*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

Really? He kind of went down like a bitch. Him and his girlfriend.

Cats are scum. Catmen are no different.

Probably the peak of that game desu
Disappointed you couldn't have wrothian party members

>not a party member
How much fucking money do I have to donate so Monolith can make a complete game?

Pretty sure he was actually planned to be a party member at one point.

This fucker.
I didn't do side quests because I keep them for after the story usually and was cycling around classes to try them all so my setting was all but ready for this.

There are a few reasons you could find this hard

>like I said, not playing side quests
>not upgrading around gear since you get a Skell in chapter 6
>still not understanding well enough the not very intuitive battle system
>pure RNG fuckery, especially with Elma's AI taking too much time to use Ghost Factory even if at 1000+ TP and with "Keep your tension high!" order
Last two were my case. My ground gear was fine even if I thought you couldn't remove augments so I was saving them initially.
I didn't know how to take advantage of the "in a melee/ranged combo" artful executions because nothing explains what the fuck is a combo in-game(manual includes) and generally didn't realize until later the difference between Barrier and Decoy.
XCX AI party members are terrible so most of my deaths were me begging Elma to use Ghost Factory and Lin to use Shield Wall, Super Shield then Trash Talk in this order.

Really? I thought the game did explain what melee/ranged combos were.
Unless you know now, melee combos count literally any art that uses your melee weapon. Same with ranged arts. So you can go from a melee weapon debuff skill to say, Zero Zero, which grants TP per hit if comboed from a melee art. Or you can go from say, Primer, to Incendiary Edge, and that counts too.

I know now, but I had no idea back then. I only know it because I specifically googled it in first place.

For Ga Jiarg I moved to Duelist class and used Offensive Stance + Tornado Blade to hit all the enemies at once and quickly dispose of the weak ones.
After defeating the cat girl my party members were down and I had to 1v1 Ga Jiarg by running, alternating between Offensive and Defensive stances with the skill that heals you everytime you activate an aura. It was a pretty epic finale actually.

>Disappointed you couldn't have wrothian party members
this x1000
Especially the fucker with the chain of quests

>no Wrothian
>no Ma-non
>no Orphe
>no Prone
>no Definian
>no Zaruboggan
>instead just a random space elf girl and a blue guy
>then a white elf girl

>tfw spent most of the day farming yggralith
Send help I've made like 3 new skells and a bunch of superweapons

Orpheans are too pure and precious for battle. Protect nerdy space bugs.

What about Wrothians though? I was really surprised none of them ever join the party.

i was overleveld throughout the entire main quest.

I am sad the Soul Voice system is never going to return - I loved those voice lines during battle.

Especially the peppy female MC ones

>implying mature female didn't have the best battle dialogue

Don't even remember them

Probably because everyone uses peppy/joker. Nobody uses mature/soldier, both of which are my favourite for the female avatar in XCX.

Is it that tood for part ? Most of my days were spent farming low level monster for attack/evade augment on my lv60 skell.

I went with physical super weapon so it's pretty underpowered for now.

Wasn't expecting Peppy to be popular, why is that?

I only picked it because it's pic related voice

I used Independent for female.

But really, the female voice options aren't as good as the Male voice options.
Studious is just too good.

QT waifu appeal, that's why. Same reason why most people pick joker.
Meanwhile, mature female is the Major.

>no way to switch to the Japanese ones
>no breast slider
Let's not bring back old disappointments

Do changing the character voice with Yardley's machine also changes Soul Voice effects?

>Not using Fiora's voice for your female MC

Reminder to get your XBCX fix in now before miiverse is shut down and you can't use squad chat any longer.

No, you still get the same selections, just with different actual lines attached

Does this also mean that the Kurogane will become unobtainable?

The dialogue itself changes since each voice/gender has their own set of Soul Voice dialogue options, but the effects stay the same.

Squad tasks and Missions will still be up, you'll just have no in game way of sending messages to everyone else in your squad to coordinate with them.

Squad missions aren't tied to miiverse, only squad chat. All other online components of the game should be available until the game's servers are shut down.


Do all characters get healed when AI follows your Soul Voices or only who followed it?

I know it's only you and the AI character call of the Soul Voice when it's not you, but is this also valid for yours?

And I know pressing B to call a Soul Voice already heals before they follow it

How's this arts build for healer/support in multiplayer?

Secondary Speed
Energy Surge(or whatever that knife art giving 1000 TP to the target was called)
Smooth Recovery
Absorber Skin
Ghost Factory
Black Bane(for some additional DPS and an easy artful execution that only requires one debuff on the enemy)
Sliding Slinger(for TP recovery)
[free spot], can't decide

>tfw no wrothian prince bf

Let's hope Xenoblade 2 is good and successful so they make X2 for the Switch 2.

Looks fine to me. Maybe you could slot in another dual guns art for a bit of extra offense on the side?

>mfw chapter 9

>lets fight to the death, a fair battle
>ok lets start, 6 of us vs 4 of you
>oh you win? that doesn't count, time for robot fight
>here I'll give you a fair fight this time, I'll make up for it 2v4 :^)
>oops did I say that? I meant 2v4 with 3 more robots jumping you mid fight
>oh fuck you beat me?
>did I say battle to the death? I meant battle till my robot malfunctions. Later!

fuck this faggot, hope the ganglion genocide these furfaggots

I am using Primer right now

Primer's always a good pick. Having harder hitting crits is always nice, even if crits aren't guaranteed.

