Gender Neutral

How the FUCK did they know Sup Forums? Just how?

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wouldn't the joke have been as effective if it just had "pac-person"?

Political correctness was a big thing in the early 90s. You're just too young to know that.

I think it would have been too difficult to understand for a joke in the background.

Soccer moms were the 90's equivalent of SJWs, now go back to Sup Forums with your other underage fucks

Everything went to shit after the '80s.

Don't post that fag here.

It's just a way to bypass the copyright and not tumblr bullshit.

Nah, nigger you need to fuck off.

Nigger, based Razorfist is /ourguy/.
Take your plebian nu-male ass back to Rebbit.

It's funny how people like him nowadays, when he was so reviled in the past. Just shows how much the user base has changed over the years.

it might have been confused for a copyright workaround

Drugs, promiscuity, and decadent extravagence?
50s were the last good decade.

80s had elder god tier music.
Then Nirvana and """""""""""""""alternative""""""""""""""" """rock""" came and fucking ruined everything forever.

Nope. That was hedonistic post-war capitalism that sold us down the river. The last good decade was the (19)00s

The 1900s? You mean when women stopped wearing dresses down to their ankles and started acting like hedonistic succubi? Please. The last good decade was the 1880's.

he was never reviled on Sup Forums, he was just lumped in with the rest as e-celebs and Sup Forums hates e-celeb threads. I've been on Sup Forums since ps3 launch and I've been following razor since about 2011. It doesn't help that he's a metal guy, Sup Forums seems to have this love/hate relationship with metal. People used to post "what age did you grow out of metal?" offtopic threads pretty regularly too.

> razorfist
Sounds like Tazorface.

When Wagner stopped composing? I'll take it back to 1850s and that's where I sit.

>50s were the last good decade.

>metal guy
95% of the "metal" he likes is glam crap.

I've never understood why Americans use brand names in reference to their products.

How did they know?

Live in 50s, die of polio. Or live in an iron lung. Scared of getting nuked all day too. Fun

It's called free enterprise, commie.

At least society wasn't degenerate. People kept their shame from plain sight.


Because you probably grabbed that from one of the recent episodes

>Yes, the 50s life as an alpha would be great
>Posted from my dimly lit bedroom
I get that role-playing is half the fun of Sup Forums, but I know some of these people take it too seriously.

Actually, it's anti-capitalist because it takes the property of the name away from the owner, by making it public.

futurama doesn't have a recent episode

No they weren't retardo.
90s soccer moms weren't violent thugs, whores, and had mostly moderate and even conservative views... Not to mention they were filling their role in society instead of being a drain.

He was reviled because he hurt the feefees of some weebs because he made som rant about something Japanse. I can't even remember what it was about it was so forgettable, but a small group of faggots here tried to push it as some kind of heresy.

>people like him nowadays
It's ironic. At least I hope it's ironic.

>tfw the Sunset Strip in the 80s will never be back and it's all due to the edgy teens wallowing in self-pity that destroyed it

It's weird realising that saying police officer feels more normal now than saying policeman like we used to.

I just say po po
