Plot is contained to short chozo lore segments

>plot is contained to short chozo lore segments
>casual playthrough takes ~10-12 hours
>no Zero Suit outside the death animation
>Harder than AM2R

Is it safe to say Samus has officially Returned?

Other urls found in this thread:

Looking really promising

>Confirmed there is a reference to Super
>Won't say what it is

So endgame Ridley fight confirmed?

Seems pretty obvious its going to be playable SM prologue
Of course Ridley needs to be in EVERY GAME

Its a really cool idea though

>Does Samus talk? No.
Thank fucking god

Jesus Christ I can't believe it's actually finally happening. I have been waiting for this game for so long.


The guy looks enthusiastic, haters BTFO.


Is this the Dark Souls of Metroid games?

I want to get it, but I'll wait until they find out if the extra content is indeed behind the amiibos. If it is, it's not happening.

The more I see of the game, the more I like it. Apart from the amiibo shenanigans, this seems like a success to me.

However, I'm missing the surprise. Obviously, it could bet that there is a surprise and we just don't know about it yet, but from what I can gather there is no big surprise in this game.

No after-credits scene of the opening of Super Metroid, no Zero-Suit section (which I'm fine with, I'm just making examples), no Prime easter egg, no surprise bossfight like Kraid or Serries, no additional sector that wasn't in the original... seems to be a pretty straight-forward remake. A good one sure, but also a safe one.

Already confirmed multiple times over that yes, fusion mode, the extra reserve tank, and extra concept art are all locked behind amiibos

Metroid needs safe right now more than anything, there is a lot of faith to restore

Thank you for the information good sir. Guess that means I'll let this one pass me by.

Is that really all? I thought there was like major stuff locked away.

God fucking damn it Sup Forums

Honestly, it's the fact that they intentionally lock content away in an effort to make us pay more money that pisses me off. It's funny because initially I wanted the amiibos until I heard of it.

Look at this you will be able to get all these extras from the internet for free before the month is over
As for fusion mode just do a no etank run because the only thing thats different is the damage you take
Bunch of shitposters blowing it out of proportion as usual

They have been doing this far before Metroid. No, it's not excusable either way, but why the hell are people deciding to boycott amiibo games NOW of all times? The most recent animal crossing REQUIRED amiibo to play and Mario Party only had traditional boards avalible through it. Yea the fusion suit is cool and should have been avalible through linking with Prim 4 or something, but whatever. It's definitely not that big of a deal.

If you are boycotting this game because of amiibo than congrats on falling for a Sup Forums meme designed in attempt to make this game underpreform

Its not even the fusion suit, its the power suit with fusion colors, big difference

Can't wait
Just updated to B9S :^)

It's a complete new model broseph. Dofferent shoulder pads and everything

Thats even dumber why cant they put in the original fusion suit

New trailer:

Reminder: You can use your phone and nfc tags to make amiibos, and you can pirate the game. Don't support anti-consumer practices.

>tfw when you have a shit phone without NFC and also an old 3DS without NFC

You're not missing much to be honest.

Yeah, I know. It's just... that bonus content makes it feel a bit more like a complete package! I still sometimes boot up my GCN and look at Prime artwork or something.

That's clearly what is supposed to be

I'll be disappointed if it isn't at this point.

Not at all.

Nope it's shit try again

It only got a 32/40 from Famitsu. Metroid is dead.

the art style is putrid
don't think i'l pirate

>It's a we care about review scores only when it fits our narrative edition

>Poster number didn't change between these three posts



Okay Nintendo

Who is the obsessed one, Mr Screencap?

Like, chill dude. It's just a Sup Forums thread. You don't need to flip out every time you are accused of something...


And they gave Prime a 33/40

And they gave Other M a 35/40

You should try being more like me sometime. Im level headed and don't worry about small things like you do.





Great thread

Uh.... Why are you still replying to me.....?

You are being baited man. Just don't respond.


Please release it on Switch, I'd buy one then.

>unlocks an additional difficulty mode

I couldn't care less about the rest of them but that is inexcusable imo.

>harder than AM2R
Metroid fans are pretty casual so I doubt this.

Would Metroid fans not have played am2r or something?

>no Zero Suit outside the death animation
what's wrong with the Zero Suit?

