Metroid: Samus Returns (3DS) – 8/8/8/8 [32/40]

>Metroid: Samus Returns (3DS) – 8/8/8/8 [32/40]
I'm actually worried now. How it was even possible to fuck up remake enough to get such a low score? Just by updating visuals it should be 38 or 39/40

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>3D game on hardware as weak as the 3DS
They could've made the prettiest sprite-based game out there but they went with godawful 3D for no damn reason at all. I bet it runs like shit too.

The thing is, they didn't just "update the visuals." They completely took an Other M shit on Metroid 2

How so?

Nips hate Metroid, and Famitsu is a joke anyway. They barely play the games before throwing a number at them.

Mother fucker, that's an 80.


Nothing to see here folks. Just another hungry shitposter.

>Bad score
You're what's wrong with gaming

This is the same score they gave Sonic Mania.

This is average score of Gust kusoge, so yes I don't want metroid to be on the same level.

They gave prime 1 and 2 a 33

>Nips hate Metroid

>8 is bad

I honest to god hope this game is great, but it has raised so many red flags I feel like it's gonna bomb tremendously
>mercury stream
>adding "I win" abilities instead of fleshing out old ones or creating interesting new ones
>2.5D with awful art design thanks to the 3DS and its tiny ass resolution clashing hard with an attempt at a more detailed samus
>content supposedly perma-locked behind amiibos with no way to unlock it through regular play
>metroid forms design looks a tad off, with too many sharp edges
I know it all boils down to opinions and nitpicks, but damn this might really stop me from getting the game. still want that squishy metroid tho

What did they give 3, which should be the lowest?

Its bad from Famitsu.

Mercurysteam should be the only red flag you need. But I still hope that you enjoy it and your series doesn't die like mine did. Good and Godly luck to you, user.


An 8 honestly seems too high for MercurySteam.


Jesus Christ user, at least wait until the review embargo is up if you want to concern troll.

Not an argument
They gave MGS4 and Peace Walker a perfect score

>AM2R is better
Called it. Eat shit, marketers

>how is it possible?

The 2.5D visuals often end up like shit and feeling clunky in this type of game. Like Bloodstained for instance.

MGS4 was the game where I realized critic scores were meaningless, what did they give MGS1-3?

This is the publication that gave NINTENDOGS and METAL GEAR SOLID 4: GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle and Skyrim and Skyward Sword perfect scores

so uh, famitsu is sort of a rag of a publication when it comes to their critics. no integrity or taste. Samus Returns is probably not an 8. It's likely less.

>Trusting the review outlet that gave Metroid Other M a 35/40

Metroid II was a 6/6/6/6 at best, the remake improved upon the original but there's only so much you can do with it as your base.

>Samus Returns is probably not an 8. It's likely less.
We've known that from the start, this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.

It's a western developed game.

So that means be default it doesn't have the polish of Japanese games.

What's AM2R's Famitsu score?

>nips hate metroid

I love this meme, almost as much as the metroid doesn't sell in japan meme

You should play AM2R, you'd be shocked. Well-made remakes can fix even bad games.

>peace walker a perfect score

how? PW is legitimately one of the worst games I've ever played in my life

Remember like ten years ago when there was this idea going around that famitsu were super harsh

metroid 2 isnt even a good game

>Nips like Metroid, look at these worldwide sales!

>listening to Japanese ign

fuck off.

>same dev who made the 3DS castlevanias
woah... who could have seen this coming

Those are pretty weak numbers, not to mention the bulk of sales always does come from the west.

So why has metroid been in hibernation? Did Other M really set it that far back?

You must've skipped MGS4.

One of the MGS games had Famitsu product placement in it

Remember ten years ago when Sup Forums wasn't known as Sup Forums 2.0 formerly known as Sup Forums 2.0?

4 is a lot better than the piece of shit PW


>one japanese sale comparison of what is considered one of the best games of all time versus a series that never did very strongly most of the time, and a GBA and DS FE game outstrip it easily
>no other comparisons
Okay, user

that's what people mean typically. in comparison to the west they're garbage.

unironically yes

because there are no others, not until SR sales are released to compare with awakening/fates (even then fates is inflated with shitty split game bullshit)

4 is great. even the boss fights are amazing.

That doesn't mean anything to me. What were the sales?
If it sold well, then what happened? Was the nintendo yakuza really just senile?

>the first game famitsu gave a perfect score to was OoT, which actually deserved it
>it's all been downhill from there

They gave Sonic Mania the same score as Samus Returns. 3 points lower than fucking Other M. This says more about Famitsu than it does about the game.

>because there are no others,
Then what is the point of a comparison list? The numbers are already uneven, what with Fire Emblem having several JP-only games, but if you can't even get all the numbers, only for one Metroid game, then there''s no point trying to PUSH a point.

