Where are all the great third party titles for the switch? It's nothing but a Zelda machine so far

Where are all the great third party titles for the switch? It's nothing but a Zelda machine so far.

This thread isn't even b8. I really do enjoy BOTW but it doesn't seem like there are ANY third party games for it. The Vita already had a bunch of third party games but that time and yet everyone hated it.

zelda machine? i played botw on wii u lol and it could be emulated from a pc. this isn't even a zelda machine, it's just trash

I've also played it on PC and enjoyed it a lot but my SERIOUS question remains: What third party titles does it have? Seems like just Street Fighter and that's about it. The PS Vita had a bunch of good third party titles (Uncharted) out for it's system by that time. So why does Nintendo get that special love? I am not even a Sony fanboy. Don't even own a Playstation.

it gets "special love" from nintenfags and no one else

>third party
Kek this post. But to answer your question I have been playing Mario + rabbids, disgaea, shovel Knight, blaster master, and puyopuyo Tetris for third parties. Will definitely be picking up golf story when it releases as well

This, I love playing my switch and I got sonic mania for it which is great fun, but holy fuck. I'm getting tired of seeing the "News" app thing light up with "WHAT'S NEW ON THE STORE: WEEK OF X/Y" and seeing 3 titles, two of which are freemium teir phone games and the third being a neo geo port. Nintendo really should have at least lined up more wii u ports to pad out this things opening window.

maybe you should learn not to buy consoles during launch

wii u ports would definitely help

theres 0 excuse for not having Dong Freeze on there right now

>buying a nintendo's console for 3rd party titles
>not being retarded
pick one

>I have been playing a bunch of old indie shit
>Will definitely be picking up golf story
I hope this post is bait.

I would love to play some older Mario games even from Wii on my Switch

There's also 0 excuse to not have the stupid fucking virtual console on there yet either

>It's nothing but a Zelda machine so far.
And BotW can be beat in a weekend and can be played on your computer.

>here's a list of all of them
>t-t-those do not count!
Fuck off, you shitposting piece of shit.


also there is nothing wrong inherently with indies, unless you can explain to me why every indie is automatically bad?

>nintendo tops how shitty the Wii U launch was with a shitty Switch launch
I can't say I'm surprised. I bought my Switch day 1 going it knowing that I would be disappointed for at least two years like I was with the 3DS and the Wii U, because 1 good game every 9 months is shit.

man. Why did I buy this thing. I don't even have the intention of giving nintendo my money because NoA's draconian censorship hack job on #FE turned me so off of the entire process that I advocate nothing but piracy on their first party exclusively. And I'd be more turned onto third party if there were things that weren't just multiplats on it that I could play better on other devices

Disgaea 5? I have it and all of the DLC already on the ps4.
Shovel Knight? How many devices can you buy something on before you stop.
I guess there's Fast RMX as that's pretty good.
I wish I could say the same about Bomberman.

I guess I'll finally fire my switch up when they crack it open

Well I did not buy it but the WiiU FAILED because it lacked third party. I see this repeating AGAIN and they won't have learned from their mistakes but yet it will work out this time for them because they had BOTW at launch title. I don't remember any killer launch title for the WiiU. So maybe THAT was the problem with it?

They're probably not coming, unless it's indie games.

Link me up or do some name dropping. Las Vegas Casino Night Super Fan Pack or whatever this crap is called doesn't count in my book. Its shovelware that should be banned. The same cancer the Wii already got. Also motion controls were a mistake. Wish Nintendo would just plain ditch them.

>literal compulsive retard
Pick one

>hur dur I don't like nintendo stuff
>I bought a switch and it's shit

Well now that they have your money go kill yourself

>playing botw on pc
Hope you know you've stolen thousands of hours of work from hundreds of people, you fucking scum.

I'm surprised people are getting offended by this. I already stated I knew what I was getting going in

You should calm down, anons.

Then why did you do it? lol is your IQ like 20 or something
>implying anyone is offended at your stupidity

>then did you do it
Because I stated in my post that it would get better later.

You should really calm down, user.

Well then why did you buy it now? I maintain my assertion that you have the IQ of an abo
Also why do you insist I am not calm?

>why did you buy it
Because I wanted to and it saves effort down the line. Also, please stop using IQ as if it's a marker of intelligence.

It's Wii U 2.0.


Why havent you fuckers played this yet?

except it's successful

>look at all of these individual games that aren't fit for the platform not coming to the Switch! DOA!

It's still as shit though.

Hell it even shares 90% of its "exclusive" library with Wii U.

>shares exclusive libraries
The exclusive ""library""" is the only good part of the Wii U, so great

>It's the hourly "anti-Nintendo thread with bad/retarded opinions" thread

Reminder, if you're not saging and reporting, you're just as much cancer.

