file name thread
File name thread
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What's with the stupid contrail from bullets? Is this like scope glint from bf3?
Out fucking skilled
did the doggo call her a faggot or what
A pretty good way to balance snipers.
>American prepares to go to the nearest grocery store.webm
>Crying after something good happens
The power of having autism
>You will never be this happy
Why is she crying?
>getting the red megaman instead of the blue megaman
>Trip to Walmart
>showing emotions is a sign of autism
it's called having emotions.
how the fuck is he still walking?
>muh emotions
I want SJWs to be gassed.
you should look up the actual real reason instead of just talking shit about the JACKSON
Because he had mental problems?
If you do not see her expression and deduct that she is crying from joy, it is YOU who is the autist.
video games
did he commit suicide by suplex?
tip to you my enlightened individual
fucking degenerate sjw cucks amirite
stay ignorant, fool
thingken of bbc
There's no way he survived that fall or getting electrocuted.
yes because he didnt have the upper body strength to pull that move off
he should went with a cobra twister (i think that's the name)
the fuck happened here?
serotonin is the chemical your brain produces whenever it prepares itself to have something good happen, or have social interactions. Unfortunately, the only way for your body to excrete an access amount of this chemical is to make tears.
>glint appeared the moment you look down the scope
>glint appeared no matter the lighting conditions
>you could see the glint through smoke and dust
It was a nice idea but severely limiting a sniper's ability to re-locate and sneak around completely ruined the class.
underrated post
oh god no
>can't comprehend emotions, even a simple cry for joy
i've got bad news for you my dude
How he manage to do that?
fucker snapped his own fucking neck
This sounds like bullshit but I believe it
He jumped feet first into water only two feet deep.
Probably had a cement bottom too.
I fudged it a bit but your brain processes it into prolactone or something, and that's what comes out of the tears. Women produce more of it because it's the same chemical that gives you breasts. psycho chemistry is fucking nuts
Can probably come up with a better one for this
needs a better name. I was thinking something to do with "testing the waters" but I got nothing.
>jamie lannister cosplay preparations
it's okay user, one day you'll feel tryue happiness too, and then you'll understand
what about
>making a stupid bait video to get money when everybody not completely stupid knows it's staged and he's not hurt
but it wasnt like it was a low bottom or something
he must have weak joints from sitting around all the time and that slight impact fucked him right up
These aren't even vidya
that was a pretty aw right movie despite the lack of budget
No user, even a small fall can hurt you.
a little wordy
But did he gain brouzouf?
make sure to report it
even the /an/imal fuckers have the sense to make up a weak ass filename
Every time
>title: no
fuck you
>that kiss on both Mac 11s at the end
I love this one
>Cops a feel before helping her out
>Joshua Graham VR.webm
He immediately goes for her tit
im going to assume you want to know the source...
Cinnamon dust is flammable. Apparently it's a thing to dust someone in it and light them on fire as a thin coat will just flare up and burn right off without singing the person too much.
>announcing reports
have fun proving i did
Guess who is browsing 4chin? You.
telling someone they should report something they don't like isn't announcing that they reported something user
Fucking loved this movie
is it a comedy or something?
ok but what's over the mountain?
This is obviously from flooding...did he think the ground had lowered under the weight of the water??
What is she sitting in? Some sort of exercise chair.
what a fucking idiot
This movie is so fucking bad
h-he's fast no more
but why
It's a weight lifting thing. Or pushing, for that one.
Sorry to ruin it for you, but he's just showing that he's switching the safety off. It's just above the trigger, most visible on the second one.