It's okay when Nintendo does it the post.

They would have, but beating hell run on hard mode is a difficult feat. I don't like the parry in SR which looks spamable since most enemies just charge right at you.

These are the previous Metroid Famitsu scores, just to put it in context:

Hunters - 29/40
Federation Force - 30/40
Prime 3 - 31/40
Prime - 33/40
Prime 2 - 33/40
Prime Pinball - 33/40
Zero Mission - 34/40
Fusion - 34/40
Other M - 35/40

Gays dislike it.

bwuuuuh samus can't be attractive becuz muh franchise purity bububu

Watch the video. It's clear that the difficulty is designed and scales with the counter in mind.

Ludo practically confirmed. Day one purchase.

Does the video spoil anything on the level design and bosses?

Thirsty betas like it.

Aggressive enemies are fine.

I just want the option to turn off the warning flash they give before attacking.

No. He's still bound by the embargo so most things that would be considered spoilery he leaves out.

Half way through and the most he's said that could be considered a spoiler is that the game "references Super but can't say how" and "there are new bosses" but he can't say what they are

Triggered homo detected

>Other M - 35/40
>Other M > the rest

Go be a beta somewhere else.

Japan kinda has their own thing going on.

Japs were anti SJW before it was cool

Metroid is very much a western-focused franchise. Except for Other M. So not too surprising

Japan has shit taste. This has never been a surprise.

Westacucks always liked stryng womyn characters
Ironically at first but it didn't last long

>literally regenerating everything behind paid figurines
Eh, I guess retards will keep Nintendo rich
>extra difficulty and my favorite suit aslo doll locked


>inb4 30+ distorted heavy weapons guy reaction images
>inb4 those two webms of the official trailer focusing on the melee
>inb4 15+ replies to those webms calling Nintendo/fans/the game the exact same names

>Metroid: Samus Returns (3DS) – 8/8/8/8 [32/40]
How will Nintendorks ever recover?

I think I'll recover pretty well, Japan doesn't really like Metroid. Hell, even Prime only got a 33.

By buying more Nintendo games, ignoring the criticism of Sonybros, and then criticizing Sonybros for THEIR failures.

Sonybros do the same thing.

This. If Samus Returns is truly only one point under Prime, we might be in for a serious treat

what the fuck? what a great answer. "i've played the game but i have no fucking idea what the framerate is, guess it's 60"

That info isn't just handed out to early adopters. If the framerate looks smooth, it's better to just assume and be honest that he can't know for sure.

I'd be much more upset if he straight up lied

Just wait for DF to make a video.

It's not even the actual fusion suit, it's just a palatte swap of the regular suit tied to a harder difficulty.

The rest of the Amiibo unlockables are concept art you can look at online and extra tanks you can get through regular gameplay.

Who cares this is bottom of the barrel garbage unlockables.

i just feel like he should know. can some people really not tell?

i'm sure he's played splatoon, he should be able to tell going from a game to the little hub.

Things like frame blending can make it harder to tell, and we know the 3DS makes heavy use of that function.

>People still complaining about amiibos
ayy lmao

Damn, Famitsu is fucking horrible.

>autistic manchildren actually care about Amiibos and the trivial shit content the yunlock and do autistic shit like in this picture
Beyond words.

>Calling what you can't do autistic
Projecting hard there m8, pirating amiibos is easy as fuck

>people who don't do the autistic, retarded, pointless shit I waste my time with just say it's stupid because they don't understand it and lack the expertise

Enjoy your useless fruits, shit weapons and "Epona" when riding is almsot pointless.

Should be ending reward
give me sexy shit as reward

>Zelda is the only game that uses amiibo
Or to unlock content of the game that this thread is about without actually buying an amiibo, damn

Prime 2?

There is no endgame sequence. The game will end the same way it did with Metroid II. Not the OP but I thought I made that clear when I made the same thread last night.

>hurr durr I won't buy it because art I can find online is locked behind a neat figure I don't need to purchase if I dont want too


Fact that you had to lock off shit that would've been in the base game anyway to paid stuff is the only thing bothering me.
Least I can get over that however.

Its stealth section was garbage in Zero Mission but other than that nothing.

God tier
Mid tier
Shit tier