>Why are people pointing out the biggest multiplatform games aren't coming to my failed Nintendo toy console?? WHY?????
It's called being honest about what Switch is. It's cute seeing you defend your lack of games though. You're taking delusions to whole new levels.

So was the wiiu in its first 2 years

>failed nintendo toy console
>honest about what the switch is
A portable not capable of running many AAA games? I think all of us know this

Also enjoy MHW with paid online, I'll join in on my PC with cheatengine to circumvent the grind

Glad we're in agreement then. Switch is Wii U to the point where almost all of its games are Wii U games.

Except that one game that is a rehashed sequel of a Wii U game.

>vast majority of those games are on PC
>most people who are Nintendo console owners also own a PC
>they miss out on nothing

Lmao are you deluded? The Wii U was a clear failure in its fourth or so month

yeah, its the wii u but the hardware is desirable to many judging by the sales. a win-win situation for everyone

It's a Nintendo portable, they always end up having good third party support from Japan. Even now a good chunk of the games I'm looking forward to on it are from third parties, what with stuff like that new Inti game and Octopath Traveler and SMT and NMH and Story of Seasons being confirmed. Traditionally portable series like Etrian Odyssey and Ace Attorney are sure to move to it too when the 3DS dies.

>The Vita already had a bunch of third party games but that time and yet everyone hated it.
Nu/v/ is as controlled by marketing as much as the rest of """gamers"""", that's why every GOTY discussion is a few big name game that every single person fucking knows from this year, and why the PS4 and Switch (The only consoles in recent memory that have been successful at marketing) are so widely loved.

Quality of games or how good of an investment a console actually is has zero bearing on the average Sup Forumsirgin's opinion anymore and many of them will genuinely get angry and aggressive if you try to look at it sensibly

If you own PC, you already access so many games that the two games Switch add are entirely irrelevant.

Hell you can even emulate BoTW in superior resolution and frame rate. And that's the only good Switch game.

Try two months.

What, no. Retailers were selling back their Wii Us because no one was buying them.

I like portability when I'm not on my desk, and as I am not poor I can afford both. feels great man

First off, retard, your emulator emulates Wii U, not switch. Just because you keep telling yourself that BotW is the only Switch game (or all Switch games are Wii U ports) doesn't make it true.

Second, poorfags who justify piracy as any means are worse than console war babies.Your involvement in the discussion about video games is as worthless as my shit.

>with paid online
No skin off my back. I absolutely loathe PS+ but it's not going away and I've made peace with that.

Also I should also make a counter retort that you're going to have to deal with paid online on your console as well in the future. So, I guess enjoy that.

And please don't say something embarrassing like "well at least it's cheaper".
Paid online is an abomination

Unfortunately I like portable handhelds as well. Playing on bed is the best feeling. Hell I still play my vita when my switch is charging

Yeah, it's an abomination. That's why I'm ignoring all multiplayer nintendo games that don't offer couch co-op. But using the argument of 3rd party games to undermine a nintendo console is pretty retarded as no sane person expects them at this point, and those said games are better on PC anyway

>17 days to Pokken
The only game other than Odyssey I'm looking forward to. Can't wait to try the other mons after seeing how unique Charizard, Empoleon and Pikachu were.

If you like portables so much, why not just get a Nvidia Shield or GPD for a fraction of the cost with hundred times the library? The Switch in its bulky form and poor battery barely a portable.

Get friends and play mario kart/ puyo puyo/ bomberman

That wasn't me you were arguing with. I was chiming in. But I do care a lot as much about third party as I do first party since that's what's going to be filling in the several year long lulls between mario and yoshi. And I pray to god they get the next yoshi game right.

also global rule #7

None of my friends own a switch. But we did play a shit ton of mario kart on the wii u

I do have a GPD. As I said, I am not poor. I also like Nintendo exclusives so there you go. The shield is also not portable by the way, it doesn't have the screen, and the GPD is also bulky as fuck, even more so than the switch. The button are wayy to cramped and the weight balance is pretty damn bad. I still use it from time to time though

Educate yourself before shitposting

>i-it doesn't count because it emulates Wii U version
Hey nigger, your Switch BoTW is just a port of the Wii U version. The only difference being you're stuck at 720p cinematic 20 fps while PC is getting the game at 4K running 60 fps.

Only a deluded Nintendo fanboy would pick the former before the latter to play BoTW.

>switch: $300
>PC: $3000
The difference isn't even that impressive.

shh that was an accident I'm too lazy to delete it now. I really don't really care about third party on consoles as I have a good PC

>aren't fit for the platform
Well of course the Switch is an underpowered piece of shit, but keep in mind here that Nintendo did promise us 3rd party support just like with the Wii U and it's turning out to be the same bullshit they've been telling us for years.

I wonder how well FIFA will sell for the Switch, considering other devs will probably use those numbers as an excuse for not downgrading their games.

I bought a Wii U for 4 games and luckily got enough mileage out of them. How do I know it's gonna be the same with the Switch? Just give me a real fucking library.

