Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen


>no letterbox
Those madmen

>I'm actually looking forward to paying for this, a 3rd time

so its just the pc version but on xbox/ps4?

Why are they proud to admit that it's a port? That said, Assassin's Creed: Ezio Trilogy is a heartbreaking disgrace for how badly they messed that up.

It looks nice and all but it's still just the PC version. Dragon's Dogma 2 when?

>100 fps average on max settings with a 770
>upgrade card to a 1080
>40-80 fps

When will they fix this mess? I sure hope the new console releases also make them update the game on PC one more time.

>Right after you buy this new version, we swear

>4th re-release

Capcom. Just stop.

Starting new game.

Should I goo dual rangers, dual Sorcerers, or 1 of each?

Any tips for not falling asleep and dropping the game? Everything was running smoothly, then I downloaded the Dark Arisen patch and the storyline became absolutely broken.

You always need a tank in this game, or at least a distraction, while you are running in the opposite direction.

Dual either way

Your pawn's ai gets fucked up if you play a different class

Especially if your a melee class and their a magic user, they'll keep getting close to the enemy before casting and re-positioning

Get mods, play different classes, put effort into outfitting yourself and your pawn

Play as strider or assassin to make the second run of Bitterblack Isle less tedious. Magick Archer is fine too.

>tfw buying this for the third time
Will capcom ever get the hint and give us DD2 or DDO?

Wait, you mean it's better than pc version? I play on pc and i have 16:10 monitor and i still have letterbox, can you play on ps4 in 16:10 without letterbox?

no, they'll just put ddda everywhere

Why? You keep giving them money. And do you know what they call people like you ..I want DDO/ DD2 as well


Can someone give me some formulas for some hot fap pawn material for when this releases?

Eternal return.

>go to steamspy to check how much did DD sold on pc
>Owners: 854,659 ± 30,954
Holy shit, that's pretty fucking good for a port of 4 years old ps3 game.

It was Capcom's officially the fastest selling PC game.

>Give Capcom money
>People must like the game, let's re-release it
>Refuse to give Capcom money
>People must hate the game, let's cancel the sequel

The most saddening thing is that Itsuno's getting shit on by Capcom harder than even Kamiya did, yet it's very likely he'll just accept it and stay there.

>Your pawn's ai gets fucked up if you play a different class
Stop posting this debunked meme.

And to think it's fairly unpolished and get cut to hell and back during development.


Inclinations are real though, and they change how the pawn moves, and what ranges it attacks from

After pre-order discounts, it will be $24 in most places. They know their userbase is the same as it has ever been.

>it's still just the PC version
Except worse.

Who wrote the script for this game? The little jester dude's dialogue strikes me as extremely on point and I love Grigori's lines. "Is the tapestry you weave truly of your own design?"

It also was released on gog.

I don't think people were ever expecting it to be better than PC version?

People? No. Sonyadepts maybe.

So this is where Dragon's Dogma 2 and Deep Down ended up.

As a Remaster. Peddling remasters and ports. This is the state of Capcom in this generation. What year is this, 4th for PS4 and Xbox One?

that looks way better than the PC version? I'm confused why you would say it is worse.

Finally, a console version that isn't fucking terrible.

>yfw PS4cucks will buy this for a 3rd/4th time

I've only bought the game once on PS3.

>Port of PC port
>Still only runs at 30 fps

I'm so happy this game is only $30
Truly a great move. Can't wait to play it

Not it's running at 60 fps, stop spreading misinformation

Gee I wonder if this is another hostage situation where we have to buy this one to gauge interest or their won't be an actual sequel.

>Still believing their lies

Just beat this game last night. Holy shit that final battle. 10/10 would fight again.

user's horror stories had me convinced I'd get fournival or caxton or something, but then selene was there to sweep my loli arisen into /ll/ land. I'm pretty sure I only talked to her like, once.

>Bought it on PS3
>Bought it on PC
>Bought it on PS4
What am I doing with my life? Having fun.

I want to defile Jewtits with my Arisen penis!

