Dynasty Warriors 9


New Wu guy is Xu Sheng btw

Zhao and Yuanji retains their weapons from 8

That bait is weak af, mah black friend

Zhenji, Xingcai, and Zhang Bao will be revealed next.

how did they fuck up their poster girl design

China said no lewds.

I dunno. That leg and those shoulders man.

They stated they're going back to more sorta traditional designs ala DW3-6.

but she wasn't in 3-6, and her 7 design is more traditional than blue nanman over here

Yuanji still has her knives.

Zhang He is now a clone.

Jin has some sweet outfits in this one. I don't think Wang Yuanji has ever had a shit outfit.

Why does Yuanji look like a sex slave?


>full roster isnt revealed
>already a bunch of clones
>characters who've had the same weapons since getting put into the series being shafted with weapons of newcomers (Sun Ce)
This is not Hao at all...

On another note, would recommend Romance of the Three Kingdoms 1994 edition, can find readable subs on Youtube.

I know no one likes 6 but it still happened

Yuanji looks odd.

And I see Wu has another new prettyboy now.

absolutely disgusting

why does this series have no good fanart

That's one of the better ones. But yes DW is cursed to have little or nothing good.

The gameplay in DW peaked at 5, I just hope that 9 has the cutscenes and attention to detail that 7 had instead of being a sterile mess with generic cutscenes like 8.

Well lets be real here. Wu status as the 'pretty boy' faction has been deemphasised for quite a bit now. Aside from from Xu Sheng and Zhu Ran they've added older folks like Ding Feng, Lu Su, Han Dang and now Cheng Pu.
Shu meanwhile has just added Zhou Cang and had Fa Zheng, Guan Suo, Guan Xing, and Zhang Bao and Xu Shu, ALL pretty boys.

Yeah and people hated it. With its checklist of changes DW9 has a much bigger chance of fucking it up. So much so it would be comical if they screwed it up with something character clones of all things.

...Fair enough.

I refuse to call Shu the new pretty boy faction though.

Apparently Zhenji is getting her whip from DW6

Xingcai still has her sword and shield. Zhang Bao will have the same weapon as Xu Sheng (Already?)

>game based on ancient Chinese history
>one of the characters is a blonde white girl
>one of the characters is a brunette white man

this whip?

Yup. Just like DW6 where they share the weapon.

I just want Cao Pi not to have a ponytail and i'll be happy Though a lot of the designs this time around are the best yet

Now that Yuanji kept her knives, what will happen to Zhang He?

will DW9 have the emptiest open world so far? I can't for the life of me imagine what they will fill it with except some dudes to kill here and there

>Zhao and Yuanji are still fine
What's the problem now?

So like every other open world meme?

They get to keep what they have while Sun Ce and Zhang He were fucked over.

That's not a new travesty though.

Zhou Tai will lose his katana

Screencap this.

>Upon realizing that he does not appeal to our core audience, we are announcing that Dong Zhuo will be a generic next game. #KTfamily

delet this

With him getting #1 on the Wu popularity poll I highly doubt they would takeaway the only thing people actually care about.

If that ever happened. I just wanna imagine the reaction to it.

Koei inexplicably had no info to share the following week.

Incidently on the news there are reports of a break in at a well known game developers center. Photos taken during this break in depicts what appears to be one of the lead designers being strangled by the alledged suspect.

Post if your favorite got fucked over in DW9

>Yuanji and Zhao looks like generic CAW


Realistic they said

they don't give a fuck about the west

I'm glad the out of place anime designs are dead.

>Not out of anime
Fuck-off, you're drunk.

well if Ping still has his own great sword, I think Zhou Tai will still have his Katana

>In a chink inspired game

Wait what?

Realism and open world are a mistake.


You never seen a Chinese girl with blonde dye?

Clones are shit but new designs are better. The anime shit was awful. DW4 and 5 had the best designs in the series.

DW9 will still suck though.

realism isn't

open world, probably

>>many are suggesting both versions of Liu Bei to appear in DW9, just like in SW: Spirit of Sanada

It is that way, you goddamn mongoloid.

Can anyone post the poll result for other camp? I missed it.

Zhou Tai won the western popularity poll, I think he'll be fine. Taishi Ci's still got his rods (evident in the fact Xiahou Yuan is using them) so it's anyone's guess at this point.


