Other urls found in this thread: Mania-CPY

Expecting this to be a b8 thtread

Its Real

Had to crack a 20 dollar game? That is sad as fuck.

7 days

7 fucking days

was it worth it Sega? 2 weeks implementation only to be cracked in a week?

>wanting to pay for a glorified romhack

Are you talking about that fake crack that doesn't work?

Link it son

>i pay money for stuff i can get for free

Dumb poorfag

After everyone already bought it

Well yeah
But then they refunded it


Assumed you were baiting because I just checked 20 minutes ago but looks like it's real.

This would be important information if I knew how to pirate in the first place. Someone spoon-feed me here

Okay, cool, can you please fuck off with the malware now Sega?

Are you 5 and computer illiterate?

If this is true good. Sega can go fuck itself for sneaking that shitty drm in. Fuck their apologizing dick riding defense force fans too.

Wait an hour or two then google the release name. So hard.

>paying money for something

The average intelligence of an actual poorfag

Exercise your google-fu, user. I found it already.

cool, can't wait to play

If this is true what is the likelihood that Sega will now remove that Denuvo shit from the game on Steam?

>wasting your money on digital video games
>not a dumb financial decision

Let me guess, you got your first job paying $9 an hour and you think you're rich now

Its legit.
Only ignorant dumbass who call it fake.

i sort of doubt it'll happen but I hope it does. either way, I still won't pay for it considering we had to wait for a crack just for a chance at them dropping the drm. why couldn't they just release this drm free?

>wanting to play sonic autism


Can confirm, the crack works!

>27 replies, 18 Original posters
:really makes you think:

poor people crack me up. BTFO because you had to wait weeks to play a cool game that costs fifteen fucking pounds. Absolutely amazing.

>Paying for Denuvo

It's one fucking week bruh, who cares when I get it for free.

lmao I bought it on switch and PS4 weeks ago buddy.

We already had to wait two weeks for literally no reason, another week is nothing.

fifteen pounds is basically already free unless you're literally a homeless person.

>Pirating PC games.

>had to wait weeks
2/3rds of that was Sega's doing. CPY literally cracked the copy protection in less time than it took Sega to implement it.

Thanks, (You) guys. All I need is a good torrent and then I can fuck Denuvo up the ass!

20 USD I could spend on a pizza to celebrate. Every day I'm winning.

Paying cucks actually had to wait two weeks.
Pirates don't give a shit even if it takes years.

This is why no one wants to put their games on PC

>crack me up

poor and fat, awesome.

>blaming pirates for bad sales

boohoo my sales suck because muh piracy

Why are you projecting dude? Drink from the nectar of the Conspiracy gods and be merry.




>what is having a conversation

you are a retarded dumb nigger my friend, kill yourself.

>most of the negative steam reviews have over 2 hours played

I already bought the game but my negative review sure showed them!

Well hey if Sega hadn't pissed me off and added Denuvo they would still have my money oh god why is jump bound to the A key? Fucking Z X C goddammit

Only found a Mega from repack site. Dunno where to find the magnets since they stagger them for whatever reason.

mega:#!92hgkLqC!r2ahAiP8q7rcm7FPVA2tk7E_OvESRVL5S3vFUOTFgTU Mania-CPY

And it comes with a free virus! Truly we are the glorious PC master race xD


I didn't even consider this, goddamn double niggers

Not today Denuvo!

Nice try Christian.

>paying for a game with DRM that's bigger than the game itself
Sega knew they were in the wrong, good will goes further than corporate douchebaggery.

grit your teeth any harder and they'll break, and we both know you cant afford to fix them :^o

Why are nu pirates such giant faggots?

Real true fact: each of the Heavies in Sonic Mania is a reference to a SEGA Franchise

>Heavy Shinobi

>Heavy Gunner
Thunder Blade / Space Harrier

>Heavy Rider

>Heavy Magician
NiGHTS / old Sonic games

>Heavy King
Mushiking: King of the Beetles (his 6 arms in the finale is a hint)

I really should get back into getting stuff thru xdcc but I can never find the good servers, thanks for this.

