Splatoon 2

Boy am I sick of seeing this crap when I'm just trying to play a stupid game.

Oh well, I report every single one. I hope these assholes get their accounts banned.

Other urls found in this thread:


I miss the Japanese players.

Don't these faggots know kids play Splatoon? Trannies are a disease

They don't care, they think its perfectly fine to indoctrinate your kids to suit your political agenda

>video games have been ruined by sjw, tumblrtards, and the regressive left
I just want to enjoy my video games, why can't these people fuck off and die.

I don't blame Japan for not wanting shitty fucking spam in their plaza.

Trannies are still at it? I haven't seen that shit in a while

>Sup Forums are men that play as girl inklings
>get mad about trans posts
lol fags

>playing as {opposite gender] means you're a fag
It might be hard to realize but not everyone is a cum guzzling faggot like you

The left are the ones making videogames, you should stick to tractor pulls or pro wrestling for people like you.

I don't give a fuck if you're a tranny or a fag.

I just want to play games without having your bullshit shoved in my face. I don't go around proclaiming how much I love being straight all fucking day long like anyone else gives a flying fuck.

you better be reporting everyone of them

The Japanese are not left-wing

Why so many furrys play this game?

You're a fucking moron

Of course.

If you say so cletus

That's fujoshit pandering more than politic bullshit.

>playing a videogame character is the same as being mentally ill
>>>/gas chambers/

I'm just tired of seeing identity politics everywhere. It's one thing if I'm on Sup Forums or on the video of some faggot screaming about politics but when I'm playing a video game about squids that shoot ink everywhere, I just want to play the game.

Go be mentally ill somewhere else.

>boy am I sick of seeing this crap
>posts in on Sup Forums so we all have to see it to
Literal retard.

id reckon about 60% of wrestlers in the WWE are liberals. Did you not see that ultra #woke fourth of july video Cena posted last year?

you made this thread before

go cry somewhere else you fucking nerd

>boo hoo poor me I'm just trying to play videogame but optional miiverse posts put me in a triggered state so hard I take a couple of hours to recover every time I see a trans or fur post

my niggas you need to grow a pair, holy shit.

Admit that the idea of swapping genders can only trigger someone because they can't handle these strange, new, unchristian thoughts


I do. I don't care what you do but you cannot shove this into the face of kids and have them growing up confused fedora ponies.

it triggers people because these fags are pushing their faggotry onto impressionable children

>Implying diversity hires, virtue signalling, nepotism and quotas haven't killed meritocracy

Both involve living in their own alternate realities, a point well made, friend.

O' I'm laffing,

would you rather me call it social media freeform artistic intergeneration or are you going to stop being a little bitch and get what I'm trying to say?

you cant really swap genders though.
its just mutilating your body while everyone around you pretends its ok for your sake.

but yeah even mentioning transsexuals, furries and anything sexual in splatoon should get the player permabanned.
its going to be interesting once the online fee kicks in.

>how do discussions work


why are you so hateful towards these people if you think they have a mental illness tho?

You can literally report this shit as inappropriate instead of bitching about it here.

>you forced me to be a fascist

kek whatever helps you sleep at night

Yeah and I do. I'm sorry I went on Sup Forums to talk about things. Is that something we don't do anymore, talk about shit?

Would you prefer some epic maymays?


>indoctrinating your kids that god hates fags and tortures sinners in fine
>indoctrinating kids to not beat up gays and trannies is bad

And? If there's anything inherently wrong with it, then children would intuitively reject it, much like they would unpleasant food.

>it's only ok when WE indoctrinate children ok

That is literally what Sup Forums is for, you want a hugbox you can fuck off to reddit

I'm not really hateful, just tired. They're mentally ill and we have to pretend they aren't because feelings.

you can convince a child to take a dick in the ass or the mouth

>But the “huge bombshell” was that the teacher didn’t just read the books but “essentially put on this more-or-less transition ceremony” for the child, says Keller.
>After the teacher introduced the five-year-old student to the class as a boy, he then went into the bathroom and emerged dressed as a girl.
>The teacher then reintroduced “her” to the children, explaining “she” was now a “girl” who now had a girl’s name and was to be called that from now on.


shhhh or you'll awaken the fury of limited cultural awareness

>Unironically using the THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN argument.

Oh yeah thats right

Who said anything about a hugbox. I'm not even saying being trans is bad. I just want my video game to have video game content in it. Not fucking politics.

