Good characters stuck in bad games
Other urls found in this thread:
>spam and hope for a kill
>good character
That's a gameplay style not the fucking character.
Gameplay wise or character wise?
That character is the joker but somehow worse
>hobo nigger
>good character
Also Roadhog
Pic unrelated? Superior junker/character
He's getting a solo comic this week.
I want "The Adventures of Junkrat and Roadhog". Fuck everyone else.
Why not both?
>he's WACKY, he must be the Joker!
fucking end yourself
clearly he is the Mad Midnight Bomber, What Bombs at Midnight
>pic unrelated
>wohohoh lets blow THEM.... UP wahahahahaha
What a classic character
literally everyone in overwatch except soldier, mercy, and pharah
>Junkertown map
>Roadhog-only comic
>recently buffed
Blizz making good decisions? Did they lose half the playerbase already?
god i want to mating press sombra
i need this. i want this
I still think Roadhog was fine the way he is before the nerf
>notices bulge
OwO whats this?
hey guys just a reminder that Reaper is a Mexican chicano and not a black man.
Great husbando trapped forever
Are they going to kill him off? They already ruined him might as well remove him from the game
Pic not related at all
>Generic le super crazy inventor explosive character
Pick one
Overwatch has no characters, their cardboard cutouts
s-show the back
why is everyone all over this guy's dick
i've seen him posted in threads like this multiple times and he keeps popping up
He was going to bring Order to the Chaos of Pandora. Until literal psychopaths crushed his dream so they could stay stuck in their endless mosh-pit of blood, looting, and death.
>thread is about "good characters"
>"dude why does this character keep appearing in these threads"
You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain
[At least its canon that he's still "alive" in whatsisnames implant
I agree. This man is magnificent
He's more obnoxious now than he was but in a different way because you can't kill him and he can just grab you into his team and kill you.
He's a unkillable tank now instead of a flanking assassin.
>ITT: times you acted le epic junk man
>anemic speed increase
>a "buff"
you are better off with orissa statistically
His personality, voice-over, and overall thematic is all really great. He's wasted on an assfaggots game like League of Legends with no story
i am not delving into league of legends lore
This so fucking much
People here say borderlands 2 sucked and all the humor was bad
fuck you everything with Handsome Jack was fucking GREAT
the rest of the games comedy though, yikes
He strives to give everyone a beautiful death through his abilities, everything about him and the way he plays is covered in art or music.
All of his voice work has backing music
u talking shit boi
He's a crazy theater nut that's OCD as fuck and kills people for the sake of art. It sounds a bit generic just typing it, but he's got a lot of personality in his lines that sets him above a lot of the other champions Riot mindlessly cranks out. There's not a ton of art of him for no reason, he has four times as much fanart as some of LoL's oldest champions and he's only been out for a year. People love him, he's a genuinely fun character lost in a shit game.
tl;dr they think he has a cool voice
>he has four times as much
>t. Khada Jhin
Only perfection
For me it's Jhin - intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.
My poor Pheobe
Gotta admit, Gearbox can make some pretty nice characters, shame that their writers are absolute dogshit when it comes to humor and try to force it in every third line of dialogue
Couldnt be a better character
Well. 2/3rds of the series are bad games so this counts.
this guy
if I had the money, I would literally pay Squeenix a couple millions to make a spin-off about him