Can they be saved?
Are they beyond redemption?
What would it take?
Can they be saved?
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companies are only as good as the people that work at them
Pubg but with blizzard environments
They're gorged with money and can't see anything beyond their big sellers. Why innovate when some faggot will just buy 20 loot crates for cosmetic drivel, or 100 card packs for an epic youtube video.
>diversity hires
>games start turning to shit due to hiring developers based on skin color and/or genitals
They can't even get their store up anymore, it's been down and broken for 2 months now.
Boom multi million dollan concept.
All studios go to shit when Activision buys them
>What would it take?
How about a good video game
fuck off with this shit you cancer
Blizzard literally did nothing wrong.
hots can be saved if they make movement more responsive ala orb walking
starcraft is almost good enough on the single player campaign to be worth the price tag and the arcade is fun with friends. sure competitive is dead but it doesnt matter
hearthstone sjwwatch and diablo cannot
wow can only be saved with a new engine/remake and that wont ever happen unless wow dips below 2 million subs
>wow can only be saved with a new engine/remake
not a chance with the current dev team
Saved? Do they need saving?
"and that wont ever happen"
i'm aware of this user. theres way too much out dated shit in wow to continue adding new things at this point. that and the current engine is so clunky that new things always feel the same and theyre constantly limited by shit that shouldnt even be an issue
>every single new race uses an old skeleton
>new mounts as a result sometimes dont have fucking run animations
>lasers still dont have proper animations
took the game 12 years to give the players skeletons that move when casting spells outside of two static poses
>and said spells still cant come from staff
It's just a logo, the talent that built up their brand left a long time ago, they're literally a money-farming drone company at this point
No. Can't even save their legacy anymore. Just kill them
the starcraft team is still pure user. never give up hope
Starcraft Ghost
a 3rd person shooter where you play Nova and a space marine character like raynor one more stealthy the other being like gears of war
get different upgrades and weapons
add to that a really good 3rd person shooter multiplayer similar to command and conquer renegade or at least battlefield where you can be a firebat for example or fly a banshee
i love the Starcraft universe and would love to see something thats not an RTS in that world.
not financially but quality-vise
not what you described but not an rts
They canned starcraft ghost completely.
Never gonna happen.
>There's a Fan-Made 'StarCraft' MMO, and Blizzard Isn't Going to Shut It Down
Not going to shut it down until it's released to the public, I bet.
blizzard gave it their blessing since he can't legally sell it. its free to play
Wow, I'm impressed what people get out of the SCII engine.
the arcade and campaign are the only reasons to play starcraft. theres shit like tower defense and mobas in there too. wouldnt be surprised if someone mods in a visual novel
I played Starcraft Ghost in Starcraft 2. It was awesome.
D2 Remastered with better mod support and tools
If that's what I think it is, it's not an mmo. It's still restricted to the limit of a SC2 lobby. There is some persistence yes.
I stopped playing it after the first round. It's not very fun.
The shit you talking bout. Blizzard store works fine.
I fucking hate how Blizzard simply just doesn't develop or release new games anymore
Overwatch was their only new game released in like 15 years and even that was just a game made from the scraps of a cancelled MMO and was fucking low on content.
What the fuck are they even doing with the shitloads of money they are getting?
coke and hookers obviously
i'm still pissed we got overwatch and not titan. time travel mmo sounds a lot better than "lets pander to sjws and have our story not coincide with gameplay"
paying their artists to exist
creating shareholder value for bobby
pretty sure they spent more money on making these "story" commercials than on the actual game that doesn't even have anything to do with them
everyone good and passionate that worked there is either dead inside or long since gone
As a brood war fanboi I like them now that they released remastered. I am looking forward to their future games. Though I couldn't give two shits about Hearthstone.
I also wish wow would die so there'd be a chance to get WC4.
This is whats happening. ActiBlizz doesnt care about games. Only thing that matters is making games with minimum budgets for maximum prophets