Lets be honest, CSGO is a dying game (unless you have prime of course. even then...)

Lets be honest, CSGO is a dying game (unless you have prime of course. even then...)

If you're new, you will be faced with hackers, smurfs, and toxic people.
If you're a veteran, and have played for a while, you'll be faced with being called a hacker, and then being rage toggled (basically, the enemy team toggling on their hacks and wrecking you).
You cannot win for losing in this game.

I've been playing for over 5 years, and I've noticed within the recent months, this game is full of hackers, and overall cheaters. Sadly, CSGO is dying, and within the up coming months, will die completely. Mark my words, Sup Forums.

Lol just play against bots

I've resorted to playing on ESEA, and other third party services. It does help, but you still run into the occasional hacker.

It doesn't help when you can just get brand new accounts for less than $6.

Is it too late to get into CSGO?

Honestly, Yes.

I came back after years. Started playing for 2 years, almost 5 hours everyday.

Then went to ESEA. Toxic players overall.
And you can't believe how BAD the gameplay rewards dumb people who just hide and wait for a bait to get a kill. It's been like this in CS 1.6 but in CSGO didn't change either.
The game is badly designed.

>Literally has hundreds of thousands of people playing at any time
>Gonna be dead in the next few months
CSGO isn't going to die any time soon unless Valve outright fucking sabotages it in the next couple weeks. You're delusional if you think otherwise. If it's dying then it's going to be a slow death over the course of years, but I doubt it is dying considering it's gotten so popular that you can watch it on fucking cable now.

It is never too late. Your first ranked game you will play with people who takes like 5 seconds to aimbat xour head with their controller and call you cheater if you can one tap with an ak.

It is all about your mindset. For one team to win, other has to lose. So dont expect win every time and always when you die ask yourself what could have you done that game to prevent that.

>badly designed
Both bomb and histage maps are briliant. You are probably just one of the trash silver players who whines about trash game when ignoring recoil whatsoever.

>literally doesn't dip below 200k at any time
k senpai lmao rofl lol kek haha xD :D

You're judging on my persona so much instead of talking about the game.

I'm supreme/global in rank which I don't pay attention since ELO system is completely erronous in a team based game.

Hostage maps are despised by the community, they are brilliant but noone plays them. Bomb maps are overrated, there is no rotation to change this.

I think R6 Siege was too close of making a good competition to CSGO, but failed in the half of the development.

I must have something close to 5k hours on CSS, spent hundred of hours on CS1.5 in high school, a thousand and half on CSGO.

And indeed, since the game really got popular because of gambling and micro transactions the CSGO became increasingly toxic.

I'm not even trying too hard these days, so I just play casual but the amount of people cheating there is mind blowing. No overwatch in casual and of course VAC2 is next to useless for everything that isn't public cheats you find on google..

It used to be pretty good, they even did legit efforts to improve the hitboxes and netcode compared to CSS but god damn if they haven't killed it with skins, drops and money.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't so many Russians and Turks on matchmaking though. On CSS most of the cheaters were just pony loving german cucks.

He meant to say as a video game not as a gambling ring. You dense or something?

A fundamental problem I have with CS in general is the combination of
>low TTK
>movement penalty
>bloated weapon roster
The whole IP is fucky for "competitive" gaming, since you die extremely fast and at the same time some kills are due to RNG in a cone. CSGO tried to reduce the RNG factor, and I applaud them for the attempt, but the low TTK is still an issue in a game that rewards defensive playing.
Either they add a CTF game mode where movement is absolutely necessary, or they reduce the movement penalty of Increased-RNG. It's fun for a little bit but I dont take CS try hard seriously.

>I can't read
>I'm a retard


Well, better than nothing. Or do you know any better system? Apart anarchy aka match random people together?

>none plays them
>not playing D2 24/7

Maybe you grow too old and played this game for too long. After certain amount of time everything becomes boring.

T. Gold nova who still cant aim.

I agree that most maps are amazing in design, like the TF2 payload maps. I think the Hostage maps need a MAJOR rework because it's wayyyyy too harsh against CTs fundamentally (higher chance for movement penalty PLUS costlier weaponry). I think instead the hostages should spawn in the middle of maps, along pathways, and the Ts have to rush to the hostages while the CTs have to rush as well but push THROUGH the Ts to the opposite side of the map (relative to the CTs spawn) to rescue them.

>unless you have prime of course
the only requirement to have Prime is linking your phone with your valuable Steam account, which also handily prevents any chances of losing it

do you have no mobile phone?

That's just because you've played the game so much you dont like it. As a dota player I love how you can leave casual games whenever you want. Also watching csgo esports is more interesting than dota in my current opinion.

Hostage maps are for fun strictly, not everything has to be balanced. If you play them in comp for some reason, you get to play both sides. Though idiot teammates who start throwing/quitting after losing a couple of times in a row on a map that is sided to favour opposite team heavily are a problem but what can you do.

Isnt prime requirement to play the game for like a month before you reach level 21?

Shit, it might be. I already had that level when it rolled out. Whoops!

The reason I suggest it is because the game, in my opinion, should stop rewarding defensive playing and make game modes or map designs that push players together out of necessity, like a Capture the Flag mode, or the Hostage thing I suggested.
Office is a great map as it is, I play it all the time. If the CT and Ts switched their spawns, that would be exactly what I'm suggesting: CTs push through the T line and the Ts rush to stop the CTs. It's like a more accurate reversal of classic bomb defusal.

Play for a month, reach level 21, link a valid phone number. Its somewhat worth the time

That's what Demolition does, though I don't mind the switch of reversing/attacking. It's more interesting when one team has to defend two sites and the other only needs one, though.