Why do Sup Forumsbait threads always have text in the subject line?

>splatoon belongs to the gays!
>same as telling them its ok to be
Okay Cathlyn

Then turn the social network crap off in the options retard

This is what happens with Pearl wins splatfests.

If you fought for Mayo or Flight, this is the future you choose.

>using a fallacy to push any idea on society you can think of

"dark" forces are lurking and seeing pic related

the slippery slope is real

yeah but ecchi squidgirl porn being spammed everywhere in splatoon is much healthier for kids and we totally don't have threads here idolizing that degeneracy,

y'all are literally just looking at this as an us vs them thing where you virtue signal only against things that you don't like. stop being hypocrites and get your heads out of your asses.

That's how it's done on reddit

How long until it's revealed that that Keller dude crossdresses and/or sucks dick on the side.

But then he couldn't report them or spam EPIN REDPILL stuff to counteract them to be just as fucking cancerous.

These shitheads are going to get a culturally collective reminder as to why everyone hated them in the first place.

Or maybe the art that people draw of game content is actually enjoyable (especially during splatfests).

>triggered repressed people don't know that hate is always the first step into something unfamiliar, and hence interesting
We're all the same, gay is only a meme, fuck everything

almost forgot pic :^)

> Children's game
> Attracts children that have no idea/warped view on sexuality
> Attracts damaged adults with a warped view on sexuality
> Attracts closet pedofiles
> Attracts autistics and man-children

Gee, I wonder why you see these so often on a game developed for children by a video game company primarily targeted towards children.

Inkling boy butt

Lets see if you faggots can win the social battle, oh wait, you cant.

Pro tip: [spoilers]you never will [/spoilers]

god damn you are stupid, not beating them up is fine, making kids be like them,, normalizing it and ignoring that its a mental illness is not fine

Threatning children with eternal hellfire every sunday if they dont do what an invisible man says is worse

At least the nips can fucking draw.

>That is literally what Sup Forums is for
>fuck off to reddit

First day here, champ?

>mfw find degenerate post
>low level low rank

every single time

Whats so outrageous about a boy dressing up as a girl?

Why do white people ruin everything?

Children are not as smart as you think they are, especially the american ones

I guess paedophilia is okay by that metric.

I think ecchi squid kid porn and this tranny shit is as equally degenerate and disgusting as each other. Japan and America are psychologically sick countries that need purging

I still can't believe that pedophilia has become so mainstream even Sup Forums turned against it.

t. a fucking leaf

ITT: people who have never known a trans irl

you do not want these people around, they are emotional black holes

ofc unlike black holes they usually self correct by suicide

Give it a few months and the trans trenders will be on to the next trendy video game, and splatoon will be back to the glory days of splatoon 1.

>white people

A large percentage of white men lean conservative and vote accordingly. It's mainly white women and minorities who have pushed this lgbt shit on the rest of us. Letting them vote was a mistake.

It's made worse now that the white man has been made the enemy of anyone who's not a white man.

>plays splatoon

Anyone who was here originally hasn't. The only ones that dislike squid lewds are invading normalfags.

Normalfags are just as degenerate as "original" 4channers these days anyway.

Reminder that japs still view trannies as nothing more than a joke.

Guess so, not like anyone cares when children are forced to do things like report to their gov indoctrination warehouse?
Oh, they didn't need consent? Guess we know what real abuse looks like.

Don't you worry, Best Korea is working on that as we speak.

uh what?
listen to me you fucking idiot, you stop saying shit like that right now or you're going home in an ambulance

Thats your fault. It was white people who keep pushing this degenerate shit.

Pretty much. Every trans person I've known has essentially driven all of their friends away with shrieking drama.

Yes. And?

This is unironically true.

>It's made worse now that the white man has been made the enemy of anyone who's not a white man.

Actually that's what White men chose themselves when they voted for the guy that wanted to take their health insurance, social security, national parks and job benefits away, just to be spiteful.

I am so grateful for family courts and opioid epidemics.

Oh man internet tough guy.


>Ensuring an education for every child is tantamount to fucking them

Now I KNOW you're not this autistic.

>opioid epidemics

Too far

>He doesn't get it


Fuck off blair

Jews aren't white.


I had a friend who became a Trendsexual. He grew out his hair and wore dresses and that was the extent of his transition but he TOTALLY wants that hormone therapy. What a waste of space.