I wish reviewers would just say if they liked something instead of shoehorning in some arbitrary number, as though it made sense. this isn't the 90's anymore. they need to drop this tired system.

>8? But that's, like, a 2!

Raging Raven is awful, it's a bullet sponge boss that plays like a generic third person shooter boss and completely strips out multiple ways to take on the boss something that the series is known for, it's completely out of place and is just garbage.

>A handful of nobodies and litteraly whos on metacritic

>which actually deserved it

8/8/8/8 is Famitsu's number of the beast

raging raven is the only bad boss in MGS4, compare that to every non-monster hunter boss being a piece of shit in PW

t. GameXplain

The action slowing down when enemies charging at you incentivizes using the melee attack to instantly kill enemies with a shot. There's also the addition of cutscenes and the Power Grip, which completely trivializes any platforming. Also, why are there fucking puzzles in a goddamn Metroid game? The whole thing looks terrible.

it's too bad no one bothers seeing WHO reviewed it, and gets insight into their history/what they like/dislike. I guess that would be too much effort. I miss how EGM would do it, with 3 distinct personalities discussing something and why they gave it what they did, while criticizing eachothers' scores.

>OoT, which actually deserved it

Outside of the first cutscenes that introduces the mechanic, the action does not slow down when enemies charge at you.

Well PW is bottom of the barrel trash, EVERY boss is just a bullet sponge so yeah 4's bosses stack up nicely there but compared stuff like Vulcan Raven or The End I found 4's bosses lacking aside from Crying Wolf which was really good and the Liquid fight at the end is a classic.

nah, raging raven is great. you're just parroting tired memes. next you're gonna say it's short and chapter three was shit.

it's no shorter than every other metal gear (3 can be completed on EE without glitching in an hour) and you have no patience for stealth.


>which actually deserved it
Not even in 1998.

crying wolf is a fucking phenomenal boss, surprised Sup Forums doesn't mention it as much. Fighting her on the boss extreme is one of the most intense things I've done in a game

>Just by updating visuals it should be 38 or 39/40

Metroid 2 was not good to begin with

I liked it. :)


none of you kids were around when it came out, stop pretending otherwise

>Metroid 2 was never goo-

Blunder of the century. How could Taxman fuck this up so badly?

Wait how does the scores work?

Did they suddenly become more strict?

>should be the lowest

1 > 3 >> 2

fuck that tired light/dark world gimmick. it was garbage in lttp, and it was awful in that..
what's wrong with it?

>loaded that up
>bad music assaults my ears within 30 seconds
>even though they just ripped off actual metroid music it's bad
>bad writing
>get to first stage
>bad music
>delete folder

how many years for that again? shame.

remember, this turd got a perfect score. for reference.

>1 > 3 >> 2

>fuck that tired light/dark world gimmick. it was garbage in lttp, and it was awful in that..

worst taste I've seen on Sup Forums in a while, good job

>>Wait how does the scores work?
Four reviewers give a score out of ten and then the scores are totaled out of 40


The music and atmosphere was completely shit.

imagine being this much of a hipster


It's not terrible, it's just not 10 material.

No I thought they were super generous or something. Sonic mania deserves more than an 8/10 on their scale

it's true, the reason why the series has always sold good and not amazingly is because Japan buys like 100k copies when Nintendo is lucky, the sales for Metroid mostly come from Europe and the US...

yes it was, emphasis on was. It's not even a top 3 zelda now

>I thought they were super generous or something
Only if it's normie bait or made in Japan. They do not care about niche baka gaijin/indie games

What is it about Metroid that Japs don't like? At least the 2D ones. The Prime series obviously doesn't appeal to them due to the shift to first person.

They take direct inspiration from baka gaijin sci-fi movies and are therefor inviting the white devil into their homes. Plus, the average Jap is an ultra-casual that doesn't understand why Metroid can't crawl

the metroid games are all piss easy though baring prime 2 on hard

Famitsu gave God Hand a 26/40 and Demon's Souls a 29/40, opinion eternally discarded.

Do we have a bingo card yet over this game? I feel like there should be considering how many little nitpicks and exaggerations you fags make.

>comparing it to other me
>muh graphics
>muh mercury stream
>muh counters trivialize everything
>muh 200 second cutscenes every time you do anything
>muh amiibo content
>muh actual puzzles (puzzles are a bad thing now)
>muh metroids actually have some variety

Japs aren't very fond of these types of exploratory platformer action games if I remember correctly. They've always appreciated more character-driven stories rather than games that are driven entirely by the player's exploration of the environment.

Which is why Other M was super linear and story-focused; it was made to appeal to the Japanese fans that the series never hit very strongly with. But it failed to attract new audiences and alienated the western fans in the process.

>muh am2r

then why did famitsu suck BotW's dick?