What's with this recent trend where meme youtubers who built fanbases with an age average of 12 start taking themselves...

What's with this recent trend where meme youtubers who built fanbases with an age average of 12 start taking themselves really seriously, and as some sort of experts on all video game controversy? Dunkey, cr1tikal, that H3H3 guy who acts like some crusader for justice

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>images that should result in an instant ban on Sup Forums

It gives money, yo.

Peeps have ambitions. I guess they got bored of acting like clowns

Dont forget jim fat fuck sterling in this his is the worst at this. To the point he has to INVENT (cosmetic crap is now evil too)issues so he actually has video material.
I think its mainly a issue of having a bit of a ego and actual material to produce a video

The overwhelming amount of positive feedback you get when your fanbase is children gets to their head i guess

i dunno, i always tried to stay out of all this videogame journalists bullshit and i liked his take on them

The only one of those three that takes themselves seriously is H3.

because they have first hand experience having been a part of the culture for 20 years and think they might be able to align the perspectives of their fanbases to theirs. It's something literally everyone does when they get older.

What's with you thinking you're an expert on youtube personalities OP?

Dunkey and Cr1tikal still make funny videos though.
Having a serious video every now and then is no big deal.

Not true.

Dunkey recently made a weirdly serious review on The Shining. Movie, not a game.

Still don't know what it's about desu

He's voted Super Mario Bros 2 game of the year for like 5 years now. I don't think he takes it that seriously user.

even shitty gay ecelebs are more credible than game journalists

They don't contribute to society in any really productive way so they have to paint themselves as experts or martyrs

JonTron did the same shit

>phone autocorrects "Tbh" as "desu"

Great, now I look like a weeb

yet the mods do nothing about this blatant donkey shilling

>Dunkey recently made a weirdly serious review on The Shining.
He made a video about how he liked a movie. What's so serious about that? He's not acting like he's an authority on anything like H3 does. He's just saying he likes the movie.

Jontron never made any serious stuff, he just became less and less funny as time went on.


who the fuck even goes on youtube in twenty fucking seventeen what the fuck
this isn't videogames, it's never been videogames, and it never will be videogoeigrames
why do we fucking do this to ourselves as a fucking society as a whole
christ almighty

>Being this new.

not video games

Holy shit. Newfag phone poster.

>typical phoneposting retard not knowing about filters

True, although comparing it to his other videos, it doesn't seem like something he does.
Specially since he's a Vidya channel

Are you retarded my man?

>What's with this recent trend where meme youtubers who built fanbases with an age average of 12 start taking themselves really seriously
He's always made serious videos though.

Sadly this.

does anyone else feel like, for people like Spoony or people getting raped by the new youtube ad holocaust, that we should all be chipping in a bit for them to retire on? Like think of all the entertainment they've given us, i think they've done enough. And those videos arent going anywhere.

h3h3 became unbearably shit, I quite liked that channel a year ago

I do have some extra chromosomes, my dudes

Is he not allowed to like things that aren't videogames? Or try new videos out?
Are people never allowed to do different things, at least every once in a while?

Is there a popular youtuber who derides other e-celebs and gets away with it? That would be a nice change of pace.

>hey h3h3 won the lawsuit, maybe he's gonna make actual funny videos again instead of clickbait garbage
>latest video is called "bbc introduces digital blackface"

Dude is an egomaniac, he thinks he is the shit cause he is a contrarian and usually gives reviews based on feelings rather than actual gameplay, remember the senua sacrifice 1?

I like that Dunkey got an easter egg in Sonic Mania

No senpai. You stick to your roots.
Either that, or you get lynched.

Kill yourself desu fampai etc etc

Hmm you're right dude, I feel like these people NEED more money from us. They provide a great service. It's just like paying to watch a movie yeah?

Videos about recent controversy are guaranteed views, and having many followers gets to your head and makes you think your opinion is important (which is partly true in the case of youtubers with a young suggestible fanbase)

To be fair shadow of war is Bullshit

>latest video is called "bbc introduces digital blackface

Is that about the pidgin site? Because that's not blackface, it's how pidgin languages actually look

Seems like once he got popular, he just stopped putting effort into his videos. Come to think of it, that seems to happen quite a bit.

Turn up your speakers.

I don't really know who that h3h3 guy is but cr1tical and dunkey were always serious about games. Their content has a lot of humour in it, but their critique is pretty on point and honest. It's not strictly a news program, it's newstertainment.

