How does Sup Forums feel about Omelette?
How does Sup Forums feel about Omelette?
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>sonic fans are so desperate for new content thay they have to make a new character based off of an upside-down eggman sprite
What went so fucking wrong?
My cousin saw something like that, he said he didn't realize Eggman was upside down and thought it was someone else at first.
I lost my shit because It reminded me of the old Captain Vidya threads.
generic waifufag circlejerk character no. 2871662391367
Omelette is for hugs, not for fugs.
That's actually pretty cute. I support this.
Cute you say?
Do not make Ovoid Robotnik cry!
All I see is her about to shoot a laser from her mouth in the second sprite from the top left & second from the top right.
Crash did it first.
Just saying.
sick OC and meme man simply epic. I can't wait to beg for porn of her in our awesome constant draw threads!!1
That perma pout though
She'd make a nice partner/rival for Bowser Jr. in crossovers and give Eggman a consistent partner to banter with. Question is, who would voice her in 3D games?
Fucking this
Waifufagging has only gotten worse
Stupid, forced and gives me vibes of Nina Cortex, and that's a bad thing.
Cute, but all I see is an upside down Eggman. Nothing else.
Same, I'll welcome all the fanart and lewds I can get though, I like the design.
>tfw no influx of porn after Mania's release because the only female character just shows up as a doll in a boss fight
Can we meme her into the canon guys?
I want to see it happen!
Not gonna lie that's actually pretty cute. She could definitely work as a sidekick and Eggman could be the uncle, cute shenanigans commence etc.
I could totally see her in Mania 2. She's cute.
Love how much she's inspired certain artists as well.
you will convert your dream machine into a PINGAS machine
Fucking stupid, just like Captain Vidya. There's no space in that capsule for the body if the head is positioned that way, you retards.
If the robot was totally flat then sure. There's more than 2 dimensions autismo.
100% practical.
The thing I like about her is that she could actually fit in the classic Sonic universe, though I dunno how they could explain Eggman suddenly having a daughter/niece.
That position would be extremely uncomfortable at best and impossible at worst. It also raises the question of why ANYONE would fucking design a capsule like that, EVER. Eggman is smart enough to not make a capsule like that for himself, so why would he be stupid enough to make a capsule like that for a hypothetical daughter?
Face it, your bullshit fan character is just that. Maybe think things through before trying to push retarded shit like this, Captain Vidya, or that Switch dog.
Well he did have a son in the PINGAS cartoon so it's not unreasonable.
he has a really handsome and successful uncle who is blissfully unaware that eggman is evil
Well Eggman can't fit in the capsule himself if you imagine it the correct way, why is that ok but this isn't?
Face it bro she's canon
>this autistic sperging
im definitely in a sonic thread
People with autism often take everything literally.
The Sonic Team PR guy likes her. She's gonna be in Mania 2, boys!
>Well Eggman can't fit in the capsule himself if you imagine it the correct way
Yes he can. There's plenty of space in there for him to be sitting down, which he is most likely doing since he's sitting down in every other capsule he builds.
>Question is, who would voice her in 3D games
whoever voices sticks from the sonic boom cartoon
I thought sonic fans were autistic but you're even worse.
qt but I dont see it at first glance id have to stretch it I played too much sonic to not recognize the sprite in 16x16 tiles or blown up 4000x4000
Until the capsule gets hit like it constantly did in the fight and you end up violently flinging around and break your spine since your entire lower bodies weight is acting against it.
It was a cute little novelty when it first started but it has gotten way out of hand and turned into some deviant art levels of autism. Anyone that wants this "character" to be official and are trying to force it are huffing some strong shit.
Reminds me of that one user that thought you operated a steering wheel controller with it and the pedals on the floor standing up and bending over. Golden.
kek. FPBP. Also this Shit instantly turns cancer the moment it gets commissioned.
She's cute but I don't like the "novice sidekick who ends up being far too important" trope in established franchises.
i bet you love peenus