>Zhang He, one of the oldest and most iconic characters of the series, is now a clone of a generic waifubait trash whore they added to appease thirsty chinese dicklets

how will dongs ever recover?

They won't. He's the only character below N/A.

>Bao might lose her retarded yo-yo and become a clone of someone with a good weapon
I wish her design didn't make me diamonds and her dialogue make me want to kill myself.

>2nd, 3rd, 4th position taken by women. How can Lu Bu still beat all those waifus? Is he truly the strongest?


wasn't he like a really decent dude, I think I remember reading he likes kids

Will Xingcai gets some pants this time?

Alright, how do we improve DW? It has been awful since 5 and 9 looks like absolute ass as well.

make a prettier 5 with 7's story mode, no need for ONE MIRRION TROOPS on screen that do nothing

I actually think the yo-yo was half-decent. It's completely ridiculous and out of place but then so are the Qiao's weapons and magical flutes and harps. For what it was, it was very serviceable. The issue is more of Bao being a horrible and pointless piece of shit character. And whilst we're at it what the fuck is up with Cai Wenji? She has done nothing in the games. Xing Cai has her broship with Ping and training Shan, SSX gets included in the Sun family outings (hate how they made her a Beifag though), Zhang Chunhua acts as matriarch whilst Yi's out crushing rebellions, and Cai Wenji's just there, and most of the time she's not even there. 8XL gives her an entire fucking stage and she's not actually playable in it. Meanwhile Lady Wu, who was deeply involved in the politics of her state and one of Quan's main advisers, gets completely shafted.

The worst kind of cocksuckers.

DW8XL is the best game in the series. They literally needed to use that shit for DW9 + Open World, but they went full retard and started clonning shit.

Shu might as well be the fictional faction at this point with it's additions.

Will there still be hypotheticals? That was my favorite part of 8.

>DW8XL is the best game in the series.
The weapon system alone makes it one of the worst.

I think they've said they're sticking strictly historical (well, book), which is odd given they're returning to single-character story modes.

>Weapon system that adds more depth to the game and combo possiblities
What did this fuckboi mean by this?

>combo possibilities
>everything dies in one hit

>DW8XL is the best game in the series.
enjoy your faggot bishies, shitty combat, braindead peons, shitty maps and god awful weapon garbage

Whilst I don't agree with laughing user, storm rush and rage do just make most characters play very similarly.

Pang Tong is the only important character. Followed by Zhuge liang, best not fuck'em up.

5 was the peek of the series. Everything since has been trash that I've only put any time into because of a nostalgic connection to the franchise.

t.brainlet who plays on easy.

>shitty combat
Bad bait.

It gives you more alternatives to play though. I didn't particularly liked the weapon triangle stuff and I'm glad is out though.

The Fledgling Phoenix is always greatly underappreciated, he's going to share a moveset with Zhang Jiao again, but that shouldn't be too bad so long as it's good (Zhang Jiao's a great enemy for the YTR but really who gives a shit about him beyond that?). Kongmeme will get his usual level of undeserved reverence.

I just want Lingqi and Diaochan to interact with each other. Is that hard?


Given their circumstances that Diaochan is not her mother, how would they interact?

If only Kongmeme isn't people's most favorite shu strategist


Technically that's Xu Shu. He's the most popular on both sides.

>more alternatives
Sort of but not really. As the difficulty goes up rage and rush are the best ways of dealing damage, and then as it goes further pretty much the only ways of dealing damage, so every character basically has the same pattern of,
>Switch weapon, beat on guy with weaker element, storm rush, rage
>If no-one has weaker element pound on horde of mobs, rage

It adds more options than what existed, which sounds good on paper, but it leads to a situation where those are always the best options and sometimes the only options, which isn't good execution.

That's more the fault of the replenishment rate of the rage meter than the rage meter itself. DW8Empires fixed that.


yeah I think they went overboard


Welcome to a month ago.

Is this the series where a guy can do the muscle buster?

>new characters that are just clones of existing characters
This bothers me more than old characters getting gutted. What the fuck are they thinking?

Yes, but I wouldn't be surprised if they remove that in 9.

>Xun You = Older version of Xu Shu
>Xu Sheng = Older version of Zhu Ran

I've been thinking of getting into RotTK as a tv series which versions are the best iterations?

Yuanji shouldnt look like a warrior

Was removed before?