You Finished the Fight Ten Years Ago.
You Finished the Fight Ten Years Ago
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playing halo 1 with unlocked FOV is pretty cool.
legendary can still suck a dick though.
>You will never get a full party online for H3 customs ever again
>there will never be another Bungie Why do I even go on.
Bungie Day*
>You Finished the Fight Ten Years Ago.
No I didn't I sat here shitposting about the kids that were at the Halo 3 midnight launch.
>he didnt experience 3 in its prime
genuinely feel sorry for you lad
Meh, I like Halo Reach more.
Legendary is easy on PC because the game wasn't designed with mouse and keyboard in mind
I miss the Sup Forums that would shit on halobabies
Well theres still the massive difference with how much damage you can take vs the elites.
Brutes dont even die from an entire ar mag.
halo invented fps
Spv3 is what's cool
Every shooter is made with mouse and keyboard in mind. It's impossible for a shooter to not be improved by it
>fps was invented 10 years ago
Wow, it's been so long since the glory days. The first CoD came out then too. It really was a year of revolution in gaming.
>used to play this game
>Play it at friends the other day
>It sucks
>implying a rancid turd like halo 3 should be described as being in its prime ever
fuck off with babbys third fps
hello REDS
I never finished the Flood hive mission on my own bc I got overwhelmed and a bit scared,
had to do it in coop
halo has literally never been good
You not liking it doesnt discount it from being fun and enjoyable, REDS.
>that piece of shit
>fun and enjoyable
also don't know and don't care who reds is
>don't care who reds is
how new
>keeping up to date with memes
nobody cares, and there's a bunch that you don't remember too, halo sucks ass, it's always been shit, it's never been ground breaking, and if you like it you have undeniably shit taste
>if a game isnt wildly new and experimental, its shit
wew lad
I feel you.
Then I found the flamethrower and incendiary grenades after exploding my way slowly but surely forwards to the crashed pelican after the first drop.
Took me a month to get to that point
Says the one with undeniable shit taste. I bet you think D44M is good too. Funny how Halo 3 is better package and better FPS in general than anything pumped out today. Literally 10 years later and it's undisputed.
You're wrong as hell
Nope. You can say that a game is too easy with mouse and keyboard but that just means that the game is frustrating on console, not genuinely difficult. If you remove a frustration and the game becomes easy then it was never hard to begin with
>actually being satisfied with boring retreads
wasn't even what I was focusing on, but whatever let's go with that anyway, the only thing halo can claim as its own is its comically bad movement, it really innovated there with that way you float through the air
>implying many implications
>shitposting this hard
>halo is great!!!!
you're retarded
Cant wait for 343i to finally announce Halo 3 Anniversary :)
I think you're the only retard here. You can take your meme arrows and vapid claims elsewhere.
The fucking hype leading up to that release, man. I couldn't tell you how many times I watched this ad. They definitely pioneered the art of misleading, but still hype-inducing live action trailers.
nice MS Paint image dude
No. Console shooters are made with controller in mind. You can argue that playing shooters with the controller is perfectly playable, but you can't deny that they're stiff as hell. There's a reason why modern console shooters has laser like accuracy and braindead enemies that's just standing, it's to compensate the stiff ass control. Not to mention it's affecting the level designs too: most console shooters rarely has sense of verticality since most players only aim left and right.
Only now that devs finally catch up and make more arena shooter games for consoles like CoD, Overwatch, and Titanfall 2.
Halo 3 is still a great game. Name me a better fps that's released since Halo 3.
If you say either halo 4 or 5, you can leave right now.
Titanfall 2
LOL even when it came out the gameplay was getting stale lol. It's just FPS has become so cancerous, that Halo 3 is that much better
yeah but the community is dead on pretty much everything.
I had far more fun with Halo 3 online than Titanfall 2
Doom single player
It's a pity that you didn't say that a game has to be popular to be considered good
>online multiplayer for game has like 12 people
>play against them and they're considerably better, fully geared up
>get rekt every game
>game is not fun online
vs halo 3
>1 Million people online
>matchmaking works well
>people in all playlists
>plays well rewards skill
>doesn't have bullshit loadouts cancer
>ranked system works better than any of the sequels
God I miss Halo 3 multiplayer
>fun is determined by winning
>not seeking to git gud
I'm disgusted
Bungie did Destiny and now everybody say its a far cry from Halo on PC, The original people behind CoD MW1 and CoD MW2 leave the franchise and form a new studio called "Respawn" and create titanfall, a good game but it haven't reach top charts and doesn't much players as you expect, why did those 2 studios haven't make a good hit like 9/10 or some shit? their numbers are good but its way fucking than they did in the past, why.
>need to spend close to an hour waiting for next match
EA's matchmaking code is trash and doesn't fucking work.
Gitting gud requires you to be able to actually play the game and titanfall 2 fights you as much as it can there.
Well bungie is completely dead, most of the people that made H1-3 are gone so it's just jewry over there. As for titanfall 2, it's a great game but the idiots decided to launch right in between the two biggest shooters which killed it.
Yep this.
I bought Titanfall 2 and the SP was great, but the multiplayer was a ghost town
kinda like the intro to MW1
Also yeah Destiny as a competitive shooter is trash but the raids in PvE is fun
Yeah, but Halo 3 is slow.
Why did Titanfall 2 multiplayer fail?
It came out directly between Call of Duty and Battlefield, and released in a pretty barebones state. It would have done better releasing Q1 2017.
You go for your twitch shooters then.
Halo 3's speed is perfect for pacing multiplayer. You need some slowness to pick up a new weapon or find an approach to your current enemies.
It's even slower than the other Halo games. It's crap.
I never understood that. I actually fired a gun or two, a game like Killzone 2 with a controller is near the reality than every mouse and keyboard shooter, I think it depends on what you want from a game, but the heavy feeling is way better on a controller, that doesn't count for games like COD who are built around fast reacting and shooting, but games like Arma for example can be improved by that.
halo 4 and 5 were fast. You seriously going to tell me that they are better than 3?
Also halo 1's gameplay has aged like milk in comparison to 2, 3 and reach
At least the guns shoot straight in 4 & 5. But I'm probably getting baited.
Sad, i saw the first titanfall only had like 3 different titans and really didn't deliver, you think titanfall failure was in part due to the first titanfall doing bad and coming out without content?
The first Titanfall only had 3 chassis choices, but you could change up their loadouts however you wanted. Titanfall 2 has the same weight classes, but with set loadouts you couldn't modify. I prefer this change, it limits metafagging and lets you know exactly what you're going to fight from first glance.
The believe campaign was glorious
>I prefer this change
I don't, it limits player choice in playstyle and creativity.
I'm not baiting you, I don't know what you're talking about the guns not shooting straight.
>You seriously going to tell me that they are better than 3?
5 is, but 3 is still my favorite due to nostalgia.
Video games were never good you brainwashed sheep
>Heavy feeling
What says you can't get that with a mouse? The only difference is you can actually aim instead of using auto aim. With a mouse you're actually playing the game instead of just watching something epic happening on the screen
>Arma would be better with a controller
This is your brain on consoles
Mate go play Halo Online.
It's a bit buggy but there meant to be the 0.6 update coming within the month and I can usually find a few servers hosting custom gamemodes.
>no more fat kid