Bayonetta 3 has to be announced any day now. Platinum has been cock teasing us for a good 5 months on this...

Bayonetta 3 has to be announced any day now. Platinum has been cock teasing us for a good 5 months on this. What do you want to see in a new Bayo game?

Non-stop infinite climax needs to return.

It was and never will be gone.

Bayo2's infinite climax was in name only.

Who cares it's just another overrated crazy combat game with a story about ass and titties for little children with no maturity and the combat is inferior to every other game by platinum including REvengenace and Nier Automata and in music, and story. Seriously it's one of those games that people only care about because it's only on a Nintendo console now.

I hope it's Switch exclusive so there can be massive amounts of asspain again.

They simplified a lot of the combat in 2, but there is far more depth to the game than either of the before mentioned IP's. But I'd argue that W101 has more potential, and that DMC has more depth.

This. You shouldn't be able to activate witch time on infinite climax mode. You could turn it off with the rosary thing but it would damage enemies which made the game easier. Fighting balder would've been so much better if you didn't have witch time especially on the last encounter with him

will bayo 3 be exclusive to the switch?

It's literally press R for EPIC SLOWDOWN and then press X to win.

>implying Plat will make the same mistake again
they know where their audience is now

Hopefully they will have learned that lesson - that their primary audience is interested in seeing batshit insane crap, t&a, amazing music, top-tier mechanics (that were absent in Nier), and story.

Platinum was literally on the verge of bankruptcy 5 months ago. Kamiya said NieR Automata bailed them out as they had nothing going on at the time since the cancellation of Scalebound.
I highly doubt they are working on Bayonetta 3 seeing as they don't have any publisher money coming in to help right now. It's a shame really to see Platinum hemorrhaging money right now, and their fuck ups aren't as plentiful as some companies, but that's the shit end of it. They don't self publish, so as a development company they are falling behind. They don't have a dedicated publisher either like say SquareEnix has Sony or Bethesda has Zenimax.

so how will they fix the whole "bayo2 is exclusive forever" problem. it needs to be addressed. tons of gamers won't buy a sequel unless they've played the previous game so releasing bayo3 multiplatform now wouldn't make much sense. did they manage to get ninty to let the game go?

>implying timing doesn't matter and you don't have to familiarize yourself with every possible attack from a wide range of enemies

You didn't even play the games.

Nintendo won't let go now, even though Sega and Platinum own technical rights. Nintendo went full EA publisher access only. Except worse. So knowing this you can probably guess there won't ever be a third game if it can't go multiplat like the first game. Nintendo really fucked Kamiya and Platinum bad by pushing for Wii U exclusivity. Further proving exclusivity is bad for the market.

I would hope that they get some kickback from all the sales of their Sega product that was ported to PC.

Granted, their cut for each game probably isn't enough to pay the rent or one employee's salary for a year.

dude, bayo 2 wouldn't have been made without Nintendo. Their issue was having 2 major titles in production and then cancelling on of them because Microsoft was such a complete ass hat. Life time sales still hit 1 million after inclusion in smash, (nintendo should force IP's in there for advertisement). It depends how funding would go, Platinum may self fund the game or have gotten funding from sega, and thereby will be able to make the games multiplat.
Again depends, nintendo could do a saving grace a second time around. at the very least they are going to announce 1 and 2 ports for switch.

They funded the game you idiot. There would be no Bayonetta 2 had Nintendo not given them the money. You think they'll just let it go multiplatform for shits and giggles? Bayonetta 3 will belong to whomever funds it, just like 2.

is bayo3 the new half life 2 ep 3?

>it needs to be addressed.
No it doesn't. People would still buy it. Sequels sell more then the original because people play them without playing the original.

I did.
The reaction time window to execute a perfect dodge is fucking huge so getting the timing down is a no-brainer. Attacking enemies also have huge telltale signs which makes it even easier.
Nah, you just suck at videogames.

>as they had nothing going on at the time since the cancellation of Scalebound.
They were working on Grandblu and their mobile game, as well as a title for the Switch. The Amiibo was in the works too.