So you get a whole 1 (one) game you can play on Switch but not PC/Shield on the go to.

Congrats? Most people aren't delusional enough to spend $400 just for one game that is a Wii U port.


This shitposting is so outdated, and I can't take my PC when I travel. And I travel a lot

>how do I know

You don't, that's why you wait before you buy

>as I have a good PC
I was talking more on games that aren't going to see a PC release like Mary Skelter and Summon Night 6 and so on and so forth.

The Switch has exactly one game that isn't a port or mediocre.

And the only reason you'd be playing that is if you willingly cuck yourself out of the countless shooter games better than it on other platforms. So in comparison with other games in the genre, it's not even good.

It really isn't. Let's be realistic about it's performance in docked mode. It's terrible.

atleast when you spend $3000 on a pc you get more than one game

So just bring your laptop?

Always this travel excuse, you'd think Sup Forums userbase consists of 40 year old or so businessmen who just come to Sup Forums in between their meetings whether or not to acquire part of Microsoft or not.

We both know you're a fat NEET playing games alone in your bed room

Nah, botw is not the only game I have on it. Shovel knight, snake pass, MK8D, puyo puyo, splatoon 2 and mario rabbids are all pretty damn good to play on the switch. Shovel knight and snake pass especially is an abomination to play on the GPD win with the damn button configuration
>400 dollars
Where the fuck do you live? Canada? Would explain your desperate shitposting

Shut up poorfag


It is both factually wrong and outdated. Dock is 900p, and after the patch it averages 29fps
>muh opinions are facts

splat gyro is GOAT

>spend $1000 on a PC
>also acquire the only game worth playing on the $300 gimped console effectively saving money in the process
Life hack

My switch library: there's BotW of course, MK8D if you didn't play it on Wii U (or if you just like it that much), ARMS which is a decent and innovative fightan, Splatoon 2 which is good, Sonic Mania playable on a handheld, and Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle which turned out to be a really good, fun game.

>pc indie ports, wii u ports, shovelware

He said great, retard

Yes laptops are so great for gaming, and totally not bulky at all. I do bring a laptop, but not for games. I use it for work in hotels and shit
>you think
Who cares what Sup Forums is? I know what I am, and your projection is frankly embarrassing

>after the patch it averages 29fps
and still dips into the dirt when you fight a white lynel with a flame weapon or particle effects get too close to the stream. Again, let's not pretend that the docked performance isn't horrible. It's awful.

Especially when you compare it against just playing it on pc

>Shovel Knight
We played those games half a decade ago. Maybe time to play games that aren't just on shitty Nintendo hardware?

>gives games


Sasuga Sup Forums



I do though, thanks for your concern. I did play shovel knight on my PC before but I double dipped for the switch with its DLC

Bringing a Switch with its joycons and dock is just as if not more bulky than a 13' laptop.

And you'd be bringing the laptop along anyways. So the only reason you'd bring the Switch is if you want to embarrass yourself and put aside all doubt that you are in fact a manchild still obsessed with Mario games.

gee good thing Shovel Knight is still dropping free DLC lol

>bringing the switch with its joycons and dock
you fucking what

>joycons and dock
Why the fuck would I bring a dock? And why would I install games on a work laptop? Are you 10? Have you not had a workstation before?

Are you really saying joycons+switch is as bulky as a laptop?

Are you saying I shouldn’t whip out my Switch at car meets like in the advert?

Wait why would someone bring a dock. And who installs games on a laptop for work.

>Are you 10?
You being the one defending a bulky handheld device running a kiddy paintball shooter and BA DING WAHOO MAN, do you really think you're in a position to call anyone ten?

Go ahead. Take your Switch with you. And please take pictures as everyone in your proximity stealth snaps a fat ass playing kiddy games on his Nintendo in the hotel lounge.

I do use my switch when I'm not driving on road trips and such. It's pretty comfy if you don't have motion sickness

Okay thank you for your concern user, but make sure that your shadow is not seen the next time you do that okay? If not your fedora would be too obvious

goddamn shitposters are funny

>Yo bro, should we hit up the liqour store and call Stacy to come over?
>Nah, let's instead play MK8 on this 5' screen with small ass controllers in the back like fucking children

At least he's not the one installing games on a work laptop lol

You're welcome. I hope you take it to heart next time you whip out your portable Nintendo device and think people in your proximity aren't judging you.

They are. Every last one of them. Silence does not equal indifference.

>Not playing switch with your gf


Holy shit I remember the pathetic sonyfag taking pictures of the store display with his reflection in full view. It was hilarious

>They are. Every last one of them.

Yeah and they're thinking "daaaaaamn I wished i had a switch to play right now that looks cool!"

Man what caused you to be so insecure? Were you bullied at school?

Protip user: If you're not overweight and at least average in looks no one cares what you do.