Can't wait to romance this slut again. Best girl.

>final battle

oh sweet summerchild

God Damn, that midriff. Why is there no fan art of this?

Got this game "Free" with PS+.
This will be the first time i truly be buying the game.

She has very little fanart unfortunately.

>there are people who think there will EVER be a two when DDO exist

Don't PS+ games you actyivated on PS3 get carried over to your PS4?

PS4 doesn't have backwards compatability.


The game as a whole deserves more fan art


I just about finished bitterblack isles for the first time. I think this is my favorite game in years.

Don't be silly user, this is Capcom. They'll make a 2 eventually, they'll just outsource it to Bethesda. Skyrim sold well, right? It must be the best way for them to sell it to the west. Prease enjoy.

Go back then.

does it have 60 fps on a base PS4 tho? If yes, I'll buy it a 3rd (or 4th?) time

Was there a level cap on DD? I haven't played it since PS3. I never even played Dark Arisen.

I rented this game when it first came out and was disappointed with the forced weapon choices based on class.

I'm going to buy this time. When I get over that issue will I have a good time guys?

Which class should I choose?

they'd probably actually do this, just to make it really sell as skyrim 2


Yes there is a cap, but only autists will ever reach it and it's really overkill.

you're not locked onto a fucking class, just test things out

Always sorcerer

i already bought it 3 times, it's a great game
not going to buy this one since i already have it on PC

its not THAT hard to reach cap, you just have to bully daemion/hurr dragon a buncha times

it's an eternal grind to 200 tho
you'll need it for the plat ;)

You have to kill the hurrdurr dragon like 50 times.

Sure it's not hard if you have the right build, but it's a grind and it doesn't make you all that much stronger. So basically autism completionists.

?? I havent beaten the awakened form yet.

How many playthroughs?

you can get to lvl 200 in like 30 minutes farming death with blast arrows and weal

Eh, send back to sleep the awakened.

reply to this post if you leveled your vocations with the 'Guards in Gran Soren' trick

You can grind a certain boss as many times as you like so you can do it in the first playthrough.

You can go from 150 to 200 by killing Daimon like 6 or 7 times if you have an XP boost on, it's not that bad at all. If you do a full playthrough plus Bitterblack: Electric Boogaloo once on normal and once on hard you'll be at 200 before the end of the second one.

For fuck's sake what are they keeping Itsuno for? DMC5? DD2? Rival Schools 3? Power Stone 3?


Has anyone ever told you that you'd make a great quest giver

He wanted to show what he's working on at E3, but wasn't ready yet. I'm hoping he'll show something at TGS this year.

>look at those graphi-

Who gives a shit? The real botter in the PS3 version is the terrible framerate, not the graphics.

Is it running at 60fps?

Mom did.

Are you blind or just stupid?

>normal version
>dark arisen version
>PC version
>new gen Dark Arisen version

Fucking Capcom.

If you look at the video you'll be able to note the improvement in framerate

TGS usually sucks so I'm expecting it at playstation experience.


The video have no 60fps option, so there is the question.

>kill your framerate

What battles are you hoping to win today?

This is the most repetitive game I've ever played for more than 20 hours. It's really not something I can stand again. It was fun while it lasted but jesus christ it got annoying. Just like a girlfriend am I right lads.

And you can change inclinations very easily but the fact here is that what was said earlier is simply untrue
the inclination affects the pawn's behaviour
yes, how you play affects the pawn in some ways but you can physically purchase items in game to change primary and secondary inclinations above contesting inclinations

I've played as melee the whole game and my pawn had always been mage or sorcerer and it has been prim utilitarian and sec medicant ever since I trained it in the chair and with a drink

>Tfw have been playing DDO
I can't go back to 9 vocations most of which share basic fundamental abilities.

It's their business strategy, they did this with Darkstalkers, buy the remaster port and you'll get a seque

That's modded PC version, not PS4 version.

okay so your choice is that running at a silky smooth 20fps or the ps4 version running probably around 50-60fps