If Xenoverse 3 comes out, who do you want to see in it?
I'm happy as long as this glorious faggot gets in.
No GTfags please. You ruined the last thread with your whining.
If Xenoverse 3 comes out, who do you want to see in it?
I'm happy as long as this glorious faggot gets in.
No GTfags please. You ruined the last thread with your whining.
Just lots of Super shit on disc as opposed to being mostly DLC. I wanna see Zamasu, Jaco, and a lot of the new characters from the Tournament of Power arc playable, and all the finished arcs to have story missions.
More transformations are always welcome too, they just feel cool.
Main man tao pai pai
We'll get most if not all the shit from XV2 along with ToP Super stuff and whatever lies beyond that if the series keeps going
Plus story missions of battles still missing to be covered
I just want an even better customize system for the Time Patroller desu
Also for them fix Super Saiyan hair
This guy got it
If Xenoverse 3 comes out, I'd want them to get rid of all the dumbass restrictions the character creation has. Otherwise, I don't give a shit and am just looking forward to FighterZ.
>superfag has a meltdown
>blames it on other people
>so assblasted makes a thread about it
You do realize GT stuff is in the Xenoverse games right?
>I'm happy as long as this glorious faggot gets in.
Why wouldn't he be? They're just gonna reuse all the assets from 2 and then add on to that for 3 so we'll get everyone back again.
WWE caliber character creation
Yeah I watched Plague's video too.
A better fighting system. Not something poorly thrown together. When I push block I want to block, when I lock on I want the enemy locked on, when I hit attack and move my control stick to the side or backwards I want to see different hand2hand techniques. If I cant move don't let the computer keep hitting me when I have no control of the character. I want a polished, strong fighting system, not some shitty rush out the door system to meet the execs time frame.
Super saiyan hair that actually transforms and does just change color.
Pretty much this.
There is a lot of options, but a lot of them feel redundant as fuck.
Also I hope they add Kai-race and generic "Robot" race and "Animal/Alien" races so that we can make characters similar to the ones on the ToP.
i keep seeing this suggestion and have never understood why people want it
whats the appeal?
My favourite thing about xv2 is that human males have the best natural combo strings by a large margin and thus dick over saiyans
They have the best combo string from neutal, sure. But our heavies suck and Nameks outclass us in terms of melee strings.
We're not meta at all, they just nerfed saiyans as divine punishment for super saiyan ki spam in X1.
DBZ rosters aren't really so much about who gets in, but how many different versions of the relevant characters there's going to be.
Nah son, its all about costumes.
Humans combo into long startup stuff easier than any other race thanks to their stupid gut punch that inflicts enough hitstun to do shit like max charge a galick gun mid combo before stamina breaks are involved
>stupid gut punch that inflicts enough hitstun to do shit like max charge a galick gun
What's the input for that? That sounds amazing.
Light x6 > heavy > light
I use it to hit stamina drained opponents with a fully charged sledgehammer, gravity impact, and then an ultimate of my choice
I'll try that, thanks a bunch.
It's a really good combo. Ending it with super kamehameha or final flash does a lot of damage. On the occasions I play pvp the match ends as soon as my opponent no longer has stamina to vanish because it melts about 2 full health bars
Sorry to be a pain, but I've tried to find an example of this combo on youtube and found fuck all.
Can I get any help finding it?
I'm at work on break right now user but I found my old webm from the archive for you
You're an absolute hero, thank you.
>More in-depth customization.
>Generic alien/demon race.
>Custom basic attack movesets.
>Ki color customization.
>Xenoverse 3
>New antagonist is a cute glasses wearing Kai who loves to write and thinks she can make a better story than history
>Has a Angel level magic book that can warp reality to whatever she writes in it
>Makes the changes crazier like a surviving Bardock coming to earth to recruit Goku to kill Frieza, Ginyu changes bodies with Piccolo and you have to fight Frieza and him, and Vegeta becomes a Super Saiyan on Namek before Goku and just actual changes unlike "Everyone is stronger and now Broly is here"
>This continues until you go to The Grand Priest to find out about the book and you find her reading to Zeno who now loves the idea of changing history because it's neat
>Supreme Kai of Time suggets a 5v5 tournament between fighters from her and the Kai's choosing
>It's You, the first two Patrollers Goku and Trunks
>actual changes unlike "Everyone is stronger and now Broly is here"
fucking hell this made me kek
>Trunks "Good character arcs for seinen characters" Briefs
Could it be someone who wouldn't job to Ginyu?
>a fucking super saiyan 2 tier character jobbed to namek saga ginyu
i am so fucking mad still
Plague basically found out that he's the only person who likes Tien.
Second time that's been mentioned. Did somebody get btfo?
The same character who is working for Chronoa because of his time shenanigans tries to rewrite his friend dying knowing that he shouldn't fucking do it and doesn't receive ANY punishment for it. Why?
Being friends with the God of time gives you a bit of leeway
Elder kai, the character that has no reason to be in the game, is the one who chastises him for it and SKT still defends him. Trunks is knee deep in alien god loli ass.
>that has no reason to be in the game
There's an entire cutscene that explains why he is there. I don't blame you for not listening, X2's story is very meh.
Is there? Because all he came down to, for me, was an audience surrogate for retarded people that was irritating
Yeah, he came down to train the new recruits. He was requested or something.
Flimsy reason, but its there.
Thanks, user.
>wanting more xenoshit waifu oc autistic dress up garbage when fighterZ going to be much better in terms of DBZ's spirit and as a game