Subtle gamer clothes thread.
Subtle gamer clothes thread
Holy FUCK I want that shirt
the madman
They should at least translate it correctly
it's bideogeemu you dolt
>Not 「クソゲー」 below the English text
Missed opportunity tbqhwy
How the fuck did you read that as terebigemu?
The fact that the first kana as a ten-ten should have told you you're fucking wrong.
Eh. Too easy.
Fuck off, retard. You're not fooling anybody.
T-trolled!! H-heh, too easy...
>Implying it was me
Fooled again
my fucking nigga
I rock pic related and none cares
im fifty fifty if thats 2 men
There was a down syndrome kid in my neighborhood always wearing this shit trying to climb trees and shit. Normies didnt know why he did it but it was fucking obvious for me, he thought that he was ezio. He was happy
A couple of months ago he fell, hit his head and he is still at the hospital.
This looks comfy. Would wear.
Where do I find it?
my hero
GSC was going to sell them from a website. They were listed for a while, but to my knowledge they were never sold.
Not all heroes wear capes...
That brightens my day and bummers me out at the same time. Good job user.
If you recognize this your childhood was awesome
>i instantly heard that noise from the start of their videos
fucking annoying
Rock this baby pretty often. I also got the same but as pants.
>when you recognize all of these
its time for me to go back
Post pics of you wearing it
tryhard ironic weeb/10
how much pussy do you slay wit dis
what is meant by these expressions
The middle one is a boy
I'm fucking dying overhere
They're all very excited about the video games they're playing, what else could it be?
You must be fun at parties
Xhamster > Videos
Both need options to completely block homoshit tho.
Where's the pic of the dude wearing this shirt in the mall?
it's two brits so it might as well be
That is one ugly tranny
Xvideos does. You can filter by Straight, Gay and Shemale now.
Doesn't mean a few videos don't slip through the cracks every now and then, but if it has a gay tag it's filtered.
Only manlets could be ironic weeb shitposting trash
Holy golly
I know what you mean, so sick of seeing filthy women when I'm trying to jerk off to a couple of aesthetic dudes making art
>lol dude look how oh-tark-uu trash i am haha
I only swing that way for money or if the guy is REALLY hot but god damn those are some cheeks.
Is this a JoJo reference XD? WTF man Hahahahaha :]
Do you think someone who has no knowledge on this sort of thing would understand whats going on with this shirt?
Would they realize its a sexual thing or would they just see it as a weird face cartoon girl shirt?
No homo, but I want to massage his ass with my dik
>Ironic weebs now know about Cromartie High
Please don't do this.
But still no good way to only have female urethra insertion videos shown only.
Motherless is fucking disgusting too for sounding videos with all the live worm insertions the sick men there do.
Most normal people only know animated hentai.
And most people over 40 years old somehow dont even know that porn can also be in drawn form.
Cromartie high school has always been well known
Got my subtle hoodie in the mail last week
When the fuck was this screencap taken?There is no way people are so out of the loop on Kizuna AI and Wendy's Twitter that these are "new" things to them
>"white" "people"
wheres the story that went with this pic when it was originally posted
here's the story
>get aids
What a cutie...
>claims to be pro life
You're an inspiration for birth control.
and you're a.sad cuck, so what
So blow it out your ass
I saw someone wearing this at PAX and I wanted to ask them out on a date.
Yeah, they were conjoined twins
took me a second lol
Smug, self-assured faggots like that make me unironically thankful that diseases like AIDs exist
>Chuck's Feed & Seed
chuck's fuck and suck