It's mostly for additional self TP recovery actually, but sure

It's 6 vs 3 actually, the chapter limitations force you to use only Elma and Lin.

Zero Zero is better than Sliding Slinger for TP gain.

I'm pretty sure you can take a 4th person in all the main story quests

But what about that Ma-non who could dogde sniper bullets?
I mean If the game gets a sequel I'm expecting an all race party, since the world is pretty much built already.

I just can't get into this fucking GAME. And am I doing something wrong? Everything I do in it feels like fucking work when I loved Xenoblade. Help me anons. What am I doing wrong.

not exploring/hunting down tyrants enough

You have to get a combo though.
Sliding Slinger is a lot faster to charge and easy to trigger.

But you've got plenty of melee arts that you can use to combo into Zero Zero, it doesn't just have to be an orange art. Anything that uses your melee weapon counts, even stuff like Smooth Recovery.

Get your explorer cap on.

Soldier was Erin Fitzgerald, right?
That's who I went with.

>making a character for the first time
>notice the "02" face tat
>decide my character will be an android clone of someone who died back on their home planet
>name and design them to look as android like as possible
>halfway through the desert area the game ruins my special snowflake idea

Yeah, that's right. Soldier has some good soul voice prompts.

Do Yelv's affinity missions. It's implied that not all Mims were once people.

>someone who died back on their home planet

turns out you're completely wrong anyway

Wow, the game especially shits on you since Cross wasn't even a real person.

Sorry you can't be a special snowflake.

Stopped playing at this part

Reflect-All, Resist-All or Ghost Walker. Which build do you find more fun?
I've been running around working on a Resist-All build that uses longsword as well and it's pretty nice. TP generation's off the charts.

Right, lemme try

D E C O Y is also a best unless the enemy doesn't have a way to bypass/cancel it

Best way to grind affinity?
Support missions are pretty slow

Support missions are sadly the best way. You can significantly speed them up though by taking a skell with a pheonix weapon, opening arts XX or attribute.thermal XX and just melting all of the enemies.
Honestly even without those augments you can clear the mission fast, just use Phoenix.

does miiverse coordination actually works? I yet to 100% game, does it really worth it do get back to it right now?
If I can get 2 other people at least to help me from irl friends?

I have enough Miranium to spam Hexed-Partican and refuel for now

Just use a Phoenix, man. Way, way cheaper than the obscene amount of fuel you're spending on the Particannon.

Stopped playing this around chapter 9 after getting burnt out on side missions, and have been thinking about playing it to completion from there. The problem is I've forgotten most of the combos that worked well. I know I had maxed Galactic Knight and unlocked all classes, gotten 4 decent skells with the G Buster and Phoenix, and had solid ground gear if that helps. Any recommendations for guides or such where I can refresh myself before jumping back in? Thanks, and apologies if it's a stupid request.

His and his gf sidequest version were hard shit, purely because of their fucking evasion

Makes a load of difference if you're doing some of the more complex squad task/missions like #18.

hm, will keep that in mind

Best fight of the series tbqh.

>100% survey
>Grinded bunnysuits for me and my other semen demon party members
>Grinded for that and the one-shot telethia build so much that it gives me PTSDs
>Still have Yelv's affinity missions locked behind affinity
I WANT TO DO THEM. But I feel like my brain is going to burst if I touch the game again, and it's been almost 2 years

Only do it if you want more questions to be raised. Smoking underwater level of questions raised.


wtf was there left to spoil after 450 hours

>I didn't trip, they tripped me!

>tfw also aiming for 100% completion
I just finished a 3-day farming spree of Ygg and I'm feeling the burn. Holy shit am I feeling the burn.

>didn't upgrade my armor since skells
>just dicked around with new vocations just to learn spells
I felt bad

i was still only up to chapter 10 at 450 hours
i swear to good ive made it my life time goal to find everyone who has ever talked about this game and kill their families


>i was still only up to chapter 10 at 450 hours
were you just grinding everything or what

i was completing the bestiary and what not pretty much just grinding and stuff

>literally every possible human npc with a remote importance turns out to be a party member
>not a single nopon despite rikki possibly being the most beloved party member in XC
>not a single ma-non despite being the first contact
>no other alien race
>make a game about ayys in a ayy world
>all human party

the ME3 ending bullshit was less bullshit

oh also i do not use fast travel after i had gotten my skell

I mean that sucks but why would you not just complete the story, there's missions and skells and weapons and shit only available post-game

i fininshed the story a few days ago and did not enjoy the chapters at all because it just made me angry about the twats who spoiled the game.

the reason i spent 600 hours to finish the main story was because i didn't want to have to catch up on normal missions and affinity missions in post game instead only focus on post game shit and grinding big weapons

main story is nothing special anyway, the side missions are the most fun part of the game

>tfw realizing that I'm gonna have to go back to actually grinding mobs for materials when ygg despawns in a couple of hours
Someone hold me

Stop posting, Ga Jiarg.
There's nothing best about a double 6v4, even if at least the Caladars only join later and Vasara doesn't attack when they are in