It wasn't even worth the wait, mania and taxman ports are trash, except widescreen support

Because you're faggots. You anti-piraxy faggots that are so loud and obnoxious. See this specimen, still getting baited:

Shut your mouth you kike piece of shit.

Autists rejoice! now you dont have to wait for that evil old care taker to buy it for you

Iam sorry they couldnt afford it for you this week but thats life, maybe if you were a good boy and didn't have tendies sperg outs they would buy it for you on release.

>all these posts about MUH RICH and a-at least I could play it 1 week earlier!


>Yeah, let's all pirate the fuck out of this game! That'll teach them to think pirates are a problem! Now hopefully they stop thinking pirates are a problem.

>Its a pirate tries to justify his theft thread


>tfw I only pirate games with shit DRM
I'm not even interested in this game but I will seed it just because of Denuvo.

Infuriated specimens coming out of the woodwork, stack em up.


Piratefags literally only made shit worse for consumers

>Yeah let's just buy the game anyway even though we disagree with their use of DRM that will show them that we're not okay with it!

>I don't like DRM but I'm an entitled baby who can't go without so I'll just steal the game
>I'm 'voting with my wallet'
>Its not stealing, its copying
>The people who made the game don't deserve money because of the publishers choices
>The game is shit, not worth buying but I'll pirate it day one
>You're a cuck if you pay for thing

This is all correct, I don't like pirating good games with no/little DRM but Denuvo games can die in a garbage fire.

>just came home from a big EXPENSIVE Japanese dinner (tempura soba with some appetizers with friends and family)
>come home and see this
>start downloading game

I honestly hope they implement even tougher measurements next time.

I mean, if you really want to boycott the game, go right ahead. I just laugh at the thought of trying to prove piracy shouldn't be a concern by fucking pirating.

>The people who made the game don't deserve money because of the publishers choices
The people who made the game already got paid, do you think every sale goes into Taxman's personal account or something?

Righg, right, expensive dinner. Who paid, user?

>Anti pirates
I implied I'm an old pirate you newfag fuck.

The piracy is just for my own benefit, the "proving piracy shouldn't be a concern" bit comes when they remove Denuvo and I purchase the game like I'd originally intended.

Or you could
You know
Not buy the game and just not play it?

Like fuck why is this such a confusing concept to piratefags?

Elaborate on why I should give a fuck about what you think about me pirating games.
Oh wait, you can't.

20 dollars isn't cheap unless you're a console gamer, user

>The devs already got paid, so that means its okay to steal
Never ending excuses of a pirate.

Entitled babies will never just skip out on something.

Denuvo still won, they prevented day one piracy and for that reason a lot of people actually bought the game cuz they didn't want to wait longer to play it.

>but think of the industry! all those corporations, how sad!


It shows that implementing shit like Denuvo is a waste of time and in fact encourages piracy because the pirates will now get the best version of the game, the one without intrusive DRM.

everyone chipped in, didnt you have a labor day dinner?

>Pirates can't even afford a $20 game
They'd probably be able to actually buy games if they'd save up their allowance

>steal from a wallet hidden inside a purse
>hey lady i wouldntve stolen from you if you didnt go through such great lengths to try to prevent me from stealing from you
Impermeable logic

>wahaaa why are games so shit fuck phone runner
>*steal game*
>Jubilate online like a toddler saying "shit" at recess
Yeah, you are totally shining there.

Man it feels so good to win. Look at all these giant crybaby faggots in this thread defending DRM and trying to some how legitimize the fact that they wasted 20 dollars on a rom hack. After I play some Sonic Mania I'm going out to spend my 20 dollars on some cheap booze. Hell, I might just buy and warm up some banana peels and fuck them like no tomorrow.

I don't care if you pay or don't pay. If I can get it for free, that's cool. Who cares.

Time to relive my childhood. Later nerd.

>y-you can't buy it meme

I just don't want to pay Valve any further. I thought you guys wanted HL3?

Nice I bought it on Switch to play anywhere.

Will pirate for mods.