I don't think it's a case of their fanbase building up their ego until they think they should change from funny video game man into serious opinion man, I think it's just that they acknowledge they have a large fanbase lending him all their ears whenever he likes, which not even a percentage of a percentage of people have, and not putting out what you'd want people to hear would be putting it to waste.

You could make another video game funny man video, which they would like, but you can also sometimes put out your thoughts on a recent controversy or subject that you think people would like to hear.

That being said, Dunkey is a faggot with terrible opinions, he should stick to his unfunny video game memes.

he meak a funny voice LOL

Do it for me nigga. Shotgun is loaded and sitting in the corner.

It's about the BBC suggesting that using black emojis and funny gifs that happen to have black people in them is akin to blackface.

Are you The Guy?

When you get popular people expect you to start updating faster and throw a tantrum when you don't, besides, he is still ok during his podcasts.

>Tfw your favorite old youtubers all move to Twitch now cause Youtube makes less money
>Have to watch fucking 5 hour long streams instead of just 10-20 minute long well made videos


>Are you the guy?

You what, m8?

I wouldn't say the BBC itself is supporting that view, it looked more like they gave someone an open forum to share their retarded opinion

Why is everyone suddenly doing this now?

>tfw no 3 way with lucah

He literally did it ironically, dumbass
Also thread saged and reported

very low effort content that fans will still enjoy and give views

Tyler is homosexual so that wont work.

Also Lucah married ProtonJon.

Well baited sir, no sarcasm

these types of podcasts are easy to make, you just need a few good microphones and a youtube tutorial for a sound engineering program

Alright badboy. Calm your man boobs.

>Movie, not a game.
>Still don't know what it's about desu
holy shit there's no way you're any older than 15

>He literally did it ironically, dumbass
Why in the name of fuck would you come to that conclusion?

>Saged and reported
Oh no what ever will we do?

not the guy

The Guy

Chlax, brutha.

No need to get yer warrior fingers sweaty.
I simply pointed out a video he did recently that stood out.

Regardless of the guy's political views or shit taste in games, I do appreciate the fact that he's willing to call out publishers/developers for their general jewery without lightly stepping around the issue. Those videos are alright in my books, the others are a bit of a mixed bag at best.



>streams are just a constant barrage of donations/subscriptions
>person barely gives any focus to the game playing on auto-pilot (oops I skipped the text yeah so about TV show)
>passes over shit instead of figuring it out because if they arent moving forward then they are wasting
>like seriously are they in a hurry to get somewhere? its a 2 hour stream and its only been 5 minutes

A man can dream user

cosmetic stuff is a harmful practice, though

On the money. But I feel for you. You and I are similar in that we read a few comments for each video. Or so I would assume. Just reading around you'll see this. Pewdiepie and some minecraft streamer had the same thing happen.

Kind of a weird choice though, I know e-celebs are popular but I wish such a specific throwback rewarded something more in line with the series.

>Its a vinny talks about his music episode as hes making his team lose in splatoon 2

>Its a maximillian and friends die over and over in Crash Trilogy episode because they get distracted

Not him, but they really are, and it's been like this for years.

Its almost like after doing the same dumb "so fonnay" shit for years on end drives them to extreme boredom and they want to change up their routine and try something different while still trying to appeal a bit to their core audience so they don't completely blow it. Nah man you should be 100% content with whatever dead end job you end up with that has kids figuratively screaming at you 24/7 for your next dumb joke because in the end you realize that you're just the next evolution of party clown.


Dunkey love The Shining since a long time. He's probably made it serious out of respect.

Don't mind me, just the best streamer coming through.

>fast forwarding all the time
>mashing attack when he has full mana
Fucking unwatchable, no sense of ADVENTURE

>doesn't know how this place works

What the fuck happened to lurking for years before posting?

kill yourself you literal fucking cancer

Watch Room 237, he ripped off everything he said from that.

Stop giving them publicity you fuckhead

The entire payoff of that stream was Twerkey

Im done with it

>expecting children to not act like children
why are you still on this site

Please stop posting here

That shit is for beta fags

best time waster site (kinda)

Make me you fat ass faggots

This should be a bannable offense

>outing yourself as both a newfag and a phoneposter
You should just self exile yourself

Phoneposters happened

I think people who actually play video games know more than shitty game journalists
It's a different beast than being a movie critic

I don't know why, but Sup Forums and even other boards are extra shit today, is it because school started and all the kiddies here are upset?


>>posts that should result in an instant ban on Sup Forums