This was a good design for Squaresoft

>this was a good design for Squaresoft



You have to go back

This is pretty bad bait, even for middle-of-the-night Sup Forums.


"Let's make one of the absolute most popular, iconic and celebrated characters ever"?

Still more appealing than most vidya designs.

>Developer: Hey check it out, I made tiddies.
>Dev2: Nice
>Player: Hey check it out, I bought tiddies.
>Friend: Nice

Pretty much the jist of it.

so was she the public bike or no


I don't like the taste of beer but I chug other shit like gin, rum, vodka, tequila and whiskey no problem
is that wrong?
would Tifa hate me?

>middle-of-the-night Sup Forums
We are in the real European shitposting hours user.

hahaha this was good design for id hahaha get it? it's classic and popular but I'm saying it's bad hahahaha

>would Tifa hate me
She's a whore you only need to pay her and everything is fine


Don't you like big phat tiddies


do you ever check the tifa tumblr tag under popular and nsfw results?
more like >>>/neogaf/

i really dont understand why artists have to post their shit at a blogger shithole like tumblr, instead of twitter?

inb4 "its too to keep track at media stuff on Twitter"
get use to it

PS1 graphics, mate, same reason Lara Croft had big tits.

You're thinking of Aeris.

How old are you?

you talkin shit about mai waifu?

Go be a low test beta male somewhere else.

This artist is so fucking good

I feel pretty high test but apparently depression occurs during low test so I'm wondering where on the line I fall

Criminal girl on eco terrorist organization yes amazing design.

Why do so many artist draw a trained martial artist as fat?

>I don't like the taste of beer
nobody does retard
everybody just drinks it for the social aspect and to get a buzz, sorry you have autism and never caught this

I enjoy the taste of a good beer. It was an acquired taste though.

to be honest the exposed belly is retarded, it's supposed to be armor but it just exposes a vital point whats the point

Fat tummies are the hidden boner toner

>post porn
>3 years later it's still there, tagged and ready to download
>post porn
>3 years later if it wasn't deleted by twitter police it's unfindable by anyone without half an hour of browsing

are you that xkcd author?

Imagine butthurt FFVII remake tira use more clothes and small boob.

nice ass>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cowtits

>It was an acquired taste though
this is the worst meme
there's no such thing as "acquired taste", you just learned to tolerate shit. it's similar to stockholm syndrome except not really. humans aren't different, bitter taste is disliked in humans since birth

No they're really not, they're a massive turn off.

literally the other way around m8

I'd say they are. I fucking hate sweets but most people love them.

My nigga, good taste

Consider: Both.

I mean to each their own user

even if you're a weak willed troglodyte

Kys nigger

No, someone with a weak will gets fat and settles for another fatty. I don't work out to date a fat.

That really detonates my reactor.

Do you hate the sweet taste or the connotations you associate with them, like diabetes, fatness and rotten teeth?

non-autists that don't like the taste of beer simply drink other beverages in social situations, user.

Tifa is old and busty

Fucking gross. Stop trying to normalize your mental illness

Tifa is the eternal waifu

The taste. Very mild sweetness is fine but anything else is overpowering and makes me want to hurl. I've skipped desert for the better part of a decade. It makes people mad because they think I'm judging them or dieting or something.

It's hard to appreciate bitter tastes because you have more and sensitive taste buds at a younger age. They decay over time, allowing you to have a more refined palette. Giving something a second or third try doesn't mean you love being imprisoned and serving said something. If I, for example, listen to an album for a second or third time, and feel an opinion switch, how does this equate to me being mentally ill and trapped by the album? I myself went out of my way to listen to it again?

Fuck it, this just bait, isn't?

Tifa is a cute

I wanna motorboat those twins.

I wish more of MGMEE's Tifa doujins were translated.

>Male: BBM
Why am I not suprised?

I will never understand this shit.



Every time

Is it gay if I want to see a hot dude fuck women?

So treat them in a degrading manner. Choke them or something. I don't want to see unattractive people ever if I can help it. Look how fucking ugly that guy is.


bestiality, yuri, or Cloud. Those are the only ways I like seeing my Tifa. Tired of the ugly man meme.


I don't mind them when they have minimal detail, its when they are the entire focus is where I draw the line.
>go to doujin for character
>every scene is centered around the ugliest fattest most disgusting shit the artist could draw
>on purpose

You have autism

Only the top right bothers me, bottom left looks like he could fit as a sleazy suit.



Nah, you're just a cuck.


Bottom left looks like a Yakuza member or some shit. Bottom right could maybe look ok if he didn't have an aheago face there. Top two are beyond saving.

Where did we go wrong as a species ?

So uh... who wants to help me fap.

>Top right

Holy shit that's Hideaki Anno

Really makes you think

Why do thiccfags always feel the need to ruin perfectly good figures with their shitty preferences?

I think the top left can work as that weirdo teacher or doctor but yeah top right? Fucking nope, not with them chompers.

Bottom left is almost literally a guy in Yakuza 0

ORCSOFT games are god tier

For sub-human ? Sure.

What game?

(90) Reversi no image - [Search]

holy hell they censored the entire third panel!

>He doesn't like filthy fat men fucking pretty girls
It's the juxtaposition of such contrasting bodies, engaged in love and affection, a chimera at odds with itself, beating in rythmic disgust, yet beauty.
It's pure kino and you plebs would never understand.

What would you do in this situation?

Fats should stick with their own.

Shut up and hit the gym-- now that's G-Y-M gym, not jim as in Slim Jim, lardlet.

I actually like both.


Go away Tifa you lipless waifu. I hope the FF7 remake gives me a choice to save Aerith.

Tifa is always bad.

>Not wanting tasty, tasty Yuffie

>nobody does retard
I always have a jar of beer starch pills to eat up as literal candy.
You might want to check that shit taste anonymous, if you can't appreciate the taste of a good Lager, Stout or India pale ale you shouldn't post on Sup Forums.

Yeah. They should have given Tifa an identical twin.

>I always have a jar of beer starch pills to eat up as literal candy.
>You might want to check that shit taste anonymous

90% of threads on Sup Forums regarding games over ten years old.

isn't the armor supposed to be partially destroyed and ripped open at the torso?

I fucking hate this, which is why I find someone like Ban! I go through all their stuff.

>the fat otaku
>the shota with big/micro dick

>not liking /ss/
That image you posted is my reaction towards you as well.