First game is better than the second game though and even deep rooted fans admit that the second game is garbage for the simple fact that there's no infinite climax difficulty that matches the first game on the second. Because Nintendo funded the second game, they toned it down for casual audiences. So there's no actual difficulty mode that matches the first game. Along with less varied soundtrack (tomorrow is mine every fight in bayo 2 with a sprinkle of moon river), dumbed down combat with less weapons waggle stick gimmicks, less enemies more recycled content. The only benefit of Bayonetta 2 over the first game is that the second game has more costumes. But only because those extra costumes are Nintendo themed. Wholeheartedly Nintendo fucked up Bayonetta by publishing a sequel for their own greed. Sega publishes first good IP in the last decade and it's multiplat. Nintendo makes the sequel, because can't let that shit happen we need more exclusives for our waggle stick box. But when can you expect from a company of literal cunts like Miyamoto.

>sequels sell more than the original
fucking hell, in what world?

Persona 5
It's current year user

This one. Look at other action games.
DMC1 did okay. 2 did better from riding the hype of 1. Word was 2 is wack so 3 did poor. Then word was 3 is great, so 4 sold best of all the DMC games. Not that more people went back and played 3 because they heard how good it is, they then went and bought 4.

>Nintendo buys up Platinum like Monolith
Unlikely to happen, Platinum seems to like its mercenary nature after what happened to their previous endeavor and their recent big success with with another company, but the salt would be hilarious.

You think people make sequels expecting them to do worst or equal to the original?

sequels will occasionally do better than the original. it's usually the other way around

No one played the original games for NieR and Drakengard. The crowd was grabbed by 30 seconds of ass and most of them still don't understand the story. That's where your Automata shitposters come from. Surprisingly the perfect sequel, that won't be milked to death and forgotten about, because literal idiots.

Persona 5 was built off the backbone of the already terrible Persona 4 audience that bought fucking every spin off including Persona Q, Dancing All night, and Persona Ultramax Arena. Surprisingly a disappointing sequel, that will be milked to death with 6 spin off games, because literal idiots.

Yoko Taro was right all along.

>it's usually the other way around
Not for it to be considered a success. Sometimes it is a flop, yes.

You're actually retarded.

>reaction time window to execute a perfect dodge is fucking huge
It's generous enough, nowhere is it huge. You're also not considering the fact that engagements can have you up against 7-8 enemies at a time. You attention will be divided between multiple attacks.

>Attacking enemies also have huge telltale signs
That's literally the fucking point, you retard. It's a videogame. It's called telegraphing and Dark Souls has it too. What? You want the enemies to make split-second attacks that you can't even fucking recognize? You'd be sitting here complaining about that same thing too.

You'd be surprised to find out how many people actually find Bayonetta difficult on regular settings. If you're finding it easy, because you're playing on easy, just increase the difficulty.

What Bioshock do you think sold the most? Fallout, Pokemon, Mario, whatever game. There are some odd balls like I bet Bayo 2 sold worst then 1 because it was a WiiU exclusive. For the most part though the sequel is expected to do better.

>in what fucking world
>some exceptions

Well Bayo 2 was shit for two big reasons and those are that Witch Time was fundamentally part of combat meaning that most enemies couldn't be dealt with unless you were in Witch Time which severely limited combo potential and the other was that Umbran Climax was the only logical use of magic because the game was also balanced around that. I would start by not balancing the game around Witch Time and making Umbran Climax work like Devil Trigger in DMC and once again not balancing around it.

The game has a lot more wrong with it than that but fixing those two would be a big start, but honestly I'd rather just see a new IP that's what Clover and Platinum were all about to begin with.

I beat Bayo 1 and ever played 2.
I actually own the copy with Bayo 1 included.
Dunno why I never played 2.

>Point out how game's mechanics work in your favour
Why so buttmad? I think you're the retarded one user.

>Platinum has been cock teasing us for a good 5 months on this
Have they? What have I missed?



>What do you want to see in a new Bayo game?
Switch exclusivity so the sonybros don't spam bayonetta threads with goldfaces for the next 20 millions years.

If the game is any kind of exclusive the threads will be fucking awful. Do you not remember the bulk of the Bayo 2 threads? Nintyfags golden facing as everyone else cries is just as bad as Sonyfags golden facing as everyone else cries. It's going to be a shitstorm no matter the outcome.