked how compact the areas felt in the previous Atelier games. The open world meme and the idea system don't sound like a pleasant combo at all.

No, fuck Atelier too (and fuck this game in particular)

Reminder that Ciel Nosurge is getting english fanpatch from same people who did AT2 Retranslation.

I loved Sophie and I'm a huge Arland fan but Firis was honestly really bad. Something went wrong during development of it and the open world really fucked up everything. The event scenes didn't seem as well written either and it hardly felt like an Atelier game. It felt like they wasted all of their time making the open world which caused them to just quickly throw everything else together. It's a shame because I though Sophie was a strong start. I think we're going to get a strong finish though with LydieSuelle.

>generic titty anime garbage has gone downhill
oh no

>no one will care about a generic redditor cancer post
oh no

Do people really take reviews seriously?

If things go at the same pace as they did the AT2 retranslation and the Marie patch you'll be able to fluently read japanese by the time they're done if you start today and bind yourself to the commitment of doing it one and a half-two hours a day.

You can do that, even if you're not a NEET. You just have to start today. You'll be done with the core in two or three months, and it's smooth sailing with some sort of dictionary at hand or active interest (such as pirating the entire library of JP-only Vita games, you'll need Henkaku for the patch anyways) to keep you learning and practicing.

You'll also be able to play Shallie+. Which is still shit, but at least it has cake Ayesha in it.

No, posts that talk about a company's games "flopping" are generally shitposting too.

Unless they let people play early builds from the beginning like they did with AT2. Final build might take lot of time, but if they give us playable builds with some minor issues like typos before final release, we might be able to play it lot sooner.

Even then, they're going to do the translation from scratch. Aquagon in specific is autistic like that.

They won't use the YT script since it's a REALLY rough translation (like 50% machine 50% third-world spanish speaker with barely any knowledge in both english and japanese) and, frankly, pretty shit. No amount of pretty editing can hide that fact.

So that means retranslating a pretty huge script (around twice as big as AT2's) with a bunch of in-game menus, items and descriptions for basically everything, and taking into account the programming needed to get the patch to work, since last time they said the engine was pretty odd and simple text insertion like you see for a lot of Vita games wouldn't work at all, cause constant crashes and whatnot, and I'd imagine debugging it must be hell, too.

Still faster to just pick up the moonrunes. If you practice with kusoge inbetween by December you'll be able to spend time with Ion. Probably.

A vita version of the first game exists too

I